
  • 网络cornerstone;cornerstone investor;anchor investors;cornerstoner investor
  1. 上海医药已引入了一些重量级基础投资者,包括淡马锡(temasek)与辉瑞(pfizer),因而此次发行看上去前景不错。

    Having already signed up some heavy-hitting cornerstone investors , including Temasek and Pfizer , the listing looks in decent shape .

  2. 这家公司将只发行17%的流通股,而且已经得到了几个基础投资者,其中包括美国的雅虎公司(YahooInc)。

    The company will have a free float of just 17 per cent , and has already secured a clutch of cornerstone investors , including Yahoo Inc of the US .

  3. 萧氏企业也是重要投资者,而包括香港大新银行(DahSingBank)在内的另外八家基础投资者将认购这近6亿美元预售股份的其余部分。

    DE Shaw will also be a significant investor , while eight other cornerstones , including Dah Sing Bank in Hong Kong will make up the rest of a near $ 600m .

  4. Felda能逆势上涨的部分原因是其基础投资者看上去较为稳定。

    Felda bucked that trend partly because of the seeming stability of its locked-in investors .

  5. 嘉能可以及基础投资者均拒绝置评。

    Glencore and the cornerstone investors declined to comment .

  6. 基础投资者和州政府在六个月内不能出售股票。

    The cornerstone investors and the states can 't sell for six months .

  7. 技术性投资者会在回撤部分进行抛售,而从基础投资者的眼里看来,市场仍然缺乏需求量。

    Technical traders would be looking to sell into rallies and from a fundamental point of view we are still lacking demand .

  8. 海通将于周二宣布上市以及基础投资者,预计这笔交易将在周五确定募股价格。

    The company will announce its listing and the cornerstone investors on Tuesday and the deal is expected to by priced by Friday .

  9. 在牛市中,基础投资者急于签订入股协议,因为他们明白未来换手能有利可图。

    In a bull market , cornerstone investors are eager to sign up because they know they can turn a profit down the line .

  10. 受限售期约束的往往是所谓“基础投资者”(一般都是机构投资者),这些投资者同意买入大量股份并在一定时间内持有,这能起到稳定个人投资者信心的作用。

    But it is often so-called cornerstone investors , typically institutional investors , who agree to buy big blocks of shares and hold them for a set period . That reassures individual investors .

  11. 然而最近波动的市场令成功签下基础投资者的难度加大,这也是今年亚洲地区推迟上市的公司数量创下纪录的原因之一。

    Recently , however , volatile markets have made it tougher to pin down blue-chip investors , which is one reason why this year has seen a record number of IPOs by value pulled in Asia .

  12. 预计中国南车也将吸引到类似的一批“基础投资者”,他们将优先获得新股认购权,作为回报,他们将承诺至少在一年内不抛出股票。

    China Southern Railway is expected to sign up a similar roster of " cornerstone investors " , who are given preferential access to an offering in return for a commitment not to sell the shares for at least one year .

  13. 知情人士坚称,尽管港交所又作出了推迟决定,但该公司仍有可能在年底前开始上市交易,因为基础投资者的浓厚兴趣意味着,可能大多数订单已有人认购。

    People close to the situation insisted the company could still start trading by the end of the year , despite the fresh delay , because strong interest from cornerstone investors meant that much of the order book could already be covered .

  14. 与此同时,花旗基础设施投资者基金(CitiInfrastructureInvestors)、Ullico和摩根大通资产管理基础设施投资集团(J.P.MorganAssetManagementInfrastructureInvestmentsGroup)则一直打算把资金投向芝加哥地区的项目。

    In another case , Citi Infrastructure Investors , Ullico and J.P. Morgan Asset Management Infrastructure Investments Group have been looking at putting money into Chicago-area projects .

  15. 最困难的部分是争取到“基础”投资者。

    Hardest part is getting " anchor " investors .

  16. 新事业财务的基础巩固投资者和构造组织设计和公司冒险。

    Foundations of New Venture Finance Securing Investors And Structuring Organization Design and Corporate Venturing .

  17. 在日后的投资活动中,如果投资者与东道国之间发生争议,根据该条款提起仲裁,就产生了以条约为基础的投资者与国家间仲裁。

    When the disputes between the investor and the state happen , there arises the treaty-based investor-state arbitration .

  18. 尽管这些困惑并不是以条约为基础的投资者与国家间仲裁实践所独有,但这种仲裁所适用的现行机制更容易引发这些困惑,使得它们在这类仲裁实践中显得尤为严重。

    However , these mechanisms of treaty-based investor-state arbitration are apt to cause the puzzles and make them especially serious in the practice of such arbitration .

  19. 落后的基础设施对投资者十分不利。

    Poor infrastructure is a big drawback for investors .

  20. 在股指期货这一工具基础之上,投资者可以组建多种投资策略。

    On the basis of stock index futures , investors could establish a variety of investment strategy .

  21. 只有深刻理解和把握投资市场特征的基础上,投资者才能对各流派投资策略兼收并蓄,进而发展出具有独创性且具有坚实市场统计基础的投资战略。

    Only on the basis of recognizing and mastering investment market characteristics can investors develop their creative market investment strategies .

  22. 投资者是基金市场产生与发展的基础,保护投资者利益应当成为基金立法的宗旨。

    The fund holders are the basis of the investment fund market , protecting them should be the purpose of the fund legislation .

  23. 估价的基础能让投资者、金融从业者、企业人员、公司雇员和几乎所有的人都感兴趣。

    The basis of valuation is always something that interests everyone , including investors , financial industry practitioners , industry people and employees of the companies in play .

  24. 银行家和基金经理们如何挖掘以人民币为基础货币的投资者们投资海外的需求?这方面的下一个重要动作是什么?

    How are bankers and fund managers trying to tap demand from yuan-based investors for investments outside the country , and what are the next big new developments on that front ?

  25. 股利分配是上市公司对投资者的利润回报,同时也是上市公司在对自身盈利能力预期的基础上向投资者传递关于公司未来发展前景的信息。

    Stock dividend is listed company 's rewards to its investors , and it is signal of listed company 's future to its investors , basing on listed company 's predict of itself .

  26. 信息披露制度是证券市场赖以存在和发展的基石,是实现证券市场三公原则的基础和维护投资者利益的基本保障。

    The system of information disclosure is the basis of the stock markets , also is the basis of the " tree fair " principles and the safe guard to protect the investors ' benefit .

  27. 本文在传统经济学分析的基础上,引入投资者注意力因子,分析了IPO对同行业同地域股票的溢出效应。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of the traditional economics and adding the factor of limited attention , we analyse IPO Spillover effect to the same industry and region stocks .

  28. 经典的资产定价理论的基础假设之一就是投资者拥有同质信念,在此假设下,证券市场中诸如IPO之谜、动量效应、盈余惯性等金融市场异象无法得到很好的解释。

    The financial market visions , such as IPO mystery , momentum effect , earnings momentum , and so on , could not be perfectly explained by the classical asset pricing theory based on assumption that investors have homogeneous beliefs .

  29. 与以往相比,基础设施领域的投资者们目前关注的投资规模要大得多,种类也更为广泛,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示。

    Infrastructure players are now looking at a much larger and broader set of investments than in the past , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley .

  30. 第四部分以博弈理论为基础,对机构投资者与个人投资者之间的博弈行为进行分析。

    The fourth part based on the game theory as the foundation , the institutional investors and individual investors the game behavior analysis .