
Duō lún duō
  • Toronto
  1. 他们婚后的头几个月住在多伦多。

    They lived in Toronto during their first few months of marriage .

  2. 他去了多伦多,在那儿租了一间公寓。

    He went to Toronto , where he leased an apartment

  3. 多伦多医院的产房都已住满了。

    Toronto hospital maternity wards were filled to capacity .

  4. 多伦多枫叶队连续第三年捧杯。

    The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs

  5. 他认为你是从多伦多调过来协助当地警方工作的。

    He thought you 'd been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police .

  6. 多伦多的黑人群体中有很多人觉得司法制度对待他们有失公正。

    Many in Toronto 's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly

  7. 世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。

    The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece .

  8. 除了有点儿魅力外,他和多伦多其他众多机灵的年轻小伙子没有两样。

    Except for a patina of charisma , he was like a thousand other bright young men in Toronto .

  9. 包括:学习多伦多学校可能没有提供的课程

    Include : Access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school

  10. 多伦多教育局的中学生受邀在他们的日常课表中添加一到两个电子学习课程。

    Secondary students across Toronto District School Board ( TDSB ) are invited to take one or two e-Learning courses on their day school timetable .

  11. 多伦多的一位男士正在为合适的女士提供免费的环球飞行服务。

    A   Toronto   man   is   offering   a   free   round-the-world   air   to   the   right   woman .

  12. 行程开始于12月21日,从纽约市启程并继续前往米兰、布拉格、巴黎、曼谷和新德里,然后于1月8日抵达多伦多。

    The trip is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan , Prague , Paris , Bangkok and New Delhi before tripin Toronto on January 8 .

  13. 从金斯敦乘公共汽车到多伦多大约要三个小时。

    It is about three hours ' trip by bus from Kingston to Toronto .

  14. B是的,但是北京比多伦多大得多。

    Yes , but Beijing is much bigger than Toronto .

  15. B事实上,我因公出差来这里。我从多伦多来。

    Actually , I 'm here on business . I 'm from Toronto .

  16. 多伦多,安大略省首府,加拿大最大的城市。故此题答案为C。

    Ottawa is the capital of Canada , a municipality and the second largest city within the province of Ontario .

  17. Paul在1984年加入IBM,在多伦多开发实验室工作。

    Paul 's IBM career started in1984 at the company 's Toronto Development Laboratory .

  18. 两年后,他搬到了多伦多的约克大学(yorkuniversity),这样他就可以在一个顶尖的金融中心工作。

    He then moved to York University in Toronto two years later so he could work in a leading financial centre .

  19. LauraMiddleton是多伦多新宁研究院(SunnybrookResearchInstitute)和加拿大滑铁卢大学的研究人员。

    Laura Middleton is a researcher at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Waterloo in Canada .

  20. 联合国(un)《2003年人类发展报告》(humandevelopmentreport)显示,除美国迈阿密以外,多伦多市生于国外的居民数量,超过世界上其它任何城市。

    According to the 2003 United Nations human development report , Toronto has more residents born outside the country than any other city in the world , except Miami .

  21. UPS在1975年首次走向国际,当时它提供加拿大多伦多市内的服务。

    UPS first went international in1975 when it offered services within the Canadian city of Toronto .

  22. 在加入多伦多实验室之前,他在IBMFrance工作了三年,从事各种Siebel/DB2迁移项目。

    Prior to joining the Toronto Lab , he worked with IBM France for three years on various Siebel / DB2 migration projects .

  23. 后一块将包括多伦多证券交易所、瑞典的omx和澳大利亚证券交易所(australianstockexchange)等。

    The latter would include the likes of the TSX , OMX of Sweden , and the Australian Stock Exchange .

  24. 我这个缺乏自我检讨的加拿大人观点将以竞争及繁荣协会(InstituteforCompetitivenessandProsperity)2005年报告为基础,这是多伦多的一个智囊机构。

    My devoid-of-any-self-criticism Canadian observations were going to be based on a 2005 report from the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity , a Toronto think-tank .

  25. 梅格汉随即返回多伦多继续拍摄电视剧《金装律师》(Suits),但这对情侣的分别不算太久。

    She then flew back to Toronto to shoot Suits - but the separation from her prince was very temporary .

  26. 里德向多伦多罗特曼管理学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)的萨拉•卡普兰(SarahKaplan)公开了自己的私人通信,用于近期的一项研究。

    Mr Reed opened his private correspondence to Sarah Kaplan of Toronto 's Rotman management school for a recent study .

  27. 在多伦多股市的午盘交易中,RIM股价下跌4%,降至25.41加元。

    The stock was down 4 per cent at C $ 25.41 in lunch time trading in Toronto .

  28. 例如,总部设在多伦多的压力团体etc对其所称的企业利用“极端基因工程”尤其关注。

    For example etc , a pressure group based in Toronto , is particularly concerned about corporate exploitation of what it calls " extreme genetic engineering " .

  29. 多伦多G20峰会过后,外界的抱怨是,各国都把精力放在了本国经济上面,忽视了全球福利。

    The complaint after Toronto is that nations are concentrating on their own economies and ignoring global welfare .

  30. 在多伦多G20峰会会场附近,反全球化组织抗议者与警方发生冲突。

    Groups of anti-globalization protesters have clashed with police in Toronto near the venue of the G20 meeting .