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duō qíng
  • sentimental;passionate;sensitive;emotional;acracholia;be full of affection for sb. of the opposite sex;full of tenderness or affection
多情 [duō qíng]
  • [emotional;sensitive;be full of affection for sb. of the opposite sex] 重感情;富于感情,多指重爱情

  • 多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节。--宋. 柳永《雨霖铃》

  • 多情应笑我,早生华发。--宋. 苏轼《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》

多情[duō qíng]
  1. 但愿那逃逸了的多情往昔

    Could the passionate past that is fled

  2. 他正是青春年少&并不多情,可是善感。

    He was in his fresh youth & not passionate , but impressible .

  3. 她迷人而多情。

    She was both charming and susceptible .

  4. 她的形象变得风流多情,不修边幅。

    Her image veers towards the untidily romantic .

  5. 女人们对他缠绵多情。

    Women went gooey over him .

  6. 他天性多情。

    He has an amorous nature .

  7. 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)

    As my spirit wanders to the ancient kingdom , | you may well laugh at me for being so sentimental , | and growing grey hair so soon !

  8. 论文利用系统动力学模型与CLUE-S模型的理论框架,构建了太仆寺旗土地利用变化系统动力学模型及其时空变化模拟模型,通过对太仆寺旗土地利用变化的情景设计,实现了土地利用变化的多情景分析。

    Regarding system dynamics model and CLUE-S model as the modeling framework , this paper designed a Land-Use Change System Dynamics ( LUCSD ) model and realized the scenario analyses of baseline , ecologically-oriented and economically-oriented models in Taips County ( 2000 ~ 2020 ) .

  9. 太过多情是一种负累;

    Too crosses full of affection is one kind of burdens ;

  10. 对于这一种多情的致词,布拉斯小姐只是简截地答道:讨厌

    To this amorous address Miss Brass briefly responded " Bother !"

  11. 卡门如此多情,总是卖弄风骚。

    Carmen s so rrtatng , she 's aiways showng off .

  12. 因为有爱,我们的生命如此多情;

    Since there is love , our life is so sentimental ;

  13. 当然,在她多情的胸中或许还潜藏着另一个原因。

    There was probably another reason latent in her affectionate bosom .

  14. 伸江先生,我从没想到你是这么多情。

    Nobu-san . I had no idea you were so sentimental .

  15. 曾经有人说过,男人是多情和长情的。

    It has been said that men are sentimental and long situation .

  16. 但是,哦,太多情,我何时回答过你?

    But O too fond , when have I answer 'd thee ?

  17. 我对他那些硬作多情的陈词滥调非常厌烦。

    I got very bored with all his sloppy cliches .

  18. 犹记多情,曾为系归舟。

    Remember love , once for the Department of dim .

  19. 徐州市水资源承载能力多情景综合评价

    Multiple Scenarios Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Xuzhou City

  20. 她生性异想天开,浪漫多情。

    She 's a dreamer and a romantic by temperament .

  21. 这样多情的追逐让我喘不过气。

    I am out of breath in this fond chase .

  22. 她是一个善良、文雅、而又多情的女人。

    She is a good , decent , affectionate girl .

  23. 走过了热烈的夏季,多情的秋天便悄然而至。

    Gone with the impassioned summer , amorous autumn has come quietly .

  24. 丽提莎是克莱蒙特众多情人中的一个。

    Lateesha was one of claremont 's many mistresses .

  25. 你渴望多情的拥抱?

    And you 're longing for a fond embrace ?

  26. 多情总叫多情误,无情终被无情害。

    Acracholia is not good , and implacability will be hurt by itself .

  27. 这里有一个嘉莉,起初是贫穷的、单纯的、多情的。

    Here was carrie , in the beginning poor , unsophisticated . emotional ;

  28. 他利用了那个多情的少女。

    He took advantage of the susceptible young girl .

  29. 颂赞着多情骑士和绝命佳人,

    In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights ,

  30. 鲁西北地区耕地劳动力承载力的多情景模拟

    Scenario Simulating on Labor Carrying Capacity of Arable Land in the Northwestern Shandong