
  • 网络the greatful use
大用 [dà yòng]
  • [empower;put sb. in important position] 重用

  • 皇上欲大用康先生。-- 清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  1. 他谈起触目惊心的贪污腐败和小材大用现象。

    He spoke of scandalous corruption and incompetence .

  2. 我能问你,这么大用IMAX看会是什么效果?

    Can I ask you , how big does that look on IMAX ?

  3. 把我们的失败归罪于天气没多大用。

    It 's not much use blaming our defeat on the weather .

  4. 想入非非者无大用。

    Many who build castles in the air cannot build a hut on earth .

  5. 一旦青春年华逝去,你就没多大用了。

    You don 't have much more to offer once your dancing days are over .

  6. 小物有大用,小人可以成大事。

    Little pigeons can carry great messages .

  7. 异人要大用。

    Different people must use .

  8. 非正常的高智商,从本质上说,通常说明大脑太全面。不堪大用。

    Abnormally high IQ scores , by their nature , often speak of a brain too general to be of much use .

  9. 木堡是基本城堡防御设施,但仍然无法抵御长期进攻,只能视之为临时堡垒,需进一步加固为石制城堡方可大用。

    Wooden Castle serves as a basic strongpoint but it should not be thought of as a long-term defence , rather as a stop-gap until more funds are available for an imposing stone bastion .

  10. 这就好比,如果不知道电脑软件的运行方式,即便知道电脑硬件的每根导线如何工作也并无大用。

    In the same way , knowing the activity of every wire on every chip in my computer wouldn 't tell me much if I didn 't also know the program my machine was running .

  11. 通过将一间大屋用隔断断开的方法再隔出了几间卧室。

    Bedrooms have again been created by partitioning a single larger room

  12. 室外全色大屏幕用LED的最佳化

    Optimization of LED for Outdoor Full Color Display Panel

  13. 每只大鼠用硫喷妥钠腹腔注射麻醉后,经鼠尾静脉刺入输液针,验证回血后送入CT室准备灌注扫描。

    After intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentothal the tail vein was used as transfusion circuit of perfusion scanning .

  14. 大鼠用小牛血清白蛋白(Bovineserumalbumin,BSA)进行免疫。

    Rats were immunized with bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) .

  15. 方法雌性Lewis大鼠用低碘饲料和含不同浓度的KI水喂养,即分为低碘(LI)、适碘(NI)和高碘(HI)组。

    Methods Female Lewis rats were fed by low-iodine diet and drunk deionized water containing different concentration of KI respectively .

  16. 方法Wistar雄性大鼠用四氯化碳皮下注射制成肝硬化模型。

    Methods Male Wistar rats were used . The model of cirrhosis was produced by subcutaneous injection of carbon tetrachloride .

  17. 治疗组、模型组大鼠用链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导糖尿病肾病模型,均造模成功7只。

    Hyperglycemia was induced with streptozotocin in rats of RGZ-treatment group and model group .

  18. 30只大白鼠用NSE免疫染色,有15只发现部分免疫反应阳性细胞有分裂象。

    Of the 30 rats stained for NSE , 15 were found to have NSE-positive cells containing mitotic figures ;

  19. A组大鼠用卵蛋白(OA)辅以百日咳杆菌菌苗和氢氧化铝为佐剂注射致敏。

    The rats in group A were sensitized by injection of ovalbumin ( OA ) together with aluminum hydroxide and Bordetella pertussis as adjuvants .

  20. 转变机制有管理者收购(MBO),企业整合用战略性并购,国际化大业用的是外资并购。

    Changing mechanism utilizes Management Buy-outs ( MBO ); conformity utilizes strategic M A ; and internationalisation utilizes M A with foreign capital .

  21. 接着,提出了增加电力需求弹性的两个措施:研究确定出各种措施以使得系统操作员对运行备用容量的需求有弹性以及对于大用户用RT市场的真实价格;

    Then , proposed methods to increase the electricity elasticity of demand : to make the reserve capacity more elasticity and use the real-time price for the customers ;

  22. 本实验旨在研究自发性高血压大鼠用缬沙坦降压前后心肌Na+,K+-ATP酶α亚基的蛋白表达和mRNA水平的变化情况,并分析Na+,K+-ATP酶在高血压发病机制中的作用。

    The aim of this study is to investigate the changes of mRNA and protein expression of Na + , K + - ATPase α subunits in spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR ) before and after valsartan treatment .

  23. 由于这三个波长的间距相差很大,工作光谱范围大,用普通的AWG设计方法不能达到理想的效果。

    Because of the wide spectral range and very unequal wavelength spacings , it is difficult to produce satisfactory results with a conventional AWG design .

  24. 各组其余5只大鼠用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)观察caspase-3和caspase-9的mRNA表达。

    Another five rats in each group were used for assessing the expressions of caspase - 3 mRNA and caspase - 9 mRNA by reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction ( RT - PCR ) .

  25. 先将TPM组大鼠用TPM预处理,然后采用KA(10mg/kg)腹膜腔注射制作SE模型,在痫性发作终止后6、24和48h取海马进行研究。

    After pretreated with TPM , the TPM group employed intraperitoneal administration of KA ( 10 mg / kg ) to make SE models . The hippocampus was taken out 6 , 24 and 48 h after SE .

  26. 为探讨中医不同治疗对哮喘的疗效与机理,将SD大鼠用卵蛋白、灭活百日咳杆菌、氢氧化铝干粉混合液腹腔注射以致敏后,用2%卵蛋白雾化吸入诱发哮喘发作。

    To investigate the clinical efficacy of different treatments in treating asthma and its mechanism , the SD rats were sensitized by intra-abdominal injection of mixed ovalbumin , inactivated bacillus pertussis and aluminum hydroxide , and then induced to have asthma by inhaling 2 % ovalbumin .

  27. 冶炼厂铅烧结烟气中SO2浓度高,波动大,用亚硫酸钙脱硫法和XP型板式吸收塔脱硫,其平均脱硫率达95%左右,每吨SO2脱硫成本371元。

    The lead sintering gas in the smelter contains high and fluctuating SO 2 . The desulphurization rate with calcium sulphite and XP plate absorbing tower can reach about 95 % , with a cost of RMB371 / t. SO 2 removed ;

  28. 大鼠用10%水合氯醛麻醉,经内眦眶后静脉取血约1.5mL,离心取上清。

    Rats with 10 % chloral hydrate anesthesia , through the inner canthal orbital vein blood taken at about 1.5 ml , centrifuged supernatant obtained .

  29. 论文对大生活用海水的浊度、色度、BOD5、氨氮含量、合成洗涤剂含量、溶解氧含量、大肠菌群数、悬浮性固体等指标进行了研究,提出了我国大生活用海水水质标准建议。

    The guideline of turbidity , color , BOD_5 , NH_3-N , synthetic detergent , DO , coliform and suspended solids etc in domestic seawater is discussed in this paper , and the standards of domestic seawater quality are also proposed .

  30. 大生活用海水水质控制技术

    Study on Technology of Sea Water Quality Control for Domestic Use