
The set of all numBers greater than 5
You should look for timestamp differences between sequential trace entries that are greater than about five seconds .
The experiment has three factors and the level number of which is more than five , so I used symmetrical design method .
The lateral stretched scope of reservoir is greater than one-fifth of radius of Fresnel zone and spatial sampling interval is small enough ;
Statistical data shows that the various dimensions of two evaluations is greater than the median of 3.It shows the performance management system and the results are good .
Based on the analysis of the test result , we can find that almost all of the network application can run in gear within a small-scale network where the relay hop count is no more than five hops .
Air quality comprehensive index on the deck was far less than 1 , cabins No. 3 and 4 greater than 1 and cabin No. 5 was far greater than 1 .
If the elastic vibration during accelerating is limited effectively , the starting time must be 5 times as long as the fundamental wave vibration period .
To improve the measurement precision further , the measured values are properly corrected . At last the relative error is less than five percents .