
  • 网络multivariable statistics;multivariate statistical analysis;multivariate analysis;multi-variate statistical analysis;SPSS
  1. 多元统计分析在Excel中的实现

    The Implementation of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Excel

  2. 最后通过MATLAB编程实现了以多元统计分析为基础的水质指标分析模块,并实现了该模块与GIS的集成。

    Finally , the water quality analysis module was developed using MATLAB and integrated to GIS , which is based on the multivariate statistical analysis .

  3. 陶瓷胎中Al2O3、Fe2O3作用的多元统计分析

    Multi-Variate Statistic Analysis of Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3 Effect in Pottery and Porcelain

  4. 基于Ward聚类法的道路交通事故多元统计分析

    Multivariate statistics analysis of road traffic accidents based on Ward method

  5. 应用PRIMER软件进行浮游植物群落结构的多元统计分析

    Multivariate analysis with primer on marine phytoplankton community structure in mesocosm system

  6. 利用地统计学、GIS以及多元统计分析相结合的方法,对蒙顶山茶园土壤肥力质量进行了定量化综合评价研究。

    A comprehensive evaluation of the soil fertility in Mengding Mountain was carried out with Geostatistics , GIS , and statistics methods .

  7. 重金属有效态含量与全量也呈高度相关,且有效态含量约占全量的10%~35%之间,并与pH和有机质含量相关。其中多元统计分析由SAS软件作出。

    The proportion of available content to total content is about between 10 % to 35 % .

  8. 本文以几种常用的多元统计分析方法为例,简要介绍了MATLAB在化学试验及数据处理中的应用。

    This paper mainly discussed the applications of MATLAB in chemistry experiment and data handle by exemplifying the typical multiple statistics analysis .

  9. 而主成份分析法(PCA法)是多元统计分析理论的重要工具,为产业竞争力量化分析的指标赋权问题提供了科学的解决方案。

    The Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) method is a significant tool of plural statistical analysis theory .

  10. 采用主成分回归(PCR)和偏最小二乘法(PLS)对试验数据进行了多元统计分析。

    Then all data were analyzed by principal component regression ( PCR ) and partial least square ( PLS ) .

  11. 本文阐述大型多元统计分析软件PRIMER的原理及其在底栖生态学中的应用。

    This paper presented the rationale and application of the multivariate statistical software PRIMER in benthic ecological study .

  12. 非负矩阵因子分解(non-negativeMatrixFactorization,NMF)是对非负数据处理的一种多元统计分析方法。

    Non-negative matrix factorization ( NMF ) has been proposed for multivariate data analysis , with non-negativity constraints .

  13. 主成分分析(PCA)是经典的多元统计分析方法,在处理多变量综合问题方面有比较突出的优势。

    Principal Component Analysis is a classic multivariate statistical analysis method , which has obvious advantage in the integrated multi-variable problem .

  14. 利用地震属性、多元统计分析理论和ANFIS预测碳酸盐岩储层裂缝孔隙度

    Prediction of Fracture Porosity of Carbonate Reservoir with Seismic Attributes , Multi-analysis and ANFIS

  15. 多元统计分析结果显示:PA和高血压对青年脑梗死的发生有显著作用。

    Multivariate statistical analysis indicated that PA and hypertension played a remarkable role in the occurrence of cerebral infarction in the young adult .

  16. 本文对基于多元统计分析技术的DDoS智能检测算法作了研究。

    So the intelligent detecting algorithm to DDoS attacks based on multivariate statistical analysis is researched in this paper .

  17. 介绍了多元统计分析(MSA)软件包及其基本原理。

    The multivariated statistical analysis ( MSA ) software package and its fundamental principles are presented .

  18. 文章用多元统计分析的基本方法对大量的现场资料进行了统计分析,得出了不同原油粘度下API抽油机的模型示功图。

    This paper presents statistical analysis on data in site by using multi-variate statistical analysis method and obtains model dynamometer card of API pumping units on different crude oil viscosities .

  19. 虽然多元统计分析技术已经在网络分析应用中比较广泛了,但是在DDoS攻击检测防御技术的应用中还尚不成熟。

    Multivariate statistical analysis is used for detection and defense to DDoS attacks perfectly although its application in network analysis is very extensive .

  20. 血清气相色谱-飞行时间质谱(GC/TOF-MS)检测数据的多元统计分析结果显示,患者体内的苯丙氨酸含量显著升高(P0.01),且与肝病发展进程呈正相关。

    GC / TOF-MS and multivariate statistical analysis showed that the serum concentration of phenylalanine in patients increased significantly ( P0.01 ) and was positively related to disease process .

  21. 本文通过MATLAB软件来实现地质多元统计分析中的因子分析计算和趋势面等值线的绘制,并初步探讨了利用MATLAB进行地质多元统计分析的计算和绘图方法。

    The text is achieving gene analysis of Geologic Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis and the drawing of isoline by MATLAB , and discusses elementarily the methods of solving the count and drawing of Geologic Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis .

  22. 运用R因子分析和R型聚类两种多元统计分析方法,对鲁西南地区深埋粘性土的20组样的8个物理力学指标数据进行了分析。

    By meanings of R factor analysis and R cluster analysis of two multivariable statistical analysis methods , the 8 index data of the 20 groups great overburden clay were analyzed in the southwest regions of Shandong Province .

  23. 文章应用多种多元统计分析方法,分析了天津表土16种PAHs之间的关系。

    This paper discussed the relationship among 16 prior polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) contained in topsoil in Tianjin area based on various methods of multivariate statistics analysis .

  24. 陕西西岳庙古琉璃胎料来源的INAA研究及多元统计分析

    Study on Sources of Colored Glaze of Xiyue Temple in Shanxi Province by INAA and Multivariable Statistical Analysis

  25. 通过这一工作确立了先应用聚类等定性分析方法,再用多元统计分析方法作更深入研究的QSAR研究模式。

    This work resulted in a typical QSAR studying scheme in which the cluster analysis is applied , followed by the multivariate statistical methods for a deeper investigation .

  26. 使用了两个多元统计分析工具,即主元分析(PCA)和费舍尔判别分析(FDA),通过对过程数据的分析来实现对控制系统的故障诊断。

    Two multivariate statistical analysis tools , principal component analysis ( PCA ) and Fisher discriminant analysis ( FDA ), are used to implement control system fault diagnosis by means of process data analysis .

  27. 基于多元统计分析的故障诊断方法是故障诊断领域的一个重要研究分支,主元分析(PCA)方法又是目前在工业过程故障诊断中应用最多的多元统计方法之一。

    Multivariate statistical analysis has been considered as an important method of industrial process fault diagnosis . Principal component Analysis ( PCA ) is one of the most widely application methods in the field of fault diagnosis .

  28. 运用多元统计分析中的典型相关分析方法,借助于DPS数据处理系统对接受测试的20名成员的测试数据进行了分析,给出了人的体质与运动能力之间的关系。

    In the paper we analyse twenty members'tested data using DPS data processing system and give the relation between constitution and sports ability through canonical correlation analysis in multivariate statistical analysis .

  29. 明确了基于多元统计分析的火电厂控制系统故障诊断的范围、对象和理论方法。第二,研究了火电厂控制系统在稳态条件下的PCA故障检测问题。

    It is clarified that the scope 、 objects and theoretical methods of fault diagnosis in thermal power plant control systems . Second , fault detection in steady state is studied when using PCA in thermal power plant control system .

  30. 此法已在工作站上全面开发和完善,定名为多元统计分析系统(简称MSAS)。

    The method , named " multivariate statistical analysis system ( MSAS ) ", has been fully tested and perfected on workstation .