
  1. b)买方船运代理中国外轮代理公司,负责办理租船订舱事宜。

    b. Booking of shipping space shall be arranged by the Buyer 's shipping agent , China Ocean Shipping Agency .

  2. c)买方船运代理(中国外轮代理公司)预计船抵达装运港10天之前,将船名、预计装货日期、合同号等通知卖方,以便卖方安排装运。

    c. The Buyer 's shipping agent ( China Ocean Shipping Agency ) shall send to the Seller notice indicating the name of vessel , estimated date of loading and contract number for the Seller to arrange shipment 10 ( ten ) days before the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the loading port .

  3. 外轮代理公司有事找你轮,请船长接电话。

    Penavico has message for your ship , call captain please .

  4. 并给出了天津外轮代理公司目标市场实施策略。

    China Ocean Shipping Agency Tianjin , given the target market implementation strategy .

  5. 厦门外轮代理有限公司发展战略分析

    The Development Strategy of China Ocean Shipping Agency Xiamen

  6. 中国营口外轮代理公司船期

    China Ocean Shipping Agency Yingkou

  7. 我有紧急事情,请接外轮代理公司,越快越好。

    I have an urgent matter , please pass on to penavico , the sooner , the better .

  8. 厦门外轮代理有限公司地处厦门港,是东南沿海最早、最大的国际船舶代理公司。

    China Ocean Shipping Agency Xiamen locating in Xiamen harbor , is the earliest and largest foreign shipping agency in the southeast coastal area of China .

  9. 但对于原有受国家政策保护的中国外轮代理公司来说,面对真正的市场竞争,尽力拼搏了两年并不是一件很轻松的事,现在可以对这两年的市场表现作一下盘点。

    As a company which had been protected more than 40 years in foreign shipping agency business , China Ocean Shipping Agency has to face the competence more than two years .

  10. 作为中国外轮代理有限公司控股公司,我司享有母公司独特的行业优势和便利。

    Being a fully owned subsidiary of China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen ( Penavico Shenzhen ), We are enjoying unique advantages and conveniences within the industry given by our mother company .

  11. 公司与中国外贸运输公司上海公司、中国远洋运输集团公司、中国外轮代理公司有着良好的业务合作关系。

    The company has established good business relations with China Foreign Trade Transportation Company Shanghai Branch , China Ocean Shipping Company ( COSCO ), and People 's Navigation Company ( PENAVICO ) .

  12. 本论文的研究是对航运企业物流运作的战略分析与评价的新探索,同时希望能为天津外轮代理有限公司未来的战略规划提供一条新思路。

    Research of this paper is new exploration about evaluation and strategy analysis of shipping enterprise logistic operations and attempts to find a new way for strategy planning of China Ocean Shipping Agency Tianjin .

  13. 船舶代理市场管制放开后,天津地区先后成立数十家船代企业,像天津外轮代理有限公司这样的老牌航运物流企业面临着巨大的竞争威胁。

    Along with the government control on shipping agency disappeared , dozens of shipping companies were founded , therefore the old shipping and logistic company such as China Ocean Shipping Agency Tianjin is facing tremendous competition .