- 名great emperor

[the heavenly emperor] 天帝,天
Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists .
Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences .
In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism
More and more nobles made Moscow their home during Catherine 's reign .
Peter the Great shocked London by his wild behaviour and that of his entourage when he visited England in 1698
So you did ' Macbeth ' in the first year ? ' — ' No , in the first year we did ' Julius Caesar ' . '
But according to Aristotle — a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great — most relationships don 't qualify as true friendships .
Tour D-Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great - £ 33 until 18 March and £ 37 thereafter .
While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great , this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum .
Alexander was surnamed " the Great " .
The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation " the Great " .
In " Alfred the Great " , " the Great " is an epithet . “
The situation is calmed by the arrival of Barack the Great , newly elected emperor .
The Ptolemys were an originally Macedonian family who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great died . They reigned for almost 300 years , and kept their bloodlines as " pure " as could be .
Catherine proved to be one of the more valuable acquisitions of the conquest , and thanks to her good looks was passed around as a favor in the court , eventually being given to Peter the Great in 1705 .
Stone likes to structure his movies around a series of plot -- pivoting , battlelike scenes - the concerts in The Doors , the football games in Any Given Sunday or actual warfare in Alexander .
He wore a dramatic black face mask to aid his recovery from the injury , joining a handful of recent NBA stars who suffered facial injuries and were forced to wear protective gear .
He claimed short-sellers were part of a master plan to destroy his company - a plan orchestrated by someone Mr Byrne called " the Sith Lord " after an evil figure in Star Wars .
The first month in the calendar named after a real person , July was named in honour of Julius Caesar after his death in 44 BC , July being the month of his birth .
It is Alan Bennett , and his " the madness of King George " , who is to blame for the image of George III as a cartoon of inherited malady , all purple urine and verbal spasm .
People have been hiding things beneath Moscow for centuries : Byzantine libraries , Ivan the Terrible 's secret torture chamber , and Catherine the Great 's underground canal network . So it 's unsurprising that Stalin got in on the action .
This was true of Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin . It was true , too , of radical reformers such as Peter the Great and Vladimir Lenin , equally authoritarian but widely approved of because their target was the elite .
Rules Roman Empire as well as Israeli King Harold in the Caesar big emperor is in power the time , is being occupied by Joseph and the Masurium advantage in the Nazareth village .
From there Peter the Great , an Enlightenment man , sent expeditions of scientific inquiry to search for a strait between Asia and America , and in1741 Vitus Bering found Alaska .
From Kazimierz Waliszewski 's 1904 book , Ivan the Terrible , a description of Ivan 's behavior in later life matches symptoms of the later stages of syphilis :
The Military Commanding Skills Of An Ancient Macedonian Alexander The Great
Five thousand years of Chinese civilization , Yanhuang Great ancestors .
What about that lightning the Emperor used to zap Luke ?
1703-Tsar Peter the Great founds the city of Saint Petersburg .
Alxander is a great lord to my mind in deed .