
  • mural painting in tomb chamber
  1. 墓室壁画是我们研究古代社会审美风尚、民族风貌、丧葬习俗的重要参考资料。

    The mural frescoes ( mural painting in tomb chamber ) is one of the important data for researching the ancient society 's aesthetic consciousness , national spirit , burial custom .

  2. 论唐代墓室壁画仕女形象艺术风格的演进

    Artistic Style Development of the Maiden Images in Tang-dynasty Tomb Fresco

  3. 唐代和五代墓室壁画中的花鸟画

    Flower-and-Bird Painting in Tomb Murals in the Tang and the Five Dynasties

  4. 关于汉代墓室壁画技法的研究与梳理

    Study & Sorting on the Techniques of Murals in the Tombs of Han Dynasty

  5. 虽然是墓室壁画,实为唐代不可多得的人物画精品。

    Despite a tomb fresco , it is an uncommon portrait work in Tang dynasty .

  6. 高友玑从历史深处走来唐乾陵墓室壁画的艺术特点及历史原因

    The Art Feature and Historical Origin of Murals in the Qianling Tomb of the Tang Dynasty

  7. 中国古代绘画包括墓室壁画、宫廷壁画、建筑彩画、崖画、纸质画、绢画等。

    Ancient Chinese Painting includes coffin chamber Fresco , palace Fresco , Paper Painting and Juan Painting etc.

  8. 为集安高句丽墓室壁画中人物风俗图的研究提供新的理论依据。

    To set the Koguryo tomb murals in the customs figures on the planto provide new theory .

  9. 在这一部分将以以上四种基本类别为支点,详细阐述墓室壁画的题材内容并将其分类梳理。

    It elaborated and classified the tomb chambers mural paintings ' themes and content above on the four basic categories in this part .

  10. 高句丽中期墓室壁画呈现出丰富多彩的文化,其年代约从五世纪中叶至六世纪中叶。

    Koguryo tomb murals of the medium-term showing a rich and varied culture , from about the middle of the fifth century to the mid-sixth century .

  11. 墓室壁画和手工艺品中,花鸟画作品虽然存世不多,但通过少数的作品,也可窥见其风貌。

    Tomb paintings and handicrafts , flowers and birds painting works , although rare , but through a few works , also can see the scene of .

  12. 认为:西汉后期这一地区内部西安和洛阳两地的墓室壁画在许多方面仍表现出了较为明显的差异性。

    Considering that there are much obvious difference in many aspects of the mural painting in tombs of Han Dynasty between Xi ' an and Luoyang in this region .

  13. 同时,分析了壁画的艺术特点,对其具有的与同时期绘画作品相一致的风格和未见于其他墓室壁画中的独特面貌进行了讨论。

    At the same time , this paper analyzes the mural 's art characteristics , and discusses the accordance with other contemporary art works and special sides of the mural in style .

  14. 本文通过对集安高句丽墓室壁画的研究,选出具有代表性的壁画墓,从绘画艺术角度对其人物风俗图艺术特色进行研究。

    Based on the set of Koguryo tomb murals , elected representative of the tomb murals , the art of painting from the perspective of their customs figures plans to study art .

  15. 本文是从西安地区出土的唐代墓室壁画的现实主义题材和写实手法的绘画语言所体现出来的具有生活化的历史记录。

    This thesis is a historical record of the life embodied in the realistic theme and painting techniques of the murals in coffin chambers of Tang Dynasty excavated in Xi ' an .

  16. 第三部分根据早中晚三个时期探讨高句丽墓室壁画题材类型演变的原因。

    The third part was discussed the cause about the evolvement of the tomb chambers mural paintings in JI ' ANGAOGOULI according to the earlier , middle , later three periods type .

  17. 汉代的墓室壁画是汉代绘画艺术中比较完整的美术遗存,在壁画中蕴含的诸多装饰元素对现代包装设计有较为重要的影响作用。

    Han Tombs murals are the art of painting art remains relatively complete , contains many of the murals in the decorative elements of the modern packaging design of the more important influence .

