
  • 网络Speculator;speculator on foreign exchange;Foreign Exchange Speculator;Exchange Speculator
  1. 其次,重估可能会吸引那些想获取短线收益的外汇投机者买入人民币。

    Second , currency speculators might be attracted to buy the currency for short-term gains .

  2. 它们认为这些资金的主要功能是投资,同时还能阻止外汇投机者的袭击。

    They are best seen as investment funds that also deter attacks by Forex speculators .

  3. 外汇投机者理性、非理性的集体投机行动,都可以对汇率产生重大影响;

    Both reasonable and unreasonable collective speculations of foreign exchange speculators can exert significant influence on exchange rate ;

  4. 外汇投机者已在打赌香港的联系汇率制将会松动:12个月远期外汇合约的价格已经体现了港元将微幅升值的预期。

    Currency speculators are already betting that the Hong Kong dollar peg may snap : 12-month forwards are pricing in a slight strengthening .

  5. 外汇投机者正押注于新兴市场货币将在年底反弹,因疲弱美元重新引燃了收益率较高货币的利差交易。

    Currency speculators are betting on an end-of-year rally in emerging markets , as the weak dollar fuels a revival of carry trades in higher yielding currencies .

  6. 由于知识与信息的不足,外汇投机者很难形成水平确定并且个体相同的基本汇率趋势,这使得具有稳定汇率功能的回归预期难以形成;

    Owing to lack of insight and information , foreign exchange speculators have difficulties to form a basic tendency of exchange rate on a definite level and shared by all individuals , which makes it hard to ensure the return expected when the exchange rate is stable ;

  7. 保护一种货币唯一的方式是拥有足够多的外汇储备以便遏制投机者。

    The only way to protect a currency is to have enough reserves to deter speculators .

  8. 第二,即使一国货币的汇率没有被高估,如果它没有大量外汇储备,也有可能受到外汇投机者的成功袭击。

    Second , even if its exchange rate is not overvalued , a country could face a successful attack by Forex speculators if it does not have a very large amount of foreign exchange .