
  • 网络Great Migration;The Emigrants;Large-scale migration
  1. 一战后的大移民是黑人为逃避南方悲惨生活的大逃亡。

    The Great Migration after the First World War can be regarded as the escape from the miserable life in the South .

  2. 北京的两大移民顾问公司——GlobeVisa和CansineImmigration在继加拿大投资移民之路破灭之后正大力推荐美国投资的道路。

    Two major emigration consultancies in Beijing , Globe Visa and Cansine Immigration , are recommending the US now that Canada 's immigrant-investor option has shuttered .

  3. 亚洲内部第二大移民流动就是婚姻移民。

    The second significant flow of intra-Asian migration is related to marriage .

  4. 整个基地就好像一个大移民。

    Which makes atlantis , almost like a colony .

  5. 当今,法国已成为欧洲仅次于德国的第二大移民接收国。

    Today , France has been becoming the second largest immigrant country only after Germany .

  6. 秦汉时期,是我国古代第一个对西北地区进行大移民、大开发的时期。多年以来,对秦皇汉武所取得的繁荣昌盛一直为后人所称赞。

    Qin Han Dynasty was the first period during which people migrated into and developed northwest area on a large scale in Chinese ancient history .

  7. 兴建三峡工程,开展库区百万大移民,建设和谐库区,充分反映了全国人民的根本利益。

    It full represents the fundamental interests of the people that building the Three Gorges Project , launching activities for a million migrations , and constructing harmonious society of reservoir area .

  8. 三峡库区人才资源开发既关系到库区百万大移民任务的顺利完成,更关系到库区的建设和发展。

    The development of talent resource in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area decides not only the task on the millions of migrations , but also the construction and development in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area .

  9. 16世纪20&40年代,对英国社会产生重大影响的清教徒不堪忍受压迫,为寻找实现其宗教理想的上帝之国开始了大移民。

    In 1620-1640 , the puritans , who affected much to English society , could not bear the coercion , and began to immigrate for looking for a " God City " which could realize their religious ideal .

  10. 第二大类移民是罪徙移民,即贬谪安置或充军人口,终明一代都有大量的这类移民进入云南。

    The second kind of immigration was the exile of criminals to Yunnan .

  11. 它将改变整个国家引发一轮跨越大平原移民的热潮

    It will transform the nation triggering a tidal wave of settlement across the Great Plains .

  12. 龙滩水电站水库淹没涉及贵州、广西两省区,淹没面积大、移民人数多。

    The reservoir of Longtan Hydropower Station will inundate some areas of Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces , with large inundation area and a lot of relocated people .

  13. 过去10年里,印度取代爱尔兰,成为整个英格兰和威尔士的第一大新移民来源(爱尔兰是2001年数据中之前10年最大的移民来源)。

    The top source of new migrants to England and Wales overall for the decade was India supplanting Ireland in the decade to 2001 while the second-biggest source was Poland .

  14. 大槐树移民是中国移民史上一次重要的移民活动,是明王朝建立初年大力推行和奖励屯田垦荒政策的直接表现;

    ″ Dahuaishu emigration ″ was an important emigration in Chinese history . It was the representation of encouragement policy on cultivating barren land in early years of Ming Dynasty .

  15. 移民开发、工矿及公共基础设施搬迁用地大,移民开发将受到资金和生态环境的制约;

    And the development of emigration , industries and the public basic constructions are all in great need of large amounts of land , so the emigrants ' development will be limited by capital and ecological surroundings .

  16. 三峡工程建成后由于三峡水库淹没面积大,移民人口数量多,大量的基础设施需复建,土地紧缺和环境承载压力的矛盾将更加突出,水土流失将进一步加剧。

    After the founding of the Three Gorges ' Project , because of basic installation needs rebuilding , the contradictory of lacking soil and environmental bearing pressure will become more projecting , and the soil erosion will become worse .

  17. 六十年代旅外作家和八、九十年代新移民作家是二十世纪继五四时期大规模的留学浪潮之后两个大的移民作家群体,与五四时期的前辈们不同,他们出国后大都定居国外。

    The Authors Traveling Abroad in the 1950s and 1960s and the New Emigrant Authors in the 1980s and 1990s are two big writer groups in the 20th century except the writers who were studies abroad in the May fourth Movement period .

  18. 法国作为欧洲典型的移民接收大国,19世纪以来与其社会经济发展和重大的事件相适应,经历了四次大的移民输入的浪潮。

    Since the late of the 19th century , France which is as the typical example of the immigrants receiving power and with the development of its social and economic events , had four times of big immigrants entering in its history .

  19. 澳大利亚是一个由许多不同民族背景的移民组成的国家,随着澳大利亚历史上三次大的移民浪潮发生,澳大利亚的移民政策也经历了由同化、融合转向多元主义文化。

    As is known , Australia is a country consisting of immigrants with many different nationalities , and its immigrant policy , with three great immigrant waves in its history , has also experienced dramatic changes from " assimilation ", " mixture " to " multiculturalism " .

  20. 19世纪后期,当中西部和东北部地区正迅速实现工业化的时候,大平原的移民还在进行着原始的农业和畜牧业开发。

    While the Northeast and the Midwest was actualizing the industrialization , the immigrant of the Great Plains still actualized primordial agriculture .

  21. 水库移民可持续发展涉及到整个社会、经济、环境复杂大系统,移民安置与社会、经济、环境是否协调是全球关注的重大问题。

    Reservoir resettlement relates to society , economy and environment . The notion of reservoir resettlement in terms of sustainable development is given .

  22. 第二次世界大战以后,德国经历了三次大的外国移民潮:客籍工人潮、回归移民潮和难民潮,最终使德国成为事实上的非典型意义的移民国家。

    And after the World War ⅱ, Germany has experienced three times of large immigration including the tides of foreign workers , return emigrators and refugees , which has finally made Germany a state of immigration on a non-typical sense .

  23. 研究区景观优势度不高,但是耕地、林地、未利用土地仍占有较高的景观比例,尤其耕地,不但景观比例大而且随着移民的不断涌入还有增长趋势;

    The dominance index in research area is not very high , but the farmland , forest land and unused land still take high landscape proportion , especially the farmland not only great landscape proportion but also with the emigration coming into the oasis , it appearing increased trend ;

  24. 大中型水电工程移民管理体制现状及发展探讨

    Discussion on status quo of resettlement management system of large and medium scale of hydropower projects

  25. 紧随着大平原拓荒者移民而来的,是穿着清一色土布衣服的偏僻东部的农民。

    The settlers that followed the trail blazers on the Great Plains were farmers from " back east " who wore the homemade clothing common to all of the settlements .