
  • 网络Hawaii Beach
  1. 11月21日,詹妮弗·劳伦斯(JenniferLawrence)暂时告别片场,来到夏威夷海滩度假。

    Taking a relaxing break from filming , Jennifer Lawrence hit the beach in Maui , Hawaii on Wednesday ( November 21 ) .

  2. 夏威夷海滩的最美之处也许就是海浪了。

    Perhaps the nicest thing about Hawaiians beaches is the waves .

  3. 地理学家们在夏威夷海滩上发现了一种新石块。

    Geologists found the novel stone on the beaches of Hawaii .

  4. 荧幕内外的甜蜜情侣扎克·埃夫隆和凡妮莎·哈金斯周日下午被拍到在夏威夷海滩漫步。

    On-and-off-screen couple Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens take a romantic walk on the beach in Hawaii on Sunday afternoon .

  5. meltingpot熔炉(指的是同化许多名族的国家或者城市)夏威夷的海滩是无与伦比的。在夏威夷,你能够享受到世界上最棒的度假胜地。

    Howaii 's beaches are unmatched , you 've got some of the most extraordinary resorts in the world right there in Howaii .

  6. 根据位于夏威夷依瓦海滩的太平洋海啸预警中心的历史记录,过去周二这样的地震发生之后并没有大规模破坏性的太平洋海啸发生。

    There was no destructive Pacific Ocean-wide tsunami threat following Tuesday 's quake , based on historical data , according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach , Hawaii .

  7. 玛莎文雅岛的海浪虽然不及夏威夷,但是其海滩却别有味道。

    The Vineyard surf is not up to Hawaiian standards but the beaches have other attractions .

  8. 软件许可:用于这个主题的背景是在蓝色的夏威夷的天空下沙海滩上的树。

    Software description : about Hawaiian view desktop theme , the background for this theme is a picture of a tree leaning on a sandy beach against the blue Hawaiian sky .

  9. 到夏威夷旅行是我今年的目标和心愿之一,从年初开始便已一直在梦想著夏威夷的阳光与海滩。

    Travelling to Hawaii was one of my goals and wishes of the year . I 've been dreamed the Hawaiian sunshine and the beaches since the beginning of the year .