
  • 网络Acoustic Principle
  1. 根据声学原理设计了制作新型隔声材料的方法,以及据此制成以PVC和橡胶的共混物作为基料,掺入其它成份的功能性复合材料。

    Base on the acoustic principle , a method of a new-type of sound-proof material has been designed and prepared by using PVC and rubber mixed material as base and other composite materials .

  2. 介绍超声波流量计与物位计的声学原理。

    The acoustic principle of detecting flowrate and the level of material by ultrasonic is introduced .

  3. 超声波气体流量计(UltrasonicGasFlowmeter)是一种利用声学原理工作的新型流量仪表,它广泛应用于天然气、冶金、化工等工业中。

    Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter is a new kind of flow instrument which works according to acoustics theory . This instrument is extensively used in natural gas , metallurgy , chemical industry .

  4. 本文结合几何声学原理、计算机技术和信号处理理论,研制了一种三维空间视听一体化仿真系统CAVS。

    In this paper , we integrate the basic principle of geometrical acoustics , the computer technique and the theory of signal processing to design a combined auralization and visualization system ( CAVS ) .

  5. AAC音频编解码算法部分涉及到声学原理的应用,本文也做了相应介绍,然后介绍了音频编码库的使用方法以及音频压缩滤波器的设计方法。

    AAC audio codec algorithm relates to the application of acoustic principles , this article also described in the corresponding , and then describes the use of the library of audio coding and audio compression filter design methods . 5 .

  6. 音乐厅声学原理及音质调整与维护

    The Acoustic Theory of Music Hall and the Adjustment

  7. 早期的超声成像技术都是基于线性声学原理。

    Early ultrasound imaging were all based on the principles of linear acoustics .

  8. 分析了热压泵产生噪音的原因,并结合声学原理提出了改造方法。

    The sound and reason of thermocompressor were analysed .

  9. 声学原理并不仅仅适用于声音和听觉。

    The relevance of acoustical principles is by no means limited to sound and hearing .

  10. 该传感器结构包括高精度压阻式硅微换能单元结构和空芯光子晶体光纤柱体.讨论了水声传感器结构的仿生学原理和声学原理。

    It consists of a high precision piezoresistive unit and an air-core photonic crystal fiber pole .

  11. 对于超声波法检测基桩完整性,详细阐述了其声学原理,结合规范要求。

    For the ultrasonic testing of pile integrity , its acoustic principles described in detail , with specifications .

  12. 随着数字音频发展,心理声学原理应用到音频压缩技术中,使得低比特传输速率和透明音质成为可能。

    Psycho-acoustic principles are applied in digital audio compression leading to low bit rates and transparent audio quality .

  13. 本文使用声学原理研究了中空玻璃的声透射情况。

    In this paper , the acoustic principle was proposed for studying the sound transmission in insulating glass .

  14. 声频定向扬声器是一种全新概念的扬声设备,其理论基础是参量声学原理,所以其又被称作参量声学扬声器。

    Audio directional loudspeaker is a brand-new device based on parametric acoustic theory and is also called parametric loudspeaker .

  15. 并根据声学原理计算了该声屏障绕射衰减量,提出了切实可行的补救措施。

    The attenuation amount of diffraction of this sound barrie is calculated according to the acoustics principle , the feasible remedies are put forward .

  16. 依据热工理论和声学原理,研制了一种公路客车用排气换热消声器。

    On the basis of thermodynamic theory and acoustic principle , a kind of exhaust heat exchange muffler for a road bus has been developed .

  17. 该方法采用了基于发音声学原理的反射型传输线模型来实现语音合成器。

    The synthesis model is implemented with scattering process derived from reflection-type line analog of vocal tract system according to the acoustic model of speech production .

  18. 将声学原理与电学原理结合起来,提出了一种根据空间声压级确定输入到音箱中的电功率大小的计算方法。

    By Combining acoustics with electrics , and based on sound pressure level a calculating method was presented to determine the magnititude of electric-power inputting to sound-box .

  19. 介绍了超长桩断桩的处理与超声波法检测桩基混凝土质量的声学原理。

    A technology for the treatment of super-long broken piles and the acoustic principle of ultrasonic method applied to detect the quality of concrete of piles were introduced .

  20. 根据合淮阜高逨公路的实际情况,在声屏障声学原理的基础上,设计了声屏障的防护目标、位置、高度、长度、结构和绿化。

    Protected objectives , location , height , length , structure and landscaping were designed in accordance with the conditions of Hehuaifu Expressway , based on acoustics principles on noise barriers .

  21. 根据声学原理分析论证了决定储层声波时差值大小的因素是储层有效孔隙度、孔隙纵横比和微毛细管孔隙构成的无效孔隙度。

    According to acoustic principle , the paper analyzes and expounds that the factors which affect the acoustic travel time are effective porosity , ratio of pore vertical-horizontal and micro-capillary porosity .

  22. 应用声学原理分析了无机粒子填充聚合物复合材料的隔声行为,以更深入地揭示其隔声机理。

    The sound insulation behaviors of the inorganic particle-filled polymer composites were analyzed by means of the acoustics theory with the purpose of revealing the sound insulation mechanisms of the composites .

  23. 方法利用声学原理,设计了一种非接触式的脉搏信号检测系统,提取了人体四种脉搏声信号;

    Methods In the light of acoustic theory , a non contact type detecting system of pulse signals is designed , which is used to detect the four kinds of pulse signals .

  24. 提出使用矩阵组装方法来求解中空玻璃的声透射问题,首先使用声学原理和边界条件建立了声学方程。

    A novel method named matrix assembly method is proposed for sound transmission in insulating glass . Firstly , the acoustic principle and the boundary condition are applied to form the acoustic equations .

  25. 本文介绍用于某《水下装置》的数字式声纳测高仪,该系统利用声学原理为《水下装置》提供高度精确的信息。

    A digital sonar system for height measurement has been developed for installation on a subsea equipment . This system , based on acoustic principle , could provide accurate information on the height of the subsea equipment .

  26. 近年来,随着声学原理和电子计算机科学的迅速发展,超声成像技术有了很大的进步,成为临床诊断中必不可少的甚至是首选的方法。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the acoustics principle and electronic computer science , ultrasonic image technology has been improved greatly and become an essential one and even a first-selected method in clinical diagnosis .

  27. 本文通过几何声学原理和高斯声束模型研究了超声波在多层介质中的声压场分布,研究了超声波穿越异质材料界面过程的行为特征。

    In this article , the distribution of acoustic pressure field has been studied using the principle of geometric acoustic and the Gaussian beam model in copper-steel multilayer structure . The characteristic of propagation has also been researched when the acoustic propagates through the multilayer .

  28. 本文根据几何声学原理,利用一维有限长线声源模型,模拟预测了高架轻轨交通辐射的噪声在沿线不同远处、不同高度处场点上的强度。

    Based on the principles of geometrical acoustics and uesd one dimensional limited line sound source model , the intensity of noise is simulated and predicted , which caused by the light rail transit ( LRT ) over head , in different distance and high .

  29. 声压放大器的声学原理分析及数值模拟和实验研究从声学原理出发,分析得出对于一根长四分之一波长的理想声压放大器,可以在其封闭端得到一个明显高于开口端的压比。

    Acoustics Principle Analysis , Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation on an Acoustic Pressure Amplifier Based on acoustics principle , for an ideal one quarter wavelength acoustic pressure amplifier with one end open and the other closed , a much bigger pressure ratio could be obtained at the closed end .

  30. 声学多普勒原理在测量海流中的某些问题

    Some experiments on the Doppler methods of water current measurement