
  • 网络chase bank;CHASE MANHATTAN;Chase Manhattan Bank;Chase National Bank
  1. 管理学研究室成员,参与摩根大通银行(JPMorganChase)3个月的咨询项目

    Member of Management Lab , participated in a3-month consulting project for JP Morgan Chase

  2. 如果你穿着一件写有Gobonkers!(疯了!)字样的T恤,那可别奢望美国大通银行会聘用你。

    Don 't expect Chase Bank to hire you if you 're wearing a T-shirt that says Go bonkers !

  3. 等到欧元危机平息,美国解决抵押市场的混乱状态之后,摩根大通银行(J.P.Morgan)等大型银行将进入扩张的新时代。

    Once the euro crisis clears and America fixes its mortgage mess , giants like J.P. Morgan will enter a new era of expansion .

  4. AdrianMowat是香港摩根大通银行亚洲地区策略顾问。

    Adrian Mowat is an Asia market strategist for the investment bank JP Morgan Chase in Hong Kong .

  5. 摩根大通银行以35亿美元出售了商品业务。

    The bank sold off its commodities for $ 3.5 billion .

  6. 这也是摩根大通银行一直以来所持的观点。

    That has been the view of JPMorgan Chase .

  7. 这家公司甚至会有可能买下摩根大通银行位于纽约市华尔街23号的总部大楼。

    It had bought the JPMorgan Chase building at23 Wall Street in New York .

  8. 应聘职位:摩根大通银行投资银行家

    Job : Investment Banker at JPMorgan Chase

  9. 这是摩根大通银行第二次出手购买由于次级房贷危机而摇摇欲坠的金融公司。

    This is J.P.Morgan 's second purchase of a financial institution left vulnerable by the subprime mortgage crisis .

  10. 摩根大通银行同意支付51亿美元,与房利美和房地美公司和解。

    JP Morgan Chase has agreed to a 5.1-billion dollar settlement with the overseer Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .

  11. 她说我们曾选择将一张代表大通银行邮寄来的9.25美元支票变现。

    She said we had opted in by cashing a $ 9.25 cheque mailed to us on behalf of Chase .

  12. 我解释说,大通银行的信说我可以写我的极限检查和证与我展开争论。

    I explained that the Chase letter stated that I could write the check up to my limit and the rep Ms.

  13. 伯南克回答说,美联储并不是解救贝尔斯登公司。3月中旬,濒临破产的大投资银行和证券商贝尔斯登在美联储的协助下被廉价卖给了摩根大通银行。

    Bernanke replied that the Federal Reserve did not bail out Bear Stearns , the large investment bank and brokerage rescued from near bankruptcy in mid-March .

  14. 一直被誉为银行业领袖的摩根大通银行首席执行官杰米?戴蒙称公司的年报“一般”。

    CEO Jamie Dimon , who 's been hailed as one of the banking industry 's top leaders , called J.P. Morgan 's annual results ' mediocre ' .

  15. 本周,摩根大通银行表示,将对某些机构客户的资金收取保管费,原因既有新的监管规定,又有低利率。

    This week , JPMorgan Chase said it would start charging some institutional clients to hold their money , because of a combination of new regulations and low interest rates .

  16. 他于同年4月请辞,移民到加拿大,加盟大通银行加拿大分行出任第二副总裁,负责信贷项目。

    In April , he resigned from Chase and emigrated to Toronto where he was rehired by the Canadian Branch Office of Chase as Second Vice-President , overseeing credit and loans business .

  17. 近期摩根大通银行也与房地美和房利美达成和解协议,将为出售低于所承诺质量的贷款支付两房50亿美元。

    And JPMorgan Chase recently struck a deal with both Fannie and Freddie to pay them about $ 5 billion for selling loans that were lower quality than the bank said they were .

  18. 摩根大通银行的一位高管就曾担心,如果公司的知名领袖杰米·戴蒙离职或者不慎卷到车轮下,小摩的股价就会下跌20%。

    A senior executive at JPMorgan Chase once worried aloud that the bank 's share price would fall by20 % if Jamie Dimon , its celebrated boss , left or slipped under a bus .

