
fù xuǎn kuànɡ
  • check box
  1. 为了更改位置,您可以取消UseDefault复选框的选择,这就可以激活浏览按钮以指定新的位置。

    To change the location uncheck the Use Default check box , this will enable the browse button to specify the new location .

  2. 选中复选框:“usejaas.config”。

    Select the check box : " use jaas . config " .

  3. 要批准索赔,单击result复选框。

    To approve the claim click on result check box .

  4. 您可以选择新增的Group复选框和一种整合类型来查看集团及其子公司

    You can view groups and their subsidiaries by selecting the new Group check box and a consolidation type

  5. 清除将这台计算机直接连接到internet连接的复选框。

    Clear the check box for connections that connect this computer directly to the internet .

  6. 选择“customers”表旁边的复选框。

    Select the check box next to the customers table .

  7. 接下来,选择CreateActivity复选框,并输入活动名称。

    Then , select the Create Activity check box and enter a name for the activity .

  8. 找到标记为Dimensional的选项卡,然后选中Changethedimensionalentitytype复选框。

    Find the tab labelled Dimensional and select the Change the dimensional entity type checkbox .

  9. 要在创建最后一个分区时填满磁盘空间,可选中Useallavailablespace复选框。

    To fill up the disk space when creating the last partition , select the Use all available space checkbox .

  10. 要安装缺省实例,请先选择Default复选框,然后单击Next。

    To install the default instance , select the Default check box and then click Next .

  11. 选中Activateprofile旁的复选框并单击Finish。

    Check the checkbox by Activate profile and then click Finish .

  12. 要启用该功能,可以在应用程序服务器详细信息视图中选中Startcomponentsasneeded复选框。

    To turn it on , select the Start components as needed checkbox in the application server detail view .

  13. 对于显示一个或多个复选框的对话框,此属性应设置为true。

    This should be set to true for a dialog box that displays one or more check boxes .

  14. 选中CreateusingexistingZIPorHTMLpage复选框以选择已存在的布局。

    Select the Create using existing ZIP or HTML page check box to select an existing layout .

  15. 选中hwddynamicsdo-reference.war旁边的复选框,然后单击页面顶部的Start。

    Check the checkbox next to hwddynamicsdo-reference . war , and then click Start on the top of the page .

  16. 选择项目区域旁边的复选框,然后点击Finish。

    Select the check box next to the project area , and then click Finish .

  17. 选中特性的复选框并点击Install。

    Select the feature 's checkbox and click Install .

  18. 填写Password,并在密码面板中选择合适的复选框。

    Provide the Password and choose appropriate check boxes in the password panel .

  19. 选择“OutputCompare”任务,然后选中两个文件夹旁边的复选框。

    Select the " Output Compare " task and the select the check boxes next to the two folders .

  20. 在value字段提及/复制SOAP头部信息并勾选Header复选框。

    In the value field mention / copy the SOAP Header information and check the Header checkbox .

  21. 需要时将向下滚至您的项目,并选择RequestApproval复选框。

    Scroll down to your project if necessary , and select the check box for Request Approval .

  22. 选择SavesessionasAntscript复选框,使用Ant脚本特性。

    Select the Save session as Ant script checkbox to use the Ant script feature .

  23. 在AutoSettings下,您可以选中一个复选框,以便在启动时删除信息。

    Under Auto Settings , you can select a check box to delete information at startup .

  24. 选择复选框启用该模块,然后在页面的底部单击SaveConfiguration。

    Select the check box to enable the module , then click Save Configuration at the bottom of the page .

  25. 选择OnlystoreAllHostsstatistics复选框会减少存储的统计数据量。

    Select the Only store All Hosts statistics checkbox to reduce the amount of statistical data stored .

  26. 如果硬件时钟被设置为本地时间而非UTC,可选中Settolocaltime复选框。

    If the hardware clock is set to local time instead of UTC , select the Set to local time checkbox .

  27. 如果被选择的Java项目是一个已经存在于工作区中的项目,那么去掉这个复选框。

    If the selected Java project is an existing project in the workspace , this combo box is disabled .

  28. Stereotype的连接器类型复选框有两个选项:Shapes和Text。

    The Stereotype style combo-box for connectors has only two options : None and Text .

  29. 缺省情况下是显示的,但这可以通过清除“Showwindowatstartup”复选框项来实现。

    By default it does , but this can be prevented by clearing the Show window at startup check box .

  30. 您也可以选中Alwaysusethisselection复选框,以便在每次添加DB2连接时跳过该步骤。

    You can optionally check the box for Always use this selection , to avoid this step every time a DB2 connection is added .