
  • 网络Large construction projects;large-scale construction project
  1. 大型建设项目的租赁融资模式研究

    The Mode of Lease Finance in Large-scale Construction Project

  2. 网络环境下大型建设项目风险分析

    The Risks of Large-scale Construction Project Under Network Environment

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,政府大型建设项目建设进入到高速发展的时代,项目规模越来越大、建设资金投入越来越多、建设范围越来越广、涉及部门越来越繁。

    Project is getting larger and construction scale in investment funds more and more extensive scope , involves more and more cumbersome .

  4. EPC项目模式是国际通用的大型建设项目的主流承包模式。

    EPC project mode is main trend contract mode of international mega project .

  5. 在大型建设项目中,由于项目参与各方存在严重的信息不对称和信息缺失,导致建设过程中低效率等问题的出现。大型建设项目管理办公室(PMO)可以从组织角度解决项目信息交流中的问题。

    The absence and imbalance of information owed by all parties leads to low efficient in the construction program , which can be solved by project management office as one of organizational measures .

  6. 城市边缘区域大型建设项目通道交通分析

    Passage Traffic Analysis for Large Developmental Projects in Urban Fringe Region

  7. 大型建设项目选址与城市规划管理

    Site Selection for Large Construction Projects and Urban Planning Management

  8. 众多大型建设项目如雨后春笋般快速铺开。

    And multitudinous new projects spring up one by one .

  9. 交通影响评价在大型建设项目开发中的作用

    Roles of Traffic Impact Appraisal in Large - scale Building Projects Development

  10. 大型建设项目业主方与监理方博弈分析研究

    Analysis research of game between large construction project owner and supervision part

  11. 因此,项目的环境影响评估,成为项目,尤其是大型建设项目可行性研究的重要组成部分,甚至是生死悠关的。

    So environmental impact assessment of a project is particularly important to it .

  12. 浅谈加强对大型建设项目的合同管理

    Discussion of strengthening contract management in enormous construction project

  13. 大型建设项目业主对勘测设计方激励机制设计

    Encouragement mechanism design of the large construction project owner on investigation design part

  14. 大型建设项目信息交流存在的问题及对策分析

    Information Exchange Block Analysis of Problems of Project Information Communication and Their Solution

  15. 大型建设项目设计界面的有效管理

    Effective Management of Large-scale Construction Project Design Interface

  16. 高校大型建设项目管理模式的探讨

    Discussion of the project management model of large aec project in China high schools

  17. 大型建设项目组织设计研究

    Research on organization design of large construction project

  18. 大型建设项目全寿命周期动态联盟模式研究

    Research of Agile Virtual Enterprise Model of Engineering Project Management Based on Project Life-cycle

  19. 基于项目群治理框架的大型建设项目集成管理模式研究

    Analysis of Large-scale Construction Projects on Integration Management Pattern Based on Program Governance Framework

  20. 通过工程项目可行性分析,港珠澳大桥的建设能够带动区域社会经济及各项事业的发展,与此同时,大型建设项目交通影响分析的问题也浮出水面。

    The construction project of HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will promote socio-economic development with project feasibility analysis .

  21. 大型建设项目的代建制管理模式

    Agent Construction Management Model for Mega-Construction Project

  22. 大型建设项目的社会化力量管理

    Management on Specialization Enterprises of Huge-construction Projects

  23. 大型建设项目业主方设计管理组织构架研究

    Study on the Organization 's Framework of Design Management Conducted by the Large Construction Clients

  24. 要解决城市大型建设项目出现的问题,规划决策是关键。

    Decision-making of planning is the key to the solution of the problems incity large construction projects .

  25. 大型建设项目需要社会化力量参与管理,协助业主实现项目目标。

    Huge construction projects need specialization enterprises take part in management to assist owners for accomplishing project aims .

  26. 首先建立了城市大型建设项目影响因素的评价指标体系并给出了每个指标的计算方法;

    First , the evaluation index system of impact factors and calculational method of each index are proposed .

  27. 论文的研究成果也可供其它大型建设项目的鉴识工程参考借鉴。

    These study results are also could be available forthe reference of the other large construction projects ' forensic .

  28. 本文阐述了大型建设项目总体设计的适用范围和深度要求。

    The application scope and depth requirements about general design of large-sized construction project are described in the article .

  29. 对大型建设项目组织进行设计或再设计是大型建设项目目标实现的重要保证。

    The organization design or redesign is an important guarantee to the successful realization of the targets of a large construction project .

  30. 随着经济建设的飞速发展,对外贸易的不断扩大,大型建设项目日益增多。

    With the rapid economic development and consistent growth of international trade , there are more and more construction projects on progress .