  18. 大同沙岭北魏壁画墓2005年7月发现,是当地一处北魏墓群中唯一保存纪年漆皮文字和绘画以及墓室壁画的砖室墓。

    The mural tomb which was unearthed in July 2005 is the only brick tomb which reserves chamber painting and lacquer painting with chronological record among local grave group of the Northern Wei .

  19. 以石质葬具画像和墓室壁画为主体的北朝墓室画像,在画像形式、布局和内容上都因政治格局的变化而有明显的区域性变动。

    In style , arrangement and content , Northern Dynasties ' tomb paintings , comprising in the main paintings on stone tomb furniture and murals , reflect obvious regional changes resulting from changes in political situations .

  20. 本论文试从现代色彩审美的角度,对宋代墓室壁画色彩进行解读,从而揭示宋代墓室壁画色彩的特殊性和普遍性。

    This paper tries aesthetic point of view , from the modern color interpretation of the Song Dynasty tomb murals color , thus revealing the particularity and universality of the Song Dynasty tomb murals of color .

  21. 最后,对高句丽墓室壁画的表现形式和艺术特征进行概括和总结,评述其拙朴、稳重和率真的绘画风格,从而归纳出高句丽墓室壁画的绘画规律与形式美法则。

    Finally , the expressive forms and artistic features of the Koguryo grave frescos are generalized and summed up . And its simple , sober and frank painting style of the Koguryo grave frescos is commented on at length .

  22. 两汉设计的内容不仅在相关的文献典籍中有记述,而且在考古发掘的实物和众多墓室壁画、画像石、画像砖的图像史料中也有所反映。

    The design art of Han dynasties is recorded in some related literature texts . In addition , it is also reflected in some image historical materials of archaeological excavations and numerous wall paintings of tomb , stone relief and brick relief .

  23. 笔者通过特殊的载体一唐墓室壁画中的水墨遗迹,从侧面了解初唐至中唐水墨山水画发展的真实面貌,论证水墨山水画的表现语言在唐已基本完备。

    The author , through a special carrier - Tang tomb murals of the ink remains , from the side that Early Tang ink to the true face of landscape development , performance appraisal at the time the ink has been basically complete language .

  24. 其次,通过对高句丽墓室壁画的装饰内容与中原绘画在风格上的比较分析,展现其内容的广泛性及民族的独特性。

    Secondly , comparing in style the decorative content of Koguryo grave frescos with the painting of the central plain area of China at the period of that time , the popularity and the unique nationality of the decorative contents of Koguryo grave frescos are revealed .

  25. 本文在全面整理了元代墓室壁画历史考古资料的基础上,从墓葬形制、壁画布局、题材内容等方面系统分析了蒙元时期中国版图内各个地区的墓室壁画情况。

    This article attempts to analyze the situation of the tomb murals in every part of China of Yuan Dynasty , in terms of tomb structure , mural layout and subject and content , based on thorough organization of multi archaeological data of Yuan Dynasty tomb murals .

  26. 作者在文章中插入大量图片,以便对高句丽墓室壁画与中原绘画风格的异同进行直观地分析。

    And the author inserts a large number of pictures about Koguryo grave frescos so as to directly analyze the similarities and differences between the Koguryo grave frescos and the paintings of the central plain area of China , on the aspect of the style of painting .

  27. 两汉帛画、墓室壁画总体上以升仙为主题,这一主题作为秦汉之际神仙信仰的中心观念,在幻想的形式中追求突破生死大限,企盼达成长生不死的愿望。

    Paintings on silk and tomb frescoes of the West Han Dynasty are mainly centered around the subject of " becoming an immortal ", which reflects the prevailing concept of believing in the immortal in Qin and Han Dynasties when people dream to surpass their natural lives to immortal .

  28. 中国很早就创造性地用线条去造型,比如原始时期的彩陶绘画,岩画,墓室帛画和壁画以及画像石和画像砖等。

    China has long been creatively used to form lines , such as painted pottery of the original period paintings , rock paintings , and murals , as well as tomb stone and brick , such as portraits .