
  • 网络multiplayer
  1. 修正了一个在多人对战游戏时会发生的崩溃错误。

    Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games .

  2. 地图编辑器中含有一些并未出现在多人对战模式中的单位。

    There will be units included in the Map Editor which will not be in the standard multiplayer skirmish mode .

  3. 去年12月,在拉斯维加斯的一场活动上,索尼旗下的圣地亚哥工作室推出它的首款免费增值游戏《KillStrain》,这是一款“5V2V5”的多人对战射击游戏。

    At an event in Las Vegas in December , Sony 's internal San Diego Studios debuted its first free-to-play game , Kill Strain , which pits teams of five verses two verses five players in shooting action .

  4. 该作的特色将包括同一赛道的多车即时竞赛以及在线多人对战。

    It will feature races with multiple cars on one track simultaneously , as well as online multiplayer .