
  • 网络multi-level marketing;Multilevel marketing;mlm
  1. 多层次营销却不同。

    Multilevel marketing is not like this .

  2. 多层次营销是盘大生意。

    Multilevel marketing is a huge business .

  3. 多层次营销公司都竭力将自己的业务(合法)和传销(非法)划清界线。

    Multilevel marketers take pains to distinguish their businesses ( which are legal ) from pyramid schemes ( which are not ) .

  4. 论品牌形象的二维多层次整合营销传播

    Model of Brand Image Integrated Marketing Communication of Two-dimensional & Multi-levels

  5. 2008年青岛奥运营销具有自身特点和目标,建立多层次产品营销体系,推动营销主体多元化发展,使用合理的筹资渠道是营销实践应关注的重点。

    The marketing of 2008 Qingdao Olympic Games has its own characteristics and objectives , establishing multi-level products marketing system , promoting the multi-development of marketing organization , using the rational fund-raising channels are the main problems concerned .

  6. 多层次直销属于直销的范畴,在直销行业中93%公司都采用多层次直销这一营销模式。

    Multi-level marketing is fallen into the direct-selling premise and 93 % of the direct selling companies adopts this model .