
  1. 世界LNG贸易和基本负荷型天然气液化装置

    World LNG Trade and the Base-load LNG Plant

  2. 国内LNG产业起步较晚,目前已建成投产的天然气液化装置共有3套。

    The domestic LNG industry appears late . Only are 3 plants of natural gas liquefaction built and put into operation at present .

  3. 提出了在LNG方面有待开展的主要工作,即:(1)小型天然气液化装置;GTL既可以从天然气液化,又可以从固体炭气化转化为液体。

    It suggests the following as goals to be attained in respect of LNG : ( 1 ) small LNG plant ; Beside natural gas , solid carbon containing materials can be used as GTL feedstocks .

  4. 多元混合制冷剂小型天然气液化装置的模拟研究

    The Simulation Research of Minitype Mixed-Refrigerant Natural Gas Liquefied Device

  5. 小型天然气液化装置工艺流程数值模拟和优化

    Numerical simulation and optimization of process flows for small gas liquefaction plants

  6. 撬装型天然气液化装置流程设计

    Design of small-scale natural gas liquefaction processes in skid-mounted package

  7. 用于燃气调峰和城市调压站的天然气液化装置设计

    Design of natural gas liquefying apparatus for gas peak regulation and urban pressure regulating stations

  8. 在基本负荷型天然气液化装置中,丙烷预冷的混合制冷剂液化流程(C3/MRC)应用得最多。

    In the base-load LNG plant , the C3 / MRC process is used widely .

  9. 橇装式天然气液化装置研制与开发

    Development of skid-mounted natural gas liquefaction unit

  10. 介绍了基本负荷型天然气液化装置中采用的流程及其研究进展,并对常用的几种流程进行了比较;

    The paper describes the processes employed by the natural gas liquefaction systems of basic load type and related research progress . A comparison among several common processes is made .

  11. 介绍了小型天然气液化装置的研究背景、分析了小型液化装置在流程上的选择,综述了当前各国的研究进展,展望了小型液化装置其应用前景与经济、社会效益。

    This paper introduces the research background of mini natural gas liquefier ( MNGL ), analyzes the liquefaction cycle for MNGL , reports its current advancement and projects for the bright future .

  12. 小型天然气液化装置的开发目的就是为了解决这一问题,因其体积小、可撬装、机动性强等特点在开采零散气田上具有很大优势。

    The development of small-scale natural gas liquefaction device is to solve this problem , it has a great advantage in exploiting the scattered fields because of its small size , can be skid-mounted , highly mobile .

  13. 天然气液化流程及装置

    Natural gas liquefaction processes and systems

  14. 着重阐述了三个应用范畴&空气分离装置、天然气液化和分离装置、氦制冷与液化装置透平膨胀机使用气体轴承的一些重要进展。

    The key point is emphatically on some important advances of externally pressurized gas bearing turbo-expanders equipped in the three principal application scopes , i.e. air separation plants , natural gas liquefaction and separation plants , helium refrigeration and liquefaction plants .

  15. 我国存在大量压力低、储量小的天然气气源,通过小型天然气液化装置对其进行回收利用可以缓解日益紧张的能源危机。

    Small-scale natural gas liquefiers can reclaim the low-pressure small natural gas reserves , which are widely scattered throughout China , to alleviate the increasing energy crisis .

  16. 首先介绍了天然气液化技术的原理,阐述了现代天然气液化装置中常用的三种基本工艺以及目前产生的几种新型的制冷循环工艺,并对于这几种工艺流程进行了经济性比较。

    At first the principle of the liquefied technology to the nature gas is introduced , then three typical cycle of modern natural gas liquefaction process and several new-type refrigeration cycle process have been introduced also .