
  • 网络Multiple Linear Regression;MLR
  1. 求解多元多重线性回归系数的BP算法

    BP Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of Multiple Linear Regression

  2. 黑河中游增泄下游水量分析&基于SPSS多重线性回归模型

    Analysis of Increased Water Quantity in the Black River by SPSS Multiple Linear Regression Model

  3. 多重线性回归分析显示三酰甘油、总胆固醇、空腹血糖、收缩压、舒张压,与纤溶酶原激活物抑制物1活性呈显著正相关(P均<0.01)。

    Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the plasma PAI-1 levels were positively correlated with TG , TC , fasting blood glucose , systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure ( all P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 利用多重线性回归结合一般线性检验研究fMRI的相对强度及其空间分布

    Investigation of Relative fMRI Signal Intensity and Its Spatial Distribution with Combination of Multiple Linear Regression and General Linear Test

  5. 本文讨论了多重线性回归中的影响分析问题,从不同角度提出了数据影响的三种度量,揭示出了数据影响与样本容量n之间的关系。

    This paper discusses the influence analysis in multivariate linear regression , introduces three measures of data influence based on different sense , and reveals the relationship between the data influence and the sample size : n.

  6. 4对行主动脉瓣置换术者将TTE、TEE及4D状态下的主动脉瓣环最大径测值与手术中缝环测值之间进行直线相关分析及多重线性回归分析并建立回归方程。

    In 26 patients accepting aortic valve replacement , the largest diameters of aortic annulus measured by 4D , TTE and TEE were made linear correlation analysis and multiple linear regression with that measured in operation , and their regression equation were achieved .

  7. 本文研究了近红外仪在近红外区域(1100-2500nm),多重线性回归测定二醋酸纤维素的醋化值的方法。

    A near infrared spectrometer ( NIR ) was used to determine acetyl value of cellulose diacetate ( CA ) in near infrared spectral region ( 1100-2500nm ) with multiple linear regression ( MLR ) .

  8. 并通过回归分析法建立了热泵的多重线性回归模型。

    Then establish multiple linear regression model of heat pump using regression .

  9. 基于多重线性回归模型的翻译等价对获取

    Acquisition of Translation Equivalences Based on Multiple Linear Regression

  10. 多重线性回归中的掩盖和提升影响分析

    Masking and Boosting Influence Analysis in Multivariate Linear Regression

  11. 多重线性回归中数据联合影响的分解及数据的交叉影响

    Factorization of collective influences of data and cross influence of data in multivariate linear regression

  12. 乌鲁木齐市血液中心检验科影响检测质量因素的多重线性回归分析

    Multiple linear regression applying for analyze factors of affecting the test quality of Urumqi blood center laboratory

  13. 聚类方法与反卷积的多重线性回归处理方法得到的激活位置图是一致的。

    The pictures at the activated location obtained by cluster analysis and deconvolution method were the same .

  14. 采用多重线性回归分析方法建立了道路交通仿真模型,模型形成较为完备的体系,模型的数据来源是基于历史统计的交通信息资料。

    Using multi-dimensional linear regression model to simulate road traffic . The model data origins from historical statistic information .

  15. 本文讨论多重线性回归中数据对多元岭估计的影响。

    In this paper , we study the influence of data on the multivariate ridge estimator in multivariate linear regression .

  16. 结果建立了以人均住院成本为因变量的多重线性回归模型。

    Results Multiple linear regression model was established in which the average per capita hospitalization cost was as a dependent variable .

  17. 多重线性回归分析结果显示稻田种植面积、年平均降雨量与乙脑发病率存在统计学关联。

    As analyzed by linear regression , the incidence of Japanese B encephalitis infection statistically correlated with the paddy acreage and average annual rainfall .

  18. 方法利用CI-301CO2气体分析仪,测定光合及其影响因子的日变化,并进行相关性和多重线性回归分析。

    Methods Measure the diurnal changes of photosynthetic rate and its major influencing factors by using CI-301 CO_2 GAS ANALYZER and carry out correlation and regression analysis .

  19. 运用多重线性回归分析和单因素方差分析方法讨论了不同生态系统植物群落物种丰富度与节肢动物群落及其功能团物种丰富度之间的关系。

    Relationship between vegetation community species richness and arthropod community species richness or their functional groups species richness is discussed in different ecosystems by multitude linear regression analysis and ANOVA .

  20. 根据标准品种比较法中多重线性回归方程通径系数的大小顺序,确定耐盐指标的选择顺序为:相对含水量、叶绿素含量、脯氨酸含量、相对电导率、丙二醛含量。

    According to coefficient order of Multi-Linear Regression with comparing method of standard variety , the index order on selecting ability of salt-tolerance are relative water content , chlorophyll , dissociative praline content , relative conductance rate and MAD content .

  21. 多重线性回归分析中,影响科研产出的变量是科研经费。

    Multiple linear regression analysis , the influence of input variable is the scientific research achievements and human resources ( namely train the number of doctor and master ), the influence of scientific research output variable is scientific research funds .

  22. 为了确定多重线性回归模型中回归系数矩阵的秩,本文提出了一个基于M估计的模型选择程序,且在较弱的条件下建立了回归系数矩阵的秩的估计的强相合性。

    To determine the rank of regression coefficient matrix in a multivariate linear regression model , a model selection procedure is proposed based on the M-estimation . It is derived that the estimator of the rank of regression coefficient matrix under some mild conditions is strongly consistent .

  23. 利用该模式,提出了基于物理的星载微波辐射计海洋大气参数(包括海面风速、海表温度、大气垂直积分水汽量以及积分液态水量)多重线性回归算法。

    Based on the simulation by the selected forward model , a multiple linear regression algorithm is presented for the retrieval of oceanic and atmospheric parameters including sea surface temperature , surface wind speed , integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water from satellite microwave radiometer microwave .

  24. 聚类得到的激活图分类清晰,便于发现脑区的多种功能活动。多重线性回归激活图有大量重叠,分类不清晰,但是激活区域的强度变化清晰。

    The picture at the activated location obtained by cluster analysis was clear in classification and easy to find the multiple functional activities in brain area , and that obtained by deconvolution method had many overlaps , unclear classification , but the intensity changes at activated areas were clear .

  25. 多重正态线性回归模型

    Multiple normal linear regression mode

  26. 多重共线性的逐步回归检验分析

    Instance Analysis of Multi-Collinearity by Stepwise Regression

  27. 由于指标间存在多重共线,多元线性回归的效果不好。

    Because of the existence of multi-collinearity among the items , the effect of the multiple linear regression was unsatisfactory .

  28. 之后在实证部分对样本进行了中位数差异检验、相关性检验、多重共线性检验以及回归分析、稳健性检验。

    In the empirical part , it concludes median difference test between the two types of sample , correlation test and regression analysis .