
  1. 浅析新生代气候变化与大气温室气体浓度的关系

    On the Cenozoic climate changes and greenhouse gases

  2. 近15年东亚大气温室气体浓度特征及变化趋势

    East Asia in the past 15 years and changes in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases features trends

  3. 减缓是采取措施或手段减少大气温室气体浓度,主要包括经济手段和行政手段。

    Mitigation refers to taking measures , including economical and administrative ones , to decrease the density of greenhouse gases .

  4. 一是通过稳定大气温室气体浓度而减缓气候变化;一是通过降低脆弱性或者提高适应能力而适应气候变化。

    One is mitigation by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere , and the other is adaptation by reducing vulnerability or improving adaptive capacity to climate change .

  5. 将废弃油脂转化为柴油的代用燃料有着可再生及可生物降解等优点,对减轻大气温室气体浓度、改善人类的生存环境、实现经济的可持续发展具有重要的意义。

    Biodiesel from waste oil is of great significance on reducing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases , improving the living environment of mankind , achieving sustainable economic development .

  6. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的最终目的是减少人为温室气体排放,稳定大气温室气体浓度,避免气候系统受到人为的危险干扰。

    The ultimate objective of UNFCCC is to achieve stabilization of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system by mitigating the anthropogenic GHG emissions .

  7. 森林生态系统碳氮循环过程对大气中温室气体浓度变化起着至观重要的作用。

    Carbon and nitrogen cycles of forest ecosystem play an important role in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases .

  8. 大气中温室气体浓度的增加将导致全球气候变暖,这是气候数值模拟研究得出的重要结论。

    The climate is changing due to the higher concentration of greenhouse gases has been concluded by climate simulations .

  9. 大气中温室气体浓度升高导致的全球暖化已成为世界经济可持续发展的障碍,是国际社会所面临的严峻挑战。

    The global warming caused by the rising concentration of greenhouse gas is an obstacle to sustainable development of world economy .

  10. 所以,随着大气中温室气体浓度的增加,这样的行动将不得不以越来越大的规模反复进行。

    So the actions would have to be repeated on an ever-larger scale , as concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increased .

  11. 近年来,由于大气中温室气体浓度的上升,随之而来的气温升高已经成为当前全球瞩目的重大环境议题。

    In recent years , because of the rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere , global warming has become a major environmental issue global concerned .

  12. 全球气候变暖是目前全球变化研究中的一个热点问题,其主要原因是大气中温室气体浓度的不断增加。

    Global warming is one of the hottest issues in global change researches , due to the rapid increase of concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere .

  13. 生物柴油具有粘度低、闪点高、十六烷值高、无毒和可生物降解等优点,而且可以减轻大气的温室气体浓度。

    The main advantages of using this alternative fuel are its low viscosity , high flash point , high cetane number , nontoxic and biodegradable advantages , it reduce the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases .

  14. 另一方面,因大气中温室气体浓度的不断升高而导致的冰雪消融、海平面上升、气候异常、干旱加剧、洪水泛滥等气候变化现象日趋严重,威胁到人类的生存。

    On the other hand , as the phenomenon of ice melting , sea level 's up , climate abnormity , more droughts and flooding are getting serious , so that it threatened human 's survive .

  15. 自进入工业文明时代以来,发达国家在工业化过程中大量消耗能源资源,导致大气中温室气体浓度增加,对自然生态系统造成了严重影响。

    Since the ear of Industrial Civilization , the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the air caused by the large amount consumption of energies and resources by developed countries in the process of industrialization , which has brought serious impact on the ecological system .

  16. 大气中温室气体浓度增加导致的全球气温升高,已经引起了世界各国政府和科学家的共同关注,已成为全球生态环境研究中的一个热点领域。

    The increasing global air temperature , which resulted from the raising concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere , is the great global environmental problem to which has been paid attention by every government and scientist all over the world in the research of global climate change .

  17. 大气中温室气体的浓度升高,特别是二氧化碳浓度升高容易引发气候变暖。

    Elevated atmospheric concentrations , especially the carbon concentration easily trigger climate warming .

  18. 按照目前的趋势,大气中温室气体的浓度只需要30年就可能达到这一水平。

    On present trends , the atmosphere is likely to reach such a concentration in just three decades .

  19. 改变的内容则是大气中温室气体的浓度,现已上升至百万分之400。

    What has changed is the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere , which have now touched 400 parts-per-million .

  20. 450情景寻求将大气中温室气体的浓度限定在450ppm二氧化碳当量。

    This seeks to limit atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration to the equivalent of about 450 parts per million of CO2 .

  21. 根据2003年1月&2005年6月太湖流域近地表大气中主要温室气体CO2、CH4和N2O本底浓度的监测资料,研究了该流域近地表大气主要温室气体浓度的变化特征。

    According to the monitoring materials on background density near-surface of Tai Lake basin from January 2003 to June 2005 , this article has studied the change characteristics of the main greenhouse gases like CO_2 , CH_4 and N_2O .

  22. 即使采取缓和大气变化的政策能够使温室气体排放量降低,大气温室气体浓度仍将持续上升直至排放速率低于移除速率。

    Even if policies to mitigate climate change caused GHG emissions to fall , atmospheric GHG concentrations would continue to rise unless emissions fell to the removal rate .