
  • 网络gini;Gini coefficient;Gini Index
  1. 区域B应该在普遍提高全民受教育水平的基础上逐步缩小人力资本基尼系数;

    Region B should reduce human capital Gini coefficient basing on improving the level of people been educated .

  2. 基尼系数在GPS网形优化中的应用

    Application of Gini coefficient to GPS network estimation

  3. 地区人均GDP分布的基尼系数分析

    An Analysis of Regional Gini Coefficient of Per Capita GDP

  4. 这意味着中国贫富差距较2005年只是略有扩大。据世界银行(worldbank)数据,当年中国的基尼系数是0.425。

    That means China is fractionally more unequal than in 2005 , when the Gini coefficient came in at 0.425 according to data from the World Bank .

  5. 本文通过对建立几个选定因素与基尼系数之间线性相关模型,来分析它们对G的影响。

    This article analyzes how some factors influence G coefficient by building several linear correlative models with some chosen factors .

  6. 令人惊奇的是,南非自己居然变得比种族隔离时期更加不平等,根据世界银行(WorldBank)的数据,该国2009年基尼系数升到了0.63。

    Amazingly , South Africa itself has become less equal since apartheid : by 2009 the country 's Gini had risen to 0.63 , says the World Bank .

  7. 但根据美国人口普查局(USCensusBureau)的数据,曼哈顿今天的基尼系数几乎与之完全相同:0.6。

    But Manhattan today has almost exactly the same Gini : 0.6 , according to the US Census Bureau .

  8. 根据CIA计算,美国在2007年的基尼系数是0.45。

    The CIA put the Gini coefficient for the U.S. at 0.45 in 2007 .

  9. 我们使用基尼系数(Gini)来衡量一国的收入分配,0代表完全平等,1代表完全不平等。

    Using the Gini coefficient to measure income distribution , zero means perfect equality and one complete inequality .

  10. 方法:采用洛伦兹曲线(Lorenzcurve)和基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)方法测量部队卫生机构、人力、床位资源按保障人数配置的公平性。

    Methods : The methods of the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient were adopted to analyze the allocation equity of military institutions , manpower and bed resources .

  11. 同时证明了劳动力在2种收入状态之间的转移将使基尼系数呈现倒U形曲线形式。

    At the same time , it concludes that the Gini coefficient curve will be inverse-U shaped if labors ' income increases from one level to a higher level .

  12. 由于其高人均GDP,良好的福利,较低的基尼系数和稳定的政治,丹麦是世界上生活水平最高的国家。

    Because of high GDP per capita , welfare benefits , a low Gini index , and political stability , the Danish enjoys high living standards topped by no other nation .

  13. 什么是弗协调逻辑?根据海岛县人均GDP计算的基尼系数和绘制的洛伦斯曲线图,可以看出海岛县经济差异在缩小。

    What Is Paraconsistent Logic From Gi-Ni coefficient based on per capita GDP of island counties and Lorenz curve , it also can be seen the differences are becoming smaller apparently .

  14. 结果:两条Lorenz曲线均位于公平线的下方,两周患病率和慢性病患病率的基尼系数分别为0.181和0.284。

    Results Both two Lorenz curves were under the line of equality , and the Gini coefficient was 0.181 and 0.284 , respectively .

  15. 在Lorenz曲线和Gini系数的基础上建立了一个计算组织机构基尼系数的评估模型。

    Based on Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient , this paper puts forward one evaluation model which computes the Gini coefficient of organizations .

  16. 政府最近所做的一项研究发现,香港的基尼系数(Ginicoefficient,一种衡量收入差距的指标)甚至已远远高于美国和英国。

    A recent government study found that Hong Kong 's Gini coefficient , a measure of income distribution , has made it far more unequal than even the US or the UK .

  17. 本文通过对浙江省人均GDP及其基尼系数的协整关系检验得出浙江省经济增长与收入分配差异之间存在一种稳定的长期均衡关系;

    The paper analyzes the cointegration relationship between per capita GDP and gini coefficient in Zhejiang province , and concludes that there is a steady long-term relationship between economic growth and income distribution difference .

