
fù běn
  • duplicate;counterpart
复本 [fù běn]
  • [duplicate] 同一部书第一版本以外的收藏本

  1. 新技术环境下外文图书复本的判定与处理

    Determination and Disposal of the Duplicate of Foreign Book in New Technical Condition

  2. 藏书复本量的几种计算方法

    The calculative methods of duplicate rate in Library Collection

  3. 您在将产品运送给SPEED之前,应当删除所有储存在产品的资料,或制作一份复本。

    You should remove or make a backup copy of any data stored on the Product prior to shipping the Product to SPEED .

  4. 非结构化P2P系统复本研究

    Study on Replication in Unstructured P2P System

  5. 选取高校图书馆中具有代表性的H语言类图书为例,介绍平均复本量预测过程。

    As the representative in the library of colleges and universities , the H lan-guage category books is selected to demonstrate the mean duplicates prediction procedure .

  6. 对于一个大的组织来说,在整个版本控制系统中,您可能有同一个UtilityJAR文件的几百个复本。

    For a large organization , you may have hundreds of copies of the same Utility JAR file throughout the version control system .

  7. 分析myc小鼠的转基因复本和肿瘤发生

    Analysis of transgenic copies and tumor development in mice bearing myc genes

  8. 单能中子迁移算子的Norton模型的复本征值的存在性

    The complex eigenvalues of the Norton model for mono - energetic neutron transport operator

  9. 根据地球自由核章动在周日重力潮汐观测中的共振效应确定了自由核章动的复本征周期和品质因子Q值,研究了极移重力效应;

    The complex eigen period period and Q value of the FCN are evaluated based on the resonance observed in the diurnal tidal gravity , the gravity change due to the polar motion is also studied .

  10. 介绍了用不变嵌入法求解一类复本征方程的数值方法,编制了求解CODE,适用于粒子温度梯度(ITG或ηi)驱动不稳定性研究的数值模拟。

    The numerical method and the code of seeking complex eigenvalues are given by invariant imbedding method . Itis suited to simulate numerical instability driven by the temperature gradient [ η _i ] of the particles .

  11. 我把自己画的画的照片复本贴满了墙面。

    I put photocopies of my drawings all over the walls .

  12. 基于多目标优化的复本分布及任务调度算法

    Replica location and task scheduler algorithm based on multi-target optimizing model

  13. 我只知道泰莎给了桑迪一份复本。

    All I know is that Tessa gave Sandy a copy .

  14. 将当前控制台的复本保存到一个分开的文件

    Saves a copy of the current console in a separate file

  15. 藏书采购中复本宏观控制的模糊集应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Sets to the Duplication Macrocontrol in Library Acquisition

  16. 备注:接受以上文件的电子复本。

    Remark : electronic copy of the above documents is also accepted .

  17. 请贵方签名且寄还签名的一张复本给我方。

    Please kindly sign and return a copy with your duly signature .

  18. 图书馆复本量过剩原因探析

    Analysis of Causes for Excessive Duplicates in Libraries On Quantity

  19. 大学图书馆馆藏中文图书复本的配置

    On the Copy Distribution Issue of Chinese Titles in the Academic Libraries

  20. 基于回归分析的高校图书馆平均复本量研究

    The Mean Duplicates Research in the University Library Based on Regression Analysis

  21. 金银复本位制的、以之为基础的或应用之的。

    Of , based on , or using the principles of bimetallism .

  22. 更新要求命令复本是有效的。

    Update requires the command clone to be valid .

  23. 水下高频目标回波的脉间相关和复本相关特性实验研究

    Pulse-pulse Correlation and Copy Correlation Characteristics Experimental Research on Underwater High Frequency Echo

  24. 关于复本及版本问题的探讨

    Discussion on Issues of Duplicated Copies and Edition Copies

  25. 回归分析在测定最佳图书复本量中的应用

    An Application of Regression Analysis to the Determination of Optimal Collection Copy Number

  26. 47所重点高校图书馆复本量抽样调查研究

    A Sample Survey Study on the Volume of Copies in 47 University Libraries

  27. 他给检察官一份处方复本。

    He gave the Da copies of my prescriptions .

  28. 不能在此复本中修改数据库的设计

    You cannot make changes to the design of the database at this replica

  29. 不能将一个部分复本分配给复本集作为设计向导

    Cannot designate a partial replica as the Design Master for the replica set

  30. 复本构理论中的对偶原则

    The dual principle in theory of complex constitutive equations