
  • 网络External Resources;external sources;External Assets
  1. 在传统的web分布模型中,这些都作为外部资源而被独立下载和缓存。

    In a traditional web distribution model these are treated as external resources , loaded and cached independently .

  2. 该数据访问对象极其简单;它不连接任何外部资源(比如关系数据库)以获得Test实例。

    This data access object is extremely simple ; it does not connect to any external resources ( such as relational databases ) to obtain Test instances .

  3. 以实现对外与数字电视和宽带INTERNET相连,实现外部资源的接入。

    By realizes foreign is connected with the digital television and wide band INTERNET , realizes exterior resources turning on .

  4. 在现实世界中,您可能会具有连接外部资源以检索Test对象的数据访问对象。

    In a real-world scenario , you would probably have a data access object that does connect to an external resource to retrieve Test objects .

  5. 谈VISUALFOXPRO中外部资源的使用

    The Application of Exterior Resources on Visual FoxPro

  6. 在VISUALFOXPRO程序中调用外部资源

    Allocating External Resources in Visual Foxpro

  7. 本文对成都C公司虚拟经营合作策略的研究,为广大中小企业的发展提供了一条通过借助外部资源、提升自身能力以应对市场快速变化的思路。

    From studying the cooperation tactics of virtual operating , the dissertation can bring the mass of SME a thinking to response the varying rapidly market .

  8. 目前外商投资已成为我国各地区利用外部资源的主要方式,外资的流入对各地区的经济增长产生了重要的影响,其中外商直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment)的作用最为明显。

    At present , foreign investment has become the region 's main form of the use of external resources , the role of foreign direct investment is most evident .

  9. mock让我们能够集中精力测试TeamRoom应用程序的核心功能,而不需要为外部资源操心。

    Mocks allow us to concentrate testing on the core functionality in our Team Room application without worrying about inaccessible external resources .

  10. 为了在竞争中处于优势地位,一种以实现企业敏捷性生产和外部资源优化的整合模式&虚拟企业(VirtualEnterprise,VE)正在逐渐成为21世纪制造企业的主要组织形式。

    In order to prevail in competition , Virtual Enterprise has become the most important integrated mode of actualizing enterprise 's agility production and optimizing outside resources in the 21st century .

  11. 标识包含在外部资源中并且可以转移到另一个XML文档的独特XML信息块。

    Identify a unique chunk of XML information that is contained in an external resource and that can be pulled from that resource into another XML document .

  12. 指向小部件所使用的外部资源(比如JavaScript和CSS文件)的能力。

    The capability to point to external resources such as JavaScript and CSS files used by the widget .

  13. 这些策略能够自行修复对外部资源(如数据库或JMS服务器)的连接。

    These policies enable self-healing connections to external resources , such as to a Database or JMS server .

  14. 利用外部资源扩展VFP的功能

    Utilize Exterior Resources to Extend the Function of VFP

  15. 还可以使用view标记显示或播放外部资源,例如图像、MP3文件和其他Flash文件。

    One can also use the view tag to display or play external resources , such as images , MP3 files , and other Flash files .

  16. 标识希望完整包含的外部资源的位置(URI)。

    Identify the location ( URI ) of an external resource that you want to include in its entirety .

  17. 与其他J2EE应用服务器不同的是,Geronimo预先集成了外部资源组件,如数据库、消息服务器和目录服务器。

    Unlike other J2EE application servers , Geronimo comes preintegrated with external resource components like a database , a messaging server , and a directory server .

  18. 如果Geronimo中的所有应用程序使用外部资源引用(例如安全配置或依赖性因素),则需要使用Geronimo部署计划。

    All applications in Geronimo require a Geronimo deployment plan if they use external resource references , such as security configurations or dependency aspects .

  19. Assistance提供了到外部资源的有用链接以便理解和解决使用Solv可能遇到的一些问题。

    Assistance provides useful links to external resources for understanding and resolving issues that may come up while using Solr .

  20. 在信息一体化的竞争环境下,企业必须有效整合以ERP(企业资源计划)为核心的内部资源和以CRM(客户关系管理)为核心的外部资源。

    The enterprises should effectively integrate inner resource mainly from ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) with extern resource mainly from CRM ( Customer Relation Management ) under the environment of information integration .

  21. 它将各种XML内容结合起来,包括XInclude和其他文档组合方法以及众多引用外部资源的技术。

    They are the glue for XML entities , including XInclude and other methods of document combination as well as many technologies that make reference to external resources .

  22. ERP(企业资源计划)整合了企业管理理念、业务流程、基础数据、人力物力、计算机硬件和软件于一体,是对企业可利用的所有内部和外部资源进行综合运营的系统。

    Integrating enterprise management philosophy , business procedure , basic data , human and financial resources as well as computer software and hardware , ERP is a comprehensive operating system for all available inside and outside resources of an enterprise .

  23. 分别从价值体系、业务管理和技术层次来研究企业制造资源计划(ERP)和客户关系管理(CRM)整合的机制,为企业整合外部资源提供了思路。

    Then the paper elaborates the mechanism of integrating the CRM with ERP from value system , operation management and technology level . There is an idea for the enterprise to rearrange the whole resource including outside and inside .

  24. 这OEM(原始设备制造商)采购策略,根据蔡博士,使科斯韦利用外部资源和产品研究与发展(R&D)的专业优势。

    This OEM ( original equipment manufacturer ) sourcing strategy , according to Chuah , has enabled Cosway to take advantage of external resources and expertise for product research and development ( R & D ) .

  25. 其次,发现并指出,台资KIBS创新任务环境中的政策法律环境、外部资源环境和市场环境中既包括有利因素也包括障碍因素;

    Secondly , the study pinpoint there are advantage factors and barriers in the task innovation environment including law environment , external resource environment and market environment ;

  26. 也就是,不是使用VFS技术去访问现有的外部资源,而是要将一个特殊用途的数据库(位于应用程序内部)当作一个完整的文件系统进行管理。

    That is , rather than using VFS technology to access existing external resources , it manages a special-purpose database , internal to the application , as a complete filesystem .

  27. ERP注重通过内部资源集成提高运作效率,SCM强调通过对外部资源的管理来获得效益,而电子商务为SCM中相邻节点的贸易和管理提供了强有力的辅助。

    ERP pays attention to the improvement of operational efficiency with the inside integration of the resource ; SCM obtains benefit by managing outside resource ; the application of e-Business can offer SCM effective assistance in the trade and management of adjacent nodes on the supply chain .

  28. 如果您的pluglet运行非常快,这样做没问题,但是如果它是一个漫长的运行过程(或者与外部资源相互交互,比如说在网络上),那么您也许不想在UI线程上执行。

    This is OK if your pluglet runs very quickly , but if it is a long running-process ( or interacts with external resources , say on a network ), then you don 't want to execute on the UI thread .

  29. 由于开放性的市场条件和VT、IT的广泛应用,企业虚拟化运营效率系统具有开放性,其本质是企业通过整合外部资源、提升企业外部效率来实现经济活动目标。

    Because of the open market condition and the extensive application of VT and IT , the efficiency system of the virtual management of the enterprises is open . Its innate character is integrating exterior resources and promoting exterior efficiency to achieve economic targets .

  30. 在OSEK标准提出的优先级置顶协议基础上,本文提出了面向内部和外部资源的两种不同的优化方法,在操作系统处于混合调度模式下,这种改进显著地减少了调度中资源分配的开销。

    Based on the Priority Ceiling Protocol in OSEK standard , we introduce improvement techniques , treating internal resources and external resources differently , which in the mode of mixed scheduling , greatly reduces the overhead of resource allocation in context-switch .