- eldest brother;elder brother;husband;eldest son

(1) [eldest brother]∶排行最大的哥哥
(2) [elder brother]∶尊称与自己年纪相仿的男子
(3) [eldest son]∶称排行最大的儿子
(4) [husband]∶妻子称丈夫
Bill : My eldest brother has become a famous actor .
She left all her money to my eldest brother .
It 's an attempt to control what reaches the public . Big Brother is watching .
His big brother is always ordering him about .
The oldest brother looked through his telescope and saw a palace in the distance .
The oldest brother brought a telescope .
It 's not uncommon3 for employees to complain periodically about " big brother " looking over their shoulder .
The policemanreplied , " Yes , sir . I 've already taken him to the zoo . Today , I 'm taking him to see a movie . "
The boss said , " Oh , my God ! You 're so dumb ! If you catch a monkey , you have to take it to the zoo . Why bring it to me . Take it to the zoo ! So the policeman took the monkey out .
A policeman took a monkey to his boss . The boss asked , " What kind of monkey business are you getting up to ? He said , " This monkey was wandering on the streets , not following any of the rules . I 'm turning him in .
The boss said , " Oh , my God ! You 're so dumb ! If you catch a monkey , you have to take it to the zoo . Why bring it to me . Take it to the zoo ! " So the policeman took the monkey out .
Apple created an advert that painted IBM as Big Brother .
Its simplicity creates a lower barrier of entry than its big brother SOAP .
To avoid spooking customer fears about Big Brother , most of these devices do not include GPS .
as a bunch of Californians railing against IBM to become , itself , an all-powerful Big Brother .
Full disclosure : my big brother , Robert E. Gorman , is the editor of this book .
He also wrote a hit British horror mini-series , Dead Set , in 2008 , which imagined a zombie apocalypse taking place around the reality series Big Brother .
You know , I 'm really proud of Tom & some day I hope I 'll be as big and strong as he is .
This was another way Punch exerted Big Brother-style control over its publican " partners , " who bore most of the day-to-day trading risk .
At the same time Sheikh Saud 's older brother , Sheikh Hassan , was buying 20th-century Arabic painting .
So sort of like the Wizard of Oz , or " 1984 's " Big Brother , separating the voice from its source ,
Benveniste , who died in2004 , claimed in a1988 Nature paper that IgE antibodies have an effect on a certain cell type even after being diluted by a factor of10120 .
Of course , Google ( GOOG ) and Amazon ( AMZN ) loom large as giants that could , it would seem , make oyster obsolete with great ease ( particularly Amazon with its formidable e-library ) .
Her father is the oldest brother of my mother .
It can 't be easy being Eli Manning , struggling to prove himself as an NFL quarterback while big brother Peyton polishes a Super Bowl trophy and his superman stats .
Blair : Asher 's just using your sister as a cover . It 's your brotherly duty to save her from becoming the next Katie Holmes . -
Did you talk with chang-geun boss ?
For short hair dogs and cats , either this soap or CP70 Tea Tree Cleaning Soap .
The G Plus can travel at up to nine miles per hour , reports The Verge news site . AI expert and author Calum Chace described the G Plus as resembling the " ugly big brother " of a delivery bot developed by UK firm Starship Technologies .
Sheikha Mayassa was a tomboyish , competitive child , the result , she says , of having two older brothers .