
  1. 在大功率逆变器的实时控制中,如何快速准确地计算出SPWM交点是一个关键问题。

    How to calculate SPWM cross point rapidly and accurately is a key problem in the real time controller of high power inverter .

  2. 半实物仿真环境下大功率逆变器建模的补偿算法

    Compensate algorithm for modeling of high-power inverter under the environment of semi-simulation

  3. 详细介绍了该系统的滤波原理、控制器结构和大功率逆变器的实现。

    Principally , controller and high power converter are discussed .

  4. 低输入电压大功率逆变器技术研究

    Research on High Power Inverters with Low Input Voltage

  5. 大功率逆变器的实时控制器研究

    Research on real time controller of high power inverter

  6. 近年来对中压大功率逆变器的需求日益增加,多电平逆变器已引起人们极大的兴趣。

    Due to the great demand of medium-voltage high-power inverter , the multilevel inverter has drawn tremendous interest ever since .

  7. 最后专门阐述了提高逆变器启动能力的有效方法及大功率逆变器的负载配置问题。

    In the end , an available method of starting activity for high power inverter has been explored as well .

  8. 针对大功率逆变器的应用介绍了一种基于不对称开关角的优化脉冲宽度调制方法。

    A new optimal pulse width modulation ( PWM ) technique with unsymmetrical switching angles was introduced for high power applications .

  9. 对大功率逆变器进行热-电耦合的研究可以为功率器件的选型与使用、散热器的合理设计、逆变器结构优化以及整个逆变系统的可靠运行提供有价值的参考。

    The electro-thermal coupling researches on high power inverters can play an important role in the device selection and application , heatsink design , inverter structure optimization , and benefit the inverter system stability .

  10. 基于双DSP微处理器的大功率牵引逆变器

    High Power Traction Inverter based on Dual DSP Controller

  11. SIT高频大功率谐振逆变器的研究

    Research on SIT High-Frequency and High-power Resonant Inverter

  12. 大功率GTO逆变器的电流保护技术

    Current Protection Technology of High Power GTO Inverter

  13. 大功率GTO逆变器用于铁路电力牵引,其PWM控制与一般工业领域中的变频调速系统的PWM控制有很大不同。

    High power GTO inverter is used for railway electric traction . Its PWM control is significantly different from variable frequency drive system in conventional industrial area .

  14. 炉卷轧机主传动新型大功率IEGT逆变器

    Novel High Power IEGT Inverter for the Main Drive of Steckel Mill

  15. 以两台60KW单相全桥电压控制性逆变器为对象,建立了单相逆变器及并联系统的数学模型,对大功率单相逆变器的并联控制与保护技术进行了分析研究。

    Based on two single-phase voltage-controlled inverters , the paper established the mathematical model of inverter and its parallel control system , then studies and analyzes the parallel system and protection methods .

  16. 大功率弧焊逆变器的电磁兼容性设计研究

    Study on electromagnetic compatibility design for high-power arc welding inverter

  17. 大功率弧焊逆变器峰值电流控制电路设计

    Design of peak-current control circuit for high-power soft-switch inverter

  18. 实验结果进一步验证了大功率三相逆变器的波形控制和并联控制策略有效可行性。

    The experiment result verifies the feasibility of voltage waveform control and parallel control scheme of high power three phase inverter .

  19. 随着可再生能源并网发电技术的发展,大功率并网逆变器控制技术成为人们研究的热点方向。

    With the development of renewable-energy generating , the control technology of high-power grid-connected inverter has been become a hot research direction .

  20. 结合大功率弧焊逆变器的设计,分析了领先桥臂和滞后桥臂实现零电压软开关的条件。

    Furthermore , based on designing of a large power inverter for arc welding , the soft switching conditions of leading and lagging legs have been analyzed .

  21. 大功率光伏逆变器是光伏电站系统的重要组成部件,其效率是衡量并网发电系统的重要指标之一。

    Grid-connected PV inverter is a key component of the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system . The efficiency of photovoltaic grid-connected inverter system is an important indicator measuring the power generation system .

  22. 在大功率牵引逆变器研制中,通常采用矢量控制或直接转矩控制等复杂的控制算法,若仅使用一片通用微处理器作为控制芯片难以胜任。

    In high power traction inverter , those control algorithms such as vector control or direct torque control are generally applied , which results in CPU loading restriction for a single general microprocessor .

  23. 在大功率晶体管逆变器&电动机驱动系统中,它不但可用来对电动机电流的波形、相位、幅值和频率进行精细控制,而且能快速地检测出故障电流。

    In a drive system of power transistor inverter-motor , not only can it be used in fine control of motor current waveform , phase , amplitude and frequency , but can also be used to sense , fault current .

  24. IGBT大功率E类逆变器

    IGBT High - power Class - E Inverter

  25. 对于大功率的GTO逆变器,提出了一种零电压转换(ZVS)的三电平辅助谐振变换极逆变器(ARCPI)。

    A zero-voltage-switching ( ZVS ) three-level auxiliary resonant commutated pole inverter ( ARCPI ) is presented for high power GTO ones .

  26. 大功率三相正弦波逆变器对称输出研究

    Research on Symmetrical Output for High Power Three-phase Inverter

  27. 大功率等离子喷涂逆变器的研究

    Study on Large Power Inverter for Plasma Spraying

  28. 本文还对抑制自激振荡及高压、大功率三电平逆变器死区的补偿方法进行了研究。

    The paper also pay much attention to research on self-excitation of induction motor shunted with LC filter and dead-time compensation based on high voltage three-level Inverter .

  29. 重点介绍了五电平NPC/H桥逆变电路的空间矢量调制方法。这是一种适用于大功率多电平逆变器的,基于3段开关顺序设计的空间矢量调制方案。

    Space-vector modulation schemes for the 5 level NPC / H bridge inverters are elaborated : A novel flexible 3-segment switching sequence for the space vector modulation ( SVM ) of high-power multilevel converters .

  30. 介绍了一种用于感应加热的高频大功率IGBT电流源逆变器。

    A high-frequency high-power current source inverter using IGBT for induction heating is described .