
  1. 外国申请人需要在自己的专业领域享有国际性声誉的证明。

    Evidence that the alien applicant is recognized internationally as outstanding in his or her field of expertise .

  2. “外国申请人与同行其他人员相比有超高薪水或福利的证明”。

    Evidence that the alien has commanded a high salary or other significantly high remuneration for services , in relation to others in the field .

  3. 关于外国申请人的成就在其专业或主要行业专刊或其他大众媒体上被报导的证明材料。

    Published material about the alien in professional or major trade publications or other major media , relating to the aliens work in the field for which classification is sought .

  4. 外国学生申请人前经国内各大专院校毕业、肄业或退学者,不得再申请入学,违反此规定并经查证属实者,取消其所获准之入学资格或开除学籍。

    If foreign students are dropped by the school or do not graduate from the college , they cannot register again because they will have lost their enrolling qualifications and status as a student obtained according to criterion of the regulations .