
  • 网络first-line manager;First-level manager
  1. 基层管理者遍布于组织的各个部门。

    First-line managers work in all departments of an organization .

  2. 最后本文探讨了如何将模型应用到具体的基层管理者的招聘与选拔工作。

    Finally , the paper discusses how the model is applied to specific recruitment and selection for first-line managers .

  3. 基层管理者:监督组织运作活动的低层管理者。

    Frontline managers : lower-level managers who supervise the operational activities of the organization .

  4. 制造型企业基层管理者工作满意度对工作倦怠的影响实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Influence of Job Satisfaction on Job Burnout among the Basic Level Managers in Manufacturing Enterprises

  5. 班主任,既是学校的基层管理者,又是班级工作的组织者和领导者。

    Discipline class adviser is not only the school of Front-line manager but also the class of organizer and leader .

  6. 正如上面所讨论的,组织一般有三个管理层级:基层管理者、中层管理者和高层管理者。

    As just discussed , organizations normally have three levels of management : first-line managers , middle managers , and top managers .

  7. 基层管理者和员工的行动,将决定季度目标能否实现,宏伟战略能否贯彻。

    The actions of managers and staff on the ground will determine whether quarterly targets are hit and whether grand strategies are realised .

  8. 戴尔刚开办公司的时候,曾亲自控制电脑的组装过程,这时的他也是在履行一个基层管理者或者说一个主管的职责。

    When Michael Dell started his company , he personally controlled the computer assembly process and thus performed as a first-line manager or supervisor .

  9. 通过实验组和控制组的对比分析,可以发现基层管理者薪酬激励对企业绩效的提升有较大正向影响。

    Through the comparative analysis of the experimental group and control group , incentive pay of team leaders have a greater positive impact on enterprise performance improvement .

  10. 同时,组织公平感对离职倾向具有预测作用。(3)基层管理者组织认同与离职倾向具有显著负相关关系。

    At the same time , organizational justice can predict turnover tendency . ( 3 ) For the first-line management , organizational identity and turnover tendency have significant negative correlation .

  11. 中层管理者是企业的中坚力量,承担着企业决策和战略的执行、战术方案的制定和实施、基层管理者与决策层的管理沟通等的责任。

    Middle-level managers are the backbone of enterprises , enterprises assume decision-making and the implementation of the strategy and tactical programs for the formulation and implementation of the primary managers of the management and decision-making and communication responsibilities .

  12. 通过差异性分析和相关性分析等方法提炼出引起绩效优秀组与绩效普通组的基层管理者之间存在绩效差异的胜任力,从而建构了内蒙移动通信业基层管理者胜任力模型。

    By difference analysis method , correlation analysis and other methods to identify the competency that can lead to differences between excellence group and normal group . So we constructed first-line manager competency model of Inner Mongolia mobile communication industry .

  13. 近年来众多服务业跨国公司高级管理者以其天文数字的年薪名列收入排行榜前列,高、中、基层管理者收入悬殊并与普通员工收入差距日益扩大。

    In recent years a lot of senior mangers in Service Multinational Enterprise are listed on top of the billboard with their extremely high annual salary . High , middle and grass-roots level managers and ordinary income disparities and growing income gap between workers .

  14. 科级教学管理队伍是高等学校教学管理的中坚力量,承担着部门领导战略决策的执行、工作方案的制定和实施、部门决策层与基层管理者之间的协调沟通等职责。

    The section teaching management staff is an important group in the teaching management of a college . They shoulder the tasks of implementing the department leader 's strategic decisions , making working plans and carrying them out , between the decision-making departments and grass-root ones .

  15. 本文从基层公务员管理者的视角,以工作实践中所发现的一些实际问题为切入点,对长沙市基层公务员考核问题进行一些具体操作层面的研究和探讨,以期达到理论指导实践的目的。

    From the perspective of grassroots civil service managers to work in practice some of the practical problems that have to start the civil service examination in Changsha City grassroots issues specific operational level of research and study so as to achieve the purpose of theory to guide practice .

  16. 在不同体制时期,作为基层乡村社区管理者的村干部,都有不同的使命,并相应扮演不同的角色。

    In the different historical periods , the village cadre has the different mission and different corresponding acting role .

  17. 基于基层公共组织管理者垄断的危害和发展趋势,本文试图在分析有关现象和原因之后,探索其解决的治理途径和措施以有效的制止这种现象的发展。

    Because of the harm and development This article attempts to explores its solution the government way and the measure by effective stops this kind of phenomenon the development after the analysis related phenomenon and the reason .

  18. 同时,本文还从基层员工、中层管理者、高层决策者三个层次提出银行英语的推广的重点和方向。

    At the same time , this paper from the grass-roots workers , middle managers , high-level policy makers raised three levels banks English promotional focus and direction .

  19. 本课题力求从一个基层的班级教育管理者的角度去调查小学生合作能力的现状,并进行分析。

    From the point of view of a class handler of an elementary school this paper investigates the actuality of the pupils cooperation ability and analyzes the investigation result .

  20. 随着基层电大现代远程开放教育工作的深入开展,关于基层电大学生学习困难的研究已成为基层电大管理者关注的一个重要课题。

    With the Modern Distance Education RTUs work in depth , On the " grass-roots power of university students with learning difficulties " research has become the manager RTUs an important topic of concern .