
  • 网络Tai Wai Station
  1. 大围站将会是马铁和东铁的交汇站。

    Tai Wai Station will serve as an interchange station between MOS Rail and East rail .

  2. 大围站将扩建至现时面积的三倍,成为马铁与现时东铁的交汇站。

    Tai Wai Station has been expanded to three times its original size to serve as an interchange station with East Rail .

  3. 马铁乘客只需在大围站横过对面月台便可转乘东铁列车前往尖沙咀。

    Passengers from Ma On Shan will simply use the cross-platform interchange at Tai Wai Station to board trains to Tsim Sha Tsui .

  4. 大围站的大堂东面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接村南道及新的公共交通交汇处。

    A new pedestrian subway has been built at the eastern side of the station concourse , linking the station to Tsuen Nam Road and the new Public Transport Interchange .