
  1. 海军地方大学生入伍学员心理健康及相关因素研究

    Study of Psychological Heath of Nave Local Students and Related Health-affecting Factors

  2. 浅谈在校大学生入伍后的学籍管理

    Roll Management of University Students Enlisted in the Armed Forces

  3. 地方高校大学生入伍影响因素研究

    Study on the Factors Affecting Common University Students in Their of Joining the Army

  4. 在高校征集大学生入伍是加强国防建设的新举措

    Enrolling university students into Army is a New Measure to Strengthen Construction of National Defence

  5. 地方大学生入伍干部学员心理健康状况和个性特征分析

    Analysis of mental health and personality in officer cadets graduated from civilian universities or colleges

  6. 地方大学生入伍干部思想政治教育研究

    Study on the Ideological and Educational Work for Local Graduates Who are Willing to Become a Cadre in the Army

  7. 目的:评价地方大学生入伍干部学员的整体心理健康状况、个性特征及心理健康与个性因素的关系。

    AIM : To evaluate the mental health status and personality of the officer cadets who graduated from civilian universities or colleges .

  8. 经分析后发现,地方大学生入伍干部的水土不服表现为心理失衡和行为失范。

    The analysis found that the performance of local college students cadres '" unacclimatized " problem can be summarized to psychological unbalance and misconduct .

  9. 本文通过对武警部队现有地方大学生入伍干部的理论文本及改革实践进行解读,并在调查研究与因果分析的前提下归纳出地方大学生入伍干部的现状、问题及成因。

    This study investigated the available papers and the reform practice , and summed up the actuality , problems and its reason of the local college students in CAPF .

  10. 本文探讨了在校大学生入伍后,学籍管理中存在的问题,分析了产生问题的原因,并提出了解决问题的建设性意见。

    The paper probes into the problems in roll management of university students at school enlisted in the armed forces , analyzes the causes of the problems , and proposes constructive solutions .

  11. 唯此,方可解决地方大学生入伍干部水土不服问题,切实推动武警部队干部队伍建设的现代化、革命化、年轻化和知识化。

    Only by these means , can we solve the " unacclimatized " problem of local college students cadres , and make the cadre ranks of CAPF more modernized , more revolutionary , younger and better educated .

  12. 北京市政府征兵办公室表示,与北京市首次征召在校大学生入伍的2001年相比,大学生士兵所占征集兵员比例已从0.1%上升至60%。

    According to Beijing 's conscription office , compared with 2001 - the first year Beijing began to enroll university students in the army - the ratio of university recruits has risen from 0.1 percent to 60 percent .

  13. 去年以来,大学生士兵的批量入伍不仅优化了部队的兵源结构,拓宽了干部选拔渠道,也从根本上解决了我军的现代化建设人才匿乏问题。

    Since last year , college students enlisted soldiers not only to optimize the bulk of the manpower structure of the military , broadening the channels of cadre selection , but also a fundamental solution to the modernization of our military personnel shortage problem .