
  • 网络landfill
  1. 填埋法占用大量土地而且污染地下水体,造成严重后患;目前广泛采用的方法有土地卫生填埋法、焚烧法和堆肥法。

    Landfill takes up the large land and pollutes the groundwater , and that will make serious trouble in the future ; The common methods of municipal refuse disposal are sanitary landfill , incineration , and composting .

  2. 焚烧、水泥窑和安全填埋法处置PCBs污染物技术优选

    Assessment on PCBs Wastes Treatment Technologies Including Incineration , Cement Kiln and Secure Landfill

  3. 填埋法是处理城市固体垃圾(MSW)最经济和有效的方法之一。

    Land filling is one of the most economical and efficient ways to treat Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) .

  4. 卫生填埋法是我国目前处理MSW的主要手段,作为MSW处理的终极方法必将长期存在。

    Landfill has become the main means to deal with MSW in this country and it will be existed as the final disposal method in the long run .

  5. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)的沉降问题是卫生填埋法处理城市垃圾中的重点问题之一,现场监测和室内试验是建立合理计算模型的首要前提。

    One of the most important problems for dealing with municipal solid wastes ( MSW ) in sanitary landfills is the settlement characteristics of MSW , and the laboratory and field tests are the prerequisite to reasonable settlement building .

  6. 对目前城市白色垃圾的2种普遍处置方法&厌氧卫生填埋法和焚烧法进行了LCA分析评估,得出焚烧法可使环境负担相对较轻的结论。

    In view of two popular disposal methods of urban ′ s white wastes & the anaerobic hygienic burying and the burning were assessed and analysed by LCA method , a conclusion was reached that the burning can make the environment ′ s burden relatively light .

  7. 垃圾块体填埋法及其应用前景

    Landfill method of garbage block and its prospect of application

  8. 而此其中,又尤以土地填埋法的负面影响最为严重。

    And land-fill brings greatest negative effect to environment in the above three ways .

  9. 卫生填埋法作为一种垃圾处置方式已被国内外广泛使用。

    Sanitary landfill as a solid waste disposal method is widely adopted at home and abroad .

  10. 目前我国垃圾的主要处理方式是卫生填埋法。

    Sanitary landfill is the main method of treating municipal solid waste at present in our country .

  11. 生活垃圾加载介质层填埋法对初期渗滤液污染抑制效果研究

    Study on inhibitory effects toward leachate at the initial stage of loading barrier landfill method for domestic waste

  12. 卫生填埋法和高温堆肥法联用,是适合我国国情的最佳处理方法。

    Combining sanitary landfill with hight temperature compost is an optimum disposal method that fits the conditions of China .

  13. 目前我国有接近90%左右的城市采用卫生填埋法处理城市生活垃圾。

    At present , almost 90 % of the municipal refuse in our country was treated with landfill technology .

  14. 在含油污水处理过程中易产生含油污泥、活性污泥及浮渣等固体废物,利用传统的焚烧法、分离法、填埋法、生物降解法处理这些废物具有一定的缺陷和局限性。

    There are some faults and limits in the treatment of solid waste products from oily wastewater disposal using traditional methods .

  15. 填埋法处理城市生活垃圾会产生大量污染物浓度高、持续时间长、流量极不均匀且水质变化大的渗滤液。

    Landfill method will generate large amount of leachate with high concentration of pollutant , long duration and uneven flow and water quality change .

  16. 填埋法是目前我国垃圾处理的主要方法,占垃圾总处理量的90%以上。

    At present , landfill method is a widely-used method for municipal solid waste disposal , which disposes over 90 % of the whole quantity .

  17. 目前,国内外对造纸白泥的主要处置方法为填埋法,这种处置方法给造纸厂带来沉重的处理负担。

    So far , the principal treatment for lime mud is burying in both domestic and foreign countries , which brings heavy dealing burden to papermaking mills .

