
  • 网络infrastructure network;Infrastructured Network
  1. 基于主成分分析、聚类分析以及BP神经网络分析方法,提出物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展的协调系数计算方法,并构建了物流基础设施网络合理规模确定模型。

    On the basis of main element analysis method , clustering analysis method and BP Neural Network analysis method , the dissertation advances coordinating codfficient calculation method of logistics infrastructure network scale and economics development . And the logistics infrastructure network reasonable scale model has also been set up .

  2. 基础设施网络系统建筑结构的设防烈度优化决策

    The Optimum Decision for Structure Design Intensity in Civil Infrastructure Network System

  3. 更令人担心的是,随着现代交通、工业和基础设施网络变得更依赖GPS,如果这些卫星偏离轨道,那么这些系统可能完全崩溃的风险日益上升。

    More worrying still , as our modern transport , industry and infrastructure networks become more reliant on GPS , there is a growing risk that these could break down completely if those satellites veer off course .

  4. 移动自组网(MANET)是每个移动节点都具有路由功能的无基础设施网络,源于美国国防部高级研究规划署(DARPA)分组无线网络项目。

    Mobile Ad hoc Network ( MANET ), origined from The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ), is a network that every node processes packet routing without infrastructure .

  5. 无线Mesh网络具有adhoc网络的组网灵活性、有固定基础设施网络的高带宽、部署和配置容易、容错能力强等优点,但也存在高的节点分布密度可能导致网络容量降低等不足。

    Wireless Mesh network has the advantage of the Ad Hoc network and fixed infrastructure network , which provides flexible deployment , broad bandwidth , easier configuration , good fault-tolerant capability etc. On the other hand , disadvantage is high node distribution density may result in network capacity reduction .

  6. 无线Mesh网络中只有一个或多个节点充当网关节点接入基础设施网络,其他节点通过相邻节点中继连接到网关,再接入到互联网。

    In Wireless Mesh Networks ( WMNs ), only one or several nodes play the role of the network gateway , accessing to Infrastructure / Backbone Networks , and other nodes access Internet in the way of the neighbor nodes relaying them to gateway nodes and then accessing to Internet .

  7. 国家关键基础设施网络综合仿真模型设计

    Design of National Critical Infrastructure Network Integrate Simulation System

  8. 物流基础设施网络合理规模确定模型构建。

    Set up logistics infrastructure network reasonable scale model .

  9. 能源管网基础设施网络具有脆弱性、不确定性和自适应修复性特征。

    The energy pipeline infrastructure networks have characters of vulnerability , uncertainty and self-adaptation .

  10. 物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展协调性分析模型构建。

    Set up a Harmony Analyzing model Between Logistics Infrastructure Network Scale and Economy Development .

  11. 国家通信基础设施网络拓扑结构模型生成算法研究

    Research on the Generation Algorithm of National Telecommunication Infrastructure Network Topology Structure Model in Society Simulations

  12. 物流基础设施网络是物流网络的重要组成部分,是区域物流网络体系规划中一个重要方面。

    Logistics infrastructure network is an important part of logistics network and aspect of regional logistics network system layout .

  13. 分析了物流组织网络、物流基础设施网络和物流信息网络三者有机结合而形成的物流服务网络结构形式。

    Analyzed the logistics service network structure form composed of logistics organization network , infrastructure network and information network organically .

  14. 基于系统论和物流网络理论,提出物流基础设施网络是由物流节点集和物流线路集组成的集合。

    On the basis of system theory and logistics network theory , the dissertation advances logistics infrastructure network is an aggregate of nodes and lines .

  15. 中国还缺乏完善的私人航空基础设施网络,不过,莫尔斯伯根表示,目前私人飞机可以在200个机场起降。

    China also lacks a developed infrastructure network for private aviation , although Mr Molsbergen said there were 200 airports private jets could fly to .

  16. “十二五”时期,我市将把公共文化设施建设纳入财政预算,加快市、县、乡、村四级文化基础设施网络建设;

    According to the department , Hefei will put the cost of the public and cultural facilities into government budget during the12th Five-Year Plan period .

  17. 随着交通基础设施网络化建设的推进,综合轨道交通枢纽已成为城市综合交通系统的重要组成部分,综合交通枢纽的有效运营是城市轨道交通正常运作的前提。

    With the advancement of networking construction of transportation infrastructure , comprehensive rail transit hub has become an important part of the urban comprehensive transportation system .

