
  • 网络Christianity;christian culture;Judea-Christian Culture
  1. 从谚语看基督教文化对英语语言的影响

    The Influence of Christian Culture on English Reflected from English proverbs

  2. 这样,景教在西方基督教文化中就成了一个他者。

    So it was the " Other " in Christian culture .

  3. 这一传统可以追溯到公元前300年,后来被融入基督教文化中。

    The tradition , dating back to 300 B.C. , was later incorporated into the Christian church .

  4. 中世纪基督教文化的力量在于它的伦理道德,它摈弃原始生殖崇拜的感性需要,将拯救的希望建立在灵魂赎罪的净化上;

    The power of Christianity derives from its ethic and morality ;

  5. 冰心、庐隐的创作与基督教文化

    The Creating Novels of Bing Xin and Lu Yin and Christianity

  6. 基督教文化中心最早形成于修道院。

    The center of the Christian culture originated from monasteries .

  7. 基督教文化与中国文学的价值建构

    Christian culture and the establishment of value of Chinese literature

  8. 本文讨论有关美国基督教文化的两个问题。

    This article discusses two problems about American Christian culture .

  9. 神之光的照耀&从《堡垒》看德莱塞与基督教文化

    Inner light from God : Christianity in Theodore Dreiser 's The Bulwark

  10. 后现代语境下基督教文化形态的基本特征

    The Basic Features of Christian Culture Patterns in Post-modern Context

  11. 试论西欧基督教文化的兴起

    Analysis of the rise of christian culture in West Europe

  12. 从文化角度看,美国基于基督教文化。

    Culturally , the U.S. is basically a Christian culture .

  13. 基督教文化特点在《雷雨》和《日出》中表现得非常充分,作家的创作与宗教思想有明显的对接。

    Christianity culture is obvious in thunder - storms and sun rising .

  14. 基督教文化与中国现代诗歌新维度

    Christian Culture and the New Dimensions of Chinese Modern Poetry

  15. 论五四知识分子与基督教文化

    Intellectuals during the May 4th Movement and Christian Culture

  16. 基督教文化与冰心早期文学创作

    Christian Culture and Bing Xin 's Early Literary Works

  17. 美国对外政策中的基督教文化因素探析

    Searches and Analyzes of in the American Foreign Policy 's Christian Cultural Element

  18. 试论老舍与基督教文化的情缘

    On the Relation Between Lao-she and the Christian Culture

  19. 论基督教文化影响与中国家族观念的嬗变

    On the Influence of the Christian Culture and Evolution of Chinese Family Sense

  20. 呼和浩特基督教文化建筑考察与研究

    Investigation and Study on Architecture of the Christian Religion Culture in Inner Mongolia

  21. 基督教文化在大学英语教学中的重要性

    The importance of Christian culture on college English teaching

  22. 萧乾小说的诗性与基督教文化

    The Relationship between the Poetic Nature in Xiao Qian 's Novels and Christian Culture

  23. 新时期文学三十年文学思潮与基督教文化

    The 30 Years ' Literature Trend in New Period Literature and the Christianity Culture

  24. 直击当代文学文本,含有基督教文化因素的作品俯拾皆是。

    Live contemporary literature text , containing the works of Christian cultural factors abound .

  25. 基督教文化与近代科学兴起的关系

    The Relation of Christianity Culture and Modern Science

  26. 西方文化主要有两个来源:希腊罗马文化、犹太教和基督教文化。

    There are two sources of Western Culture : Greco-Roman culture , Judaeo-Christian culture .

  27. 20世纪末以来欧美文学与基督教文化新形态

    New Shape of Europe-American Literature and Christian Culture Since the End of 20th Century

  28. 论英语教学中基督教文化知识的传授

    Dialectics in Imparting Knowledge and Educating People On Imparting Christian Culture in English Teaching

  29. 中国的新文学作家们在吸取东西方先文化思想的时候,均以敏锐的目光注视到了基督教文化的独特作用和价值。

    They sharply watched attentively to the unique function and value of Christianity 's culture .

  30. 中西之天&明清之际儒家文化与基督教文化关系探微

    Sky or Heaven : The Correlation Between Confucianism and Christianity During Ming and Qing Dynasties