
  1. 深圳大学城社区研究生行为习惯及获得保健知识途径的调查

    Investigation of Postgraduate 's Behavioral Habits and Ways by Which They Acquire Knowledge about Health Care

  2. 松江大学城学生社区思想政治教育状况、问题与对策

    The Ideal and Political Education in Students Community of Songjiang College City

  3. 第二章主要对涉及到大学城与周围社区互动的相关理论与概念进行了阐述。

    The second chapter introduces on the theories and concepts related to interaction between the university town and surrounding communities .

  4. 近些年来,大学城与周边社区已经有了成为互动开放系统的趋势,二者之间的物质文化联系逐渐变得紧密起来。

    In recent years , the University City and surrounding communities have become the trend of interactive open systems , material and cultural ties between the two gradually became close up .

  5. 第三章对我国大学城与周边社区在互动中存在的问题进行了总结,并对双方在互动过程中存在的问题进行了成因分析。

    Chapter ⅲ summarizes the problems in the interaction causes between our University City and surrounding communities , and analysis the causes of the problems of the two sides in an interactive process .

  6. 城市层面主要研究大学城建设对城市功能、城市结构、城市文化方面的影响。社区层面主要研究大学城建设对社区经济、社区居民、社区文化、社区交通的影响等。

    Research the university city building urban functions , urban culture from city level and the impact of University City building on community economic , community residents , community culture . Community transport .