
  • 网络Underlying Futures Contract
  1. 本文认为套期保值功能是期货市场得以存在的基础,期货合约的设计者首先应该最大限度地满足潜在套期保值者的交易需求。

    The hedging performance , however , is the foundation of the futures market , so the contract designer should farthest meet the potential hedgers demand .

  2. 香港商交所表示,还准备推出以人民币计价的铜等基础金属期货合约,以及能源、农产品和大宗商品指数的期货合约。

    Also in the pipeline are renminbi contracts in copper and other base metals , and other futures contracts in energy , agriculture , and commodity indices , it said .

  3. 但在1972年,梅拉米德率先启动了外汇期货合约,这是全球首个不以大宗农产品(如芝加哥商业交易所的猪肉或芝加哥期货交易所的谷物)为基础的期货合约。

    But in 1972 , Mr Melamed pioneered the launch of the world 's first futures contract that was not based on an agricultural commodity such as pork bellies at the Merc , or grains at the CBOT : a future on foreign currencies .