  19. 花旗银行,摩根大通银行,美国银行和富国银行因不当处理文书,省略止赎过程而受到处罚。

    Citibank , JPMorgan Chase , Bank of America , and Wells Fargo are among the 10 companies being penalized for abuses , such as mishandling paperwork and skipping steps in the foreclosure process .

  20. 在此基础上定义了操作风险管理的含义,并以摩根大通银行的操作风险管理体系为例,说明了操作风险管理的基本方法。

    On this basis , the paper defines the meaning of operational risk management , and takes JP Morgan Chase Bank operational risk management system as an example , describes the basic methods of operational risk management .

  21. 他们了解你。美国大通银行全国销售总监珍妮o皮普扎克表示,她的大多数导师都不会把自己定义为“导师”,但她还是会向他们寻求支持和指导。

    They know you well.Jenn Piepszak , a national sales executive at Chase says that most of her mentors wouldn 't self-identify as a ' mentor " but that she looks to them all the same for support and guidance .

  22. 美国最大的银行摩根大通银行初步同意支付创纪录的130亿美元罚金,解决其在美国遭遇金融危机前出售不良不动产抵押证券的指控。

    The nation 's largest bank , JP Morgan Chase has tentatively agreed to pay a record 13 billion dollars to settle allegations surrounding the quality of its mortgage back securities in the runup to the nation 's financial crisis .

  23. 操作性风险管理方面,摩根大通银行专门设计、使用和维持了一套有效的控制运作环境以监督和控制风险,保持操作性风险在一个合适的水平上。

    In order to supervise and control the operational risks of the bank , JP Morgan has designed and maintained an effective , well-controlled operating environment . Its management objective is to maintain its operational risk under an appropriate level .

  24. 腾讯公司涉及的领域有:在线游戏,手机应用,即时消息服务以及在线支付,它的市值为3300亿,超过了美国最具价值的摩根大通银行。

    Tencent specializes in popular online games , apps , instant messaging services and online payments . It boasts a market capitalization of $ 330 billion , making it worth more than America 's most valuable bank : JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) .

  25. 美国最大的投资银行之一贝尔斯登上个月处于破产的边缘,后来美国的中央银行出面介入帮助摩根大通银行做出收购这家挣扎之中的银行的安排。批评人士说,这种做法可能使纳税人的数十亿美元付诸东流。

    Bear Stearns , one of the biggest investment banks in the country , was on the verge of bankruptcy last month , until the U.S. central bank stepped in to help JP Morgan arrange to buy the struggling bank , something critics say put billions of dollars of taxpayers ' money at risk .

  26. 这个有85年历史的公司失去了它的独立性,被大通摩根银行兼并。

    An85-year-old company lost its independence and became acquired by another firm [ JP Morgan Chase bank ] .

  27. 在其后的十年中,像大通曼哈顿银行这种的银行以风险资本的形式对技术的开发给予投资。

    During the following decade , banks such as Chase Manhattan formed venture-capital arms to invest in technology start-ups .

  28. 这个庞大的工业帝国的支柱是大通国民银行(现已更名为大通曼哈顿银行)。

    The keystone of this mammoth industrial empire was the Chase National Bank , now renamed the Chase Manhattan Bank .

  29. 自2002年以来,摩根大通私人银行的全球客户总资产从2320亿美元,增加至2006年的3570亿美元,而2007年上半年则增至4220亿美元。

    Since 2002 , JPMorgan Private Bank 's total client assets globally have increased from $ 232bn to $ 357bn in 2006 and to $ 422bn in the first half of 2007 .

  30. 1991年国际金融工程师学会成立,同时以大通曼哈顿银行和美洲银行为代表的一些金融机构创立了金融工程部门,美国麻省理工大学、斯坦福大学、密西根大学等名校也相继设立金融工程博士学位。

    In 1991 , the International Association of Financial Engineers found . At the same time some financial institute set up financial engineering department , many universities open the financial engineering doctor degree .