- 名natural levee

Reservoir characteristics : Upper Miocene subaqueous fan deposition in the main reservoir of the Mackenzie Delta basin has been confirmed as braided channel , sheet sand , underwater natural levee and overflow sandstone .
Once a natural levee alluvial flood , it will generate a new cross-flow .
Fine-grained clay may settle out in the sheltered bays on the outer sides of the levees .
E. meandering point bars , crevasse splays , natural levees and flood plains . CHANNEL GEOMETRY OF ALLUVIAL STREAMS
The snaking stream is composed of riverbed , marginal bank , crevasse splay , flood plain and so on .
In the third stage ( Shanxi Age ), swamp , distributary channel , natural levee and crevasse splay occurred alternatively .
The main sedimentary microfacies comprise distributary channel , mouth bar , distal bar , blanket sand , natural levee and crevasse splay .
The reservoir sandstone is mainly composed of subsea distributary channel , where subsea distributary channel flank and subsea natural barrier are next .
Through the analysis of facies marker , the reservoir is meandering river facies . The facies are classified into four microfacies , i.
The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars , crevasse-splays , natural levees and flood plains .
) delta plain ( distributary channel , levee , crevasse splay , swamp and interdistributary bay with crevasse delta s ) and 4 ) abandoned delta plain .
The sedimentary facies of the study area is delta plain sedimentary , and the main sedimentary microfacies are distributary channel , natural levee and river diffuse swamp .
The natural levee , crevasse splay and overbank sand are difficult to be effective reservoir for their content of mud-bearing silt , silty mud and unmixed mud .
On delta plain , distributary channel forms framework sand bodies . Between distributary channel , peat swamp and pit , as well as natural levee and crevasse splay are developed .
Five microfacies of subsea distributary channel , its flank , subsea natural barrier , subsea interdistributary bay and coastal or neritic shale are developed in Block Wen 65 of Wenliu Oilfield .
Delta front subfacies include 6 kinds of microfacies : underwater distributary channel , natural levee , crevasse spray , bay mud between distributary channels , mouth bar and frontal thin sand layer .
The types of sand in the study area are distributary channel sand , and underwater natural levee sand , and underwater sand crevasse fan sand , as well as distributary channel inter-thin sand .
Sedimentary micro-facies develops distributary channel , distributary interchannel , sheet sand , natural levee , crevasse splay , far sandbar and so on , in which the mainly types are distributary channel and distributary interchannel .
Through sedimentary factes division on model of sedimentary facies set up through well logging , it is predicted that profitable oilbearing zones are river course , microfacies of levee , and frontal sub-factes of fan-delta ;
And the fluvial genetic unit includes point bar , the bottom of channel , bursted fan , bursted channel , natural bank , over-bank deposits , small lake of flooding plain and swamp and so on .
The barriers in the target in the study area are low in distribution frequency , but are large in distribution scale , and have originated from natural levee , crevasse splay , alluvial flat and abandoned channel .
Shallow lacustrine-delta facies can be divided into delta distributary plain subfacies and delta front subfacies . Delta distributary plain subfacies include 4 kinds of microfacies : overwater distributary channel , natural levee , crevasse spray , and flood plain mud ;