
wài jiāo rén yuán
  • diplomatic personnel
  1. 胆战心惊的心理会妨碍外交人员的健康成长。

    A climate of fear would arrest a healthy maturation of diplomatic personnel .

  2. 驻外外交人员的义务、权利和管理,适用本法。

    These Measures shall apply to the obligations , rights and administration of diplomatic personnel stationed abroad .

  3. 他是职业外交人员。

    His profession is diplomacy .

  4. 前国防部长罗伯特∙盖茨(RobertGates)过去常说,国防部军乐队的人数与国务院外交人员(ForeignService)相当。

    Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates used to say that the Department of Defense has as many people in military bands as the State Department has in the Foreign Service .

  5. 外交人员、需扶助人员、持APEC商务旅行卡人员可选择“外交礼遇和需扶助人员通道”办理边检手续;

    Diplomatic persons , people who need assistance and who hold APEC cards could choose D / P lane for inspection .

  6. 在外交人员想方设法搜寻同中国谈话的方式之际,许多人注意到澳大利亚新总理陆克文(kevinrudd)两个月前在北京对学生发表的演讲。

    As diplomats scramble in search of ways to conduct this sort of conversation , a lot of attention is being paid to the speech Kevin Rudd , the new Australian Prime Minister , gave to students in Beijing two months ago .

  7. 3月8日晚上,外交人员证实,所列乘客名单中的两名欧洲乘客,来自意大利的LuigiMaraldi和来自奥地利的ChristianKozel并没有登上该航班,目前处于安全状态。

    On Saturday night , diplomats confirmed that two Europeans listed on the passenger manifest - an Italian , Luigi Maraldi and an Austrian , Christian Kozel - had not been on the flight and were safe and well .

  8. 然而,出来这样的回应,有外交人员告诉记者。

    However , upon their return , the diplomats told reporters .

  9. 美俄的外交人员已经就此协议讨论了几个月。

    Russian and American diplomats have been negotiating the deal for months .

  10. 周三,来自六个大国的外交人员在德国会晤。

    On Wednesday , diplomats from six major powers met in Germany .

  11. 与此同时,阿拉伯国家外交人员星期三准备讨论加沙危机。

    Meanwhile , Arab diplomats are preparing to discuss the crisis Wednesday .

  12. 毫无疑问,外交人员出色地辅佐了我的工作。

    There is no doubt the Foreign Service served me with distinction .

  13. 来自在国外传播希望的外交人员及和平队志愿者;

    from the diplomats and Peace Corps volunteers who spread hope abroad ;

  14. 外交人员说,中国还没有飞机在这艘航母上降落。

    Diplomats say China has yet to land a plane on the vessel .

  15. 政府保障我们在海外的外交人员的安全。

    It provides security to our diplomats abroad .

  16. 他们需要保护在德黑兰外交人员的安全。

    And they need to protect the security and safety of diplomats in Tehran .

  17. 军事首长、外交人员和商界人士都使用密码来传送秘密的消息。

    Military leaders , diplomats , and businessmen use cryptograms to relay secret information .

  18. 外交人员确认说,有关向津巴布韦提供资金援助的现存政策没有改变。

    Diplomats confirm that existing policies toward providing funding to Zimbabwe have not changed .

  19. 同时,美国和欧洲外交人员对这起暴力事件表示震惊和愤怒。

    Meanwhile , US and European diplomats are expressing shock and outrage over the violence .

  20. 另外,北韩媒体报道说,一名高级外交人员已前往中国。

    Separately , North Korean media report a senior diplomatic team has gone to China .

  21. 美国要求其外交人员的家属离开塞拉利昂。

    The United States has ordered family members of its diplomats to leave Sierra Leone .

  22. 这场对峙让国际外交人员昼夜不停地忙碌以尽快找到和平解决方案。

    The standoff has international diplomats working around the clock to find the peaceful solution .

  23. 我们外交人员要切实履行忠诚、使命、奉献这一核心价值观。

    We Chinese diplomats must live by the core values of loyalty , responsibility and devotion .

  24. 朝鲜已表示在那之后它不能保障外交人员的安全。

    North Korea has said it can 't guarantee the safety of diplomats after that point .

  25. 因此,模糊语也越来越受到从事外事活动的外交人员的欢迎。

    Therefore , vague language is becoming more and more welcome in the activities of foreign affairs .

  26. 美国驻利比亚的外交人员在的黎波里附近一个军用机场安全登上了一架租赁包机后离开了利比亚。

    S.diplomats were safely aboard a chartered airliner that left a military airfield near Tripoli Friday morning .

  27. 这是外交人员在无法赞同、又不愿承认僵局时惯用的回避手段。

    This is the usual refuge of diplomats unable to agree , unwilling to admit the impasse .

  28. 《国际宗教自由法》要求对美国外交人员进行培训,以便有效地在世界各地推进宗教自由。

    The IRF Act calls for training American diplomats to effectively promote religious freedom around the world .

  29. 但是检察官表示,曼宁泄露的数据危害到美国情报提供者和外交人员的生命安全。

    But prosecutors say data Manning leaked endanger the lives of US Intelligence sources and diplomatic staff .

  30. 全权代表授予全权以代表他或她的政府的外交人员,如大使。

    A diplomatic agent , such as an ambassador , fully authorized to represent his or her government .