
dà shè huì
  • Big Society;Great Society
大社会[dà shè huì]
  1. 约翰逊无法也不愿削减“大社会”(greatsociety)项目的支出预算,同样,布什先生若不缓和其保守立场,也无法放弃他的减税计划。

    While Johnson was unable and unwilling to trim the great society spending from his budget , Mr Bush is similarly unable to abandon his tax cuts without alienating his conservative base .

  2. “大”,即大自然、大社会,“大人”德高者,“大法”根本法则。

    " Greatness " refers to great nature , great society . " Great men " are people of good moral standing ;" great laws " are fundamental ones ;

  3. 当前新形势下,GIS开发和应用面临三大社会需求:新的GIS用户化需求;软件开发商、开发者的技术需求;GIS资源和功能的共享需求。

    At present in the new situation , GIS is faced with three demands : the new demand about customization , the demand from software providers and developers , and the demand of sharing resources and functions .

  4. 家庭暴力已成为美国一大社会问题,受害者以女性居多。对美国家庭暴力问题的研究涉及:受害女性的特征;

    Family violence has become a big social problem in the USA.

  5. 对海南特区小政府、大社会的质疑&兼论海南特区的基本经验及教训

    Basic Experience and Lessons in the Construction of Hainan Special Economic Zone

  6. 流民问题是古今中国的一大社会问题。

    The floating population has always been a big social problem in China .

  7. 跨越职业代际效应是教育的一大社会效益。

    Spanning the intergenerational occupational effect is a key social benefit of education .

  8. 大多数人想融入大社会

    Most people want to make a connection .

  9. 我国的交强险制度也就是在这一大社会背景下建立起来的。

    The compulsory insurance system of our nation is established by the social background .

  10. 奥林匹克理念创造了大社会的人文环境。

    Olympic ideas create social humanistic environment .

  11. 第一章主要是对马克思三大社会形态理论的基本涵义进行讨论。

    Chapter I discusses the essential meaning of Marx 's theory of three social orders .

  12. 21世纪是知识经济社会,也是网络化社会,知识需求和网络载体成为本世纪两大社会特征。

    Century is not only the society of knowledge economy , but aslo the networking .

  13. 中国社会正值心理问题高发期,抑郁症已经成为困扰中国的一大社会问题。

    China is in the period of high incidence of different kinds of mental problem .

  14. 近年来,矿山安全问题已经成为一大社会焦点问题。

    In recent years , mine safety has been one of the great social focal problems .

  15. 社会性别角色和观念的塑造、社会异化是女性从属的两大社会根源。

    The moulding of gender role and the dissimilation of society are two main social factors .

  16. 计划包括建立一个大社会银行及一个国家公民服务机构。

    The plans include setting up a big society bank and introducing a national citizen service .

  17. 酗酒成为美国一大社会问题

    America has a booze problem .

  18. 马克思三大社会形态理论与当代中国的社会转型

    On the Socialistic Theories in the Preliminary Period from Marx 's " Three Social Forms " Perspective

  19. 社会主义初级阶段是逐步融入资本占有制大社会的阶段。

    On Possession So the socialist primary stage is the transitional stage to the capital possessed system stage .

  20. 根据马克思三大社会形态理论,经济主义是一个必经的阶段。

    According to the Marxist theory of the " three social forms ", economism is a necessary period .

  21. 和谐社会建立在平安社区基础之上,和谐的大社会由众多平安的小社区组成。

    The harmonious society is established on the basis of safe communities and composed of many small communities .

  22. 当今社会中,儿童作为不可忽视的一大社会群体,有着巨大的消费市场和消费潜力。

    In modern society , the child is a big social group that has great potential consuming ability .

  23. 体育社团改革的意义不仅在于体育内部的协调和发展,也在于与大社会所需要的体制相一致。

    Its significances are not only harmony and development in sports but also coordination with the whole society .

  24. 培养人才、科学研究、服务社会是高校的三大社会职能。

    Personnel training , scientific research , services , community colleges and universities of the three social functions .

  25. 二是按照小政府大社会的基本模式构建农村的政治组织和经济组织;

    Second , constituting the countryside political organization and economic organization onthe pattern of small government and large society ;

  26. 文章最后则在美国整个大社会的环境情境中评估天主教大学的学生女权主义者,和她们的表现。

    The article closes with an assessment on the feminist movement in Catholic institutions within the broader societal context .

  27. 随着汽车保有量的增长,道路交通事故己经成为世界性的一大社会问题。

    With the increasing of the vehicles in global transportation , road traffic accidents have become a major social problem .

  28. 若真如此,我们很快就能将当前有关“大社会”言论,转变为实际的社会行动。

    If that happens , we will quickly be able to turn current big society rhetoric into real society action .

  29. 社区的事务,应该依照小政府、大社会的管理思路,实现真正的自治。

    Community affairs , should be in accordance with the small government and big society manage rule , to achieve genuine autonomy .

  30. 并以我国为例,简要阐明了解决这四大社会基本矛盾的大致路径。

    Taking our country as an example , the author briefly clarify a rough way of solving the four basic social contradictions .