
  • 网络Dalian Nationalities University
  1. 大连民族大学的学生们设计了一款自行车洗衣机,能让人边运动边洗衣服。

    Students at the Dalian Nationalities University in China have designed a bike washing machine that will wash your clothes while you pedal .

  2. LittleStar的背后是一支由五名学生和两名老师组成的团队,他们来自大连民族大学,均是设计或计算机专业出身。

    The team behind Little Star is made up of five students and two teachers from Liu 's university . They are all design or computer engineering majors .

  3. 调查对象为大连东软信息学院、大连理工大学城市学院和大连民族学院已经通过大学英语四级考试的大三大四学生和专业英语教师。

    All objects are post-CET4 and their professional English teachers from Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information , Dalian Nationalities University and City Institute of .