  18. 垃圾卫生填埋法,是垃圾最终处置且行之有效的方法之一,具有处理工艺简单、维护费用低等优点。

    Sanitary landfill , as one of the efficient methods for waste final disposal , has these advantages , such as easy technology and low service cost .

  19. 对城市固体废弃物的处理,无论是采用焚烧法、堆肥法、卫生填埋法,还是土地填埋法,都会或多或少地对周边的生态环境造成负面影响。

    Disposing of municipal solid waste will have negative effect on neighboring environment , no matter adopting ways of burning , composting , hygienic land-fill or land land-fill .

  20. 卫生填埋法是我国城市生活垃圾无害化处理处置最主要的方式和手段。

    The " sanitary " landfill technique , as it is practiced today , is one of the most important methods for municipal solid waste disposal in China .

  21. 遵循国家颁布的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》,对工业固体废物中危险废物处理处置技术和方法进行系统研究,推荐采用安全填埋法处置工业危险废物。

    According to the national law of solid wastes environmental pollution control , a systematic study has been made on the treatment and disposal technology for industrial hazardous wastes .

  22. 填埋法处理容量大、速度快,国内现代填埋场日处理量一般为500~2000t;

    The sanitary landfill disposes waste with large capacity and fast velocity . The disposal velocity is 500 ~ 2 000 t a day in a modern domestic landfill .

  23. 与已有的垃圾处理方法比较,垃圾块体填埋法有自己的特点,以社区为单元的垃圾源头分类投放、收集和预处理,能使垃圾实现分类化处理;

    Compared to existent methods , landfill method of garbage block has its characters , which includes classification throwing , collection and predispose of garbage that make garbage disposal classification ;

  24. 对于环境保护来说,垃圾填埋法是最糟糕的垃圾处理方法。因为填埋后的垃圾会产生沼气&一种强有力的温室效应气体,二氧化碳效力的21倍。

    Landfill is the worst environmental option for waste produced in the UK as the methane it produces is a potent greenhouse gas – 21 times more potent than CO2 .

  25. 垃圾卫生填埋法已成为世界上绝大多数国家处理垃圾的普遍方法,在今后很长一段时间内仍将占有重要地位。

    Sanitary landfills have become the universal method on world that the most country handles rubbish . In the very long a time in the future it will still possess important position .

  26. 目前世界上成熟的生活垃圾处置方法有卫生填埋法、焚烧法、堆肥法、热解制能法等,与资源回收相结合,形成立体的综合垃圾处置系统。

    Now the ripe method of the disposal of MSW in the world have sanitary landfill incinerate compost pyrolysis , and combining with resource reclamation it becomes an disposal system of MSW .

  27. 分析了中国城市生活垃圾处理处置中源头分类、填埋法、焚烧法和堆肥法的现状和存在的问题。

    A analysis on the actualities and a certain problems dealing with headstream , sanitary fill , cremating process and composting process in treatment and disposal of urban refuse in China is conducted .

  28. 主要介绍焚烧法和填埋法2种主要垃圾发电方式在国内外的发展情况及处理工艺、污染控制等问题,对它们的优缺点及适用条件进行了对比。

    The developing situation , disposal technology and pollution control of the main garbage power technology including the garbage incineration and landfill method are presented , and their advantage , limitation and applicable conditions are compared .

  29. 为解决渗滤液处理这一城市垃圾卫生填埋法中的关键环节,提出一套处理渗滤液的改进工艺,并对工艺的各个处理环节作了详细的分析和论述,说明工艺的先进性和可行性。

    For the purpose of solving the key part of the leachate treatment in the landfill process , an improving technology is analysed and demonstrated . The result shows that the technology is advanced and feasible .

  30. 简述了填埋法处理城市生活垃圾的全过程,分析这一过程中垃圾压缩站和垃圾填埋场的环境影响,并探讨了控制污染的对策措施。

    Brief description on the process of municipal domestic rubbish landfill treatment was presented , and the environmental impact from the rubbish compressed station and landfill was also analyzed . Finally , the countermeasure of how to control pollution was proposed .