
  • 网络atmospheric dynamics
  1. 研究了大气动力学中Hadley环流的低阶模型,分析了该模型的基本性质及其动力学行为,同时得到了该系统产生Fold分岔和Hopf分岔的条件。

    In this paper , we investigate a low-order model representing Hadley circulation in atmospheric dynamics , study its properties and obtain the sufficient conditions which can display the Hopf and Fold bifurcation .

  2. 为了解决观测和理论研究中的一些问题以及更好地了解热带大气动力学,有必要进一步研究基本气流的变化对大气中赤道Rossby波动的影响。

    In order to tackle the questions arising from the observations and theoretical studies , and to better understand tropical atmospheric dynamics , it is necessary to investigate further the effects of the varying basic states of the atmosphere upon the equatorial trapped nonlinear Rossby waves .

  3. 用格子Boltzmann方法构建大气动力学模式的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the construction of atmospheric dynamic models with lattice Boltzmann method

  4. 本文从P坐标系的非线性大气动力学方程组出发,导出惯性重力内波满足非线性的KdV方程。

    In this paper , starting from the nonlinear atmospheric dynamic equations in the isobaric coordinate systems , we find that the finite amplitude nonlinear inertio-gravity waves satisfy the KdV equations .

  5. 采用理想磁流体力学方程组(MHD)作为太阳大气动力学过程的控制方程组,定性数值模拟日冕物质抛射(CME)现象。

    The ideal Magnetohydrodynamic equations ( MHD ), the governing equations of the solar atmosphere dynamical process , are taken to numerically simulate Coronal Mass Ejection ( CME ) phenomena .

  6. 移极旋转坐标系中的大气动力学方程

    Dynamic Equations of the Atmosphere in Rotating Coordinates of Moved Poles

  7. 大气动力学方程组全局分析的研究进展

    Progress in the global analysis to the atmospheric dynamical equations

  8. 从而求得普遍的大气动力学方程。

    Then general dynamic equations of the atmosphere are obtained .

  9. 大气动力学方程组的半拉格朗日计算方案的数学研究

    Mathematical study about semi-Lagrangian scheme in atmospheric dynamics equations

  10. 两个大气动力学模式整体强解的存在唯一性

    Existence and Uniqueness of Global Strong Solutions of Two Models in Atmospheric Dynamics

  11. 南海冷涌期大气动力学与能量学特征

    Characteristics in atmospheric dynamics and energetics during the South China Sea cold surge periods

  12. 太阳大气动力学的数值研究

    Numerical studies of the solar atmospheric dynamics

  13. 近几年中国大气动力学的主要进展

    New advances of atmospheric dynamics in China

  14. 热带大气动力学研究

    Study on dynamics of tropical atmosphere

  15. 教学目的:掌握大尺度大气动力学和海洋动力学的共性规律。

    Objectives : to understand the common character of large scale atmospheric dynamics and oceanic dynamics .

  16. 对大气动力学中几个概念的商榷南海冷涌期大气动力学与能量学特征

    Discussion about several concepts in atmospheric dynamics characteristics in atmospheric dynamics and energetics during the South China Sea cold surge periods

  17. 色球压缩区是耀斑大气动力学过程的一个基本特征,是产生色球谱线红不对称性的基础。

    The chromospheric condensation is a basic property of the flare dynamical process and the cause of the red asymmetry of chromospheric lines .

  18. 风场预报,以质量守恒的风场诊断模式提供的三维风场为初始场,采用非静力平衡、完全可压缩的大气动力学模式。

    The wind field prognostication is on the basis of a non-hydrostatic equilibrium , full compressible dynamics model , in which the initial wind field is provided by diagnostic wind field model .

  19. 位涡,即位势涡度的简称,是一个综合反映大气动力学和热力学性质的物理量,广泛应用于天气系统的诊断和分析中。

    Potential vorticity , which is widely used in the diagnosis and analysis of atmospheric systems , is a physical variable that could synthesized reflect the dynamical and thermodynamics features of atmosphere .

  20. 本文希望用动力系统的理论对非线性大气动力学方程组解的渐近行为进行一些全局定性研究,并希望讨论一些具体应用。

    We expect to use the theory of the dynamical system to investigate the asymptotic behavior of the nonlinear atmo-sphere dynamical system . Also , we hope to study some specific applications .

  21. 通过求解含有摩擦耗散的线性化大气动力学方程组,得到了在夜间稳定大气边界层中小尺度地形产生的波动阻力和形式阻力的解析解。

    By solving the linearized atmospheric dynamic equation system including turbulent dissipation , the analytical solutions of wave drag and form drag over small scale terrain in a nocturnal stable boundary layer are obtained .

  22. 大气动力学作为大气科学的一个重要分支,将包围地球的大气看作运动着的流体,应用流体力学原理和方法来研究大气运动。

    Atmospheric dynamics is an important branch of atmospheric science . In this theory , we regard the atmosphere surrounding the earth as the moving fluid and use the principle and method of fluid mechanics to study the atmospheric motion .

  23. 基于完整的湿大气动力学方程组,利用无穷维动力系统的新理论和新方法,系统讨论了强迫耗散的非线性大气系统的定性理论及其应用。

    Based on the complete dynamical equations of the moist atmospheric motion , the qualitative theory of nonlinear atmosphere with dissipation and external forcing and its applications are systematically discussed by new theories and methods on the infinite dimensional dynamical system .

  24. 利用新建立的熵平衡方程和大气动力学方程的性质证明,最小熵产生原理在热力学线性区和非线性区都是普遍成立的。

    This paper demonstrates the principle of minimum entropy production by using the new entropy equilibrium equation that is established with the atmosphere kinetic equation . As a result the principle of minimum entropy production is universal in the linear and nonlinear regions of thermodynamics .

  25. 一种非线性大气化学动力学方程组的新算法

    A new method for solving nonlinear kinetic equations in atmospheric chemistry

  26. 大气涡旋动力学与台风移行;

    The dynamics of atmospheric vortexes and the motions of typhoon ;

  27. 因此,本文认为夏季遥相关是外强迫和与基本气流有密切关系的大气内部动力学过程共同作用的结果。

    Finally , it is suggested that atmospheric teleconnection pattern is the result of interaction of external forcing and the basic flow .

  28. 利用大气非线性动力学证明了广义能量极小值原理,进一步从理论上证明它是同大气非平衡态热力学最小熵产生原理在物理上是一致的。

    The minimal value principle of the generalized energy is demonstrated using the atmosphere nonlinear dynamics . It is demonstrated more theoretically that the minimal value principle is coincident to the principle of least entropy production in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of atmosphere .

  29. 利用APD对大气气溶胶空气动力学直径测量分析

    Measurement Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosol Aerodynamics Size with APD Detector

  30. 雅可比椭圆函数在大气和海洋动力学中的应用:二维非线性Rossby波研究

    Application of Jacobi elliptic functions in the atmospheric and oceanic dynamics : studies on two-dimensional nonlinear Rossby waves