
  1. 到了约定日期,他去到大臣家里。

    On the day appointed , he went to the Minister 's house .

  2. 第二天,马白夫先生收到一张请帖,邀他去大臣家吃饭。

    On the following day , M.Mabeuf received an invitation to dine with the Minister .

  3. 这时,有人听说太子静躲在大臣召公家里,他们又立即包围了召公的府邸,逼召公交出太子。

    Then they surrounded the residence of Duke Zhao , where they got the news that Prince Jing , heir to the throne , was hidden . They compelled the Duke to hand over the prince .

  4. 当路过唐宁街时,你会听到解说员说:“财政大臣菲利普·哈蒙德家的威尔士梗犬雷克斯和腊肠犬奥斯卡最近被拍到在唐宁街11号门前摆姿势,为每年的圣诞贺卡拍照。”

    When driving past Downing Street , you might hear : ' Chancellor Phillip Hammond 's Welsh Terrier , Rex , and Daschund , Oscar , were recently pictured posing outside No. 11 for the annual Christmas card . '