
  1. 美国宾夕法尼亚洲东南部社区,是费城郊区。人口29744。

    A community of southeast Pennsylvania , a residential suburb of Philadelphia . Population , 29,744 .

  2. 滇东南岩溶山区社区资源利用系统分析与模式重建&以广南县篆角乡布标村公所为例

    Systematic analyses and modeling reconstruction for natural resources utilization in a community : case from the karst areas of Southeastern Yunnan Province

  3. 虽然在这个地方没有传统意义上的合伙办公空间,但在该位于哥斯达黎加东南部的社区有着众多移动办公者友好型的咖啡馆、餐馆以及酒吧。

    Though it doesn 't have co-working spaces in the traditional sense , this community in southeastern Costa Rica has plenty of nomad-friendly coffee shops , restaurants and bars .

  4. 卡尔加里市中心遭遇最严重洪灾,现在洪水开始向下游移动,威胁着阿尔伯塔东南部的小型社区。

    Record-breaking floodwaters in the downtown area of Calgary are moving downstream , threatening smaller communities in southeastern Alberta .