  18. 然而,生产、进口和输送足够多的天然气以满足中国的需求,需要庞大的基础设施网络,中国是否有能力建好这个网络,正受到密切的关注。

    But China 's ability to construct the vast infrastructure network needed to produce , import and transport enough gas to meet demand is under scrutiny .

  19. 笔者认为可以把区域创新环境网络分为互相联系、彼此依赖的四个层次网络,即基础设施网络、文化层次网络、信息层次网络和制度层次网络。

    This paper divides the environment network of regional innovation system into 4 international and interdependent levels : infrastructure network 、 culture network 、 information network and system network .

  20. 在小的城市及村镇具有更好的公众服务及住宅功效,一个更统一的在大小城市之间的基础设施网络,将有助于形成一个有效的城市群。

    Better public services and residential functions in small cities and towns , and a more unified infrastructure network linking the big and small cities would help form an efficient city cluster .

  21. 基于系统综合评价方法与多系统协调发展评价方法,构建了物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展协调性分析模型。

    According to system synthesis evaluation method and multi-system coordinating development evaluation method , the dissertation sets up the Harmony Analyzing model Between Logistics Infrastructure Network Scale and Economy Development . 4 .

  22. 现代零售业正向着规模化、连锁化的方向发展,在零售业物流基础设施网络要素中,配送中心作为连接供货点和需求点的桥梁,起着举足轻重的作用。

    Modern retailing is developing in scale and chain . Of all elements of retailing logistics infrastructure network , distribution centers which bridges between supply spots and demanding ones are playing a more and more crucial role .

  23. 现有的行业空间信息基础设施网络环境的建设,为地域上分散的多个空间信息业务节点提供了高速的网络互连,使传统集中汇总式的业务流程向分布式并行处理方式的改变成为可能。

    The establishment of current spatial information infrastructure for industry provides high speed network connection for multiple spatial information service nodes . This makes it possible to transform the centralized business processing model into the distributed parallel processing model .

  24. 物流网络是适应物流系统化和社会化的要求发展起来的,是由物流组织网络、物流基础设施网络和物流信息网络三者有机结合而形成的物流服务网络体系的总称。

    MF network is developed to meet the demand of MF systemization and socialization and includes the three organic parts of MF organization network , MF infrastructure network and MF information network , that forms the modern MF service network system .

  25. 基于经济与物流需求,经济与物流基础设施网络规模之间的关系,较为系统地构建了影响物流需求的经济指标体系和反映物流基础设施网络规模的指标体系。

    The dissertation designes systemically the economic index system of affecting logistics demand and the logistics index system of reflecting logistics infrastructure network scale , according to the relationship between economics and logistics demand , economics and logistics infrastructure network scale . 3 .

  26. 鉴于目前物流发展的实践和对物流基础设施网络研究的不足。首先,文章从系统论的角度,首次在理论上对物流基础设施网络的概念进行了界定,提出了物流基础设施网络的特征。

    In this thesis , for the first time the author brings forward in theory the concept of logistics infrastructure network and its character from the point of system theory , regarding the practice of logistics development and shortage of research on logistics infrastructure network .

  27. 地理信息系统中网络分析功能的主要目的是对地理网络、城市基础设施网络(如交通网络、各种网线、电力线、电话线、供排水管线等)进行地理分析和模型化。

    The main purpose of analysis of networks in GIS is to carry through geography analysis and shape up of geography network and city basic establishment network ( as traffic network 、 all reticle 、 electri line 、 telephone line 、 flow pipe and watershoot etc. )

  28. 设计一种能经济地实现EDI系统的方案,将因特网(Internet)作为通信基础设施(网络的网络)来使用。

    A method for processing EDI message based on Internet is designed to implement an EDI system economically .

  29. 文章从网络测量的方法、网络测量的基础设施以及网络的流量模型几方面,论述了目前Internet网络测量的现状,提出了一些需要努力和改进的问题。

    This paper makes a survey of the status of Internet in network methods , tools , traffic model and measurement infrastructure . Some questions about network improvement have been presented .

  30. 随着VOIP技术的发展,基于现有IP网络基础设施的网络通信已经成为Internet上的新兴服务之一。

    With eht development of VOIP technology , the existing IP network infrastructure based network communication has become one of the emerging services on the Internet .