  18. 我国教育基尼系数从1982&2000年呈减少状态,与平均受教育年限和初中入学率负相关,同时人均GDP水平越高教育基尼系数越小。

    The preliminary analysis shows that education inequality of China has been declining from 1982 to 2000 . The education Gini coefficient is negatively associated with average years of schooling and secondary school enrollment ratio .

  19. 结果发现:人均受高等教育年限和收入基尼系数之间存在着协整关系,并且高等教育公平是收入分配公平的Granger原因。

    Results : average higher education years and income Geordie coefficient have co-integration relationship , and higher education equity is the Granger origin of income distribution equity .

  20. 结果:大型医用设备配置的基尼系数为0.366,CT配置的基尼系数为0.245,CT配置的公平程度要稍好于大型医用设备的总体情况。

    Results : The Gini coefficient for the large medical equipment is 0 . 366 and 0 . 245 for CT scanners . It shows that the allocation equity in CT scanners is better than the overall conditions of large medical equipment .

  21. 实证上采用VAR模型分析,结果发现公共支出降低了地区经济基尼系数,公共投资支出是西部地区资本形成的重要力量。

    Empirical analysis using VAR model found that public spending reduced the Gini coefficient of regional economy , and public investment spending is a major force in capital formation in the western regions .

  22. 广泛使用的衡量收入差距的基尼系数(ginicoefficient)从1986年的0.453,升至1996年的0.518,并在2006年达到了0.533。

    The Gini coefficient , a widely used measure of income inequality where zero denotes full equality and one totals inequality , rose from 0.453 in 1986 to 0.518 in 1996 and hit 0.533 in 2006 .

  23. 美国中央情报局(CIA)也有基尼系数公布,中国在2009年的系数是0.48,远远高于北京国际城市发展研究院计算的2010年系数。

    The CIA also publishes a calculation of the Gini coefficient , which it puts at 0.48 in China in 2009 substantially higher than the institute 's calculation for 2010 .

  24. 我们本周的图表显示,自上世纪90年代以来,按照基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)衡量的印中两国的收入差距上升幅度远远高于其它新兴经济体。

    Our chart this week ( after the break ) shows that income inequality , as measured by the Gini coefficient , has increased significantly more in India and China than across other emerging economies since the 1990s .

  25. 有趣的是,这些调查往往表明,瑞典等社会流动性较大的国家也更为平等,与基尼系数(GiniCoefficient,最为常见的衡量不平等程度的指标)所显示的一样,反之亦然。

    Interestingly , these surveys tend to show that more mobile societies such as Sweden are also more equal , as determined by the Gini coefficient , the most commonly used measure of inequality , and vice versa .

  26. 采用基尼系数来度量区域经济发展差距,并对差距的警戒线进行了讨论,最终确立的警戒线标准为:用人均GDP衡量时取0.45,用人均收入衡量时取0.40。

    With Gini coefficient as measurement of the economical difference between regions , the article discusses the line of difference . The final line is drawn as 0.45 when using GDP per capita , and 0.40 when using per capita income .

  27. 研究发现,中国的基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)在亚洲最高,最富有20%人口的花销相比于最贫穷20%人口也增长最快。基尼系数是衡量相对收入不均的一个标准。

    The study found that China has Asia 's highest Gini coefficient , a standard measure of relative income disparities , as well as the fastest increase in spending by the wealthiest 20 per cent compared with the bottom quintile of the population .

  28. 在道德上并不重要的是,衡量平等程度的基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)不断轮回的历史起落,或者1%的富人中1%的豪富的过分行为,300年前我们或许能在凡尔赛宫看到类似的行为。

    What does not matter ethically are the routine historical ups and downs of the Gini coefficient , a measure of inequality , or the excesses of the 1 per cent of the 1 per cent , of a sort one could have seen three centuries ago in Versailles .

  29. 方法对深圳97家医院的规模、市场份额等分析,计算深圳医疗市场的HHI指数,绘制洛伦兹曲线并计算相应基尼系数。结果深圳医疗市场HHI值均小于1000。

    Methods The scales and market shares of the 97 hospitals in Shenzhen were analyzed , the HHI indexes for the medical market were estimated , the Lorenz curve was drawn , and the Gini coefficients were calculated .

  30. 由Lorenz曲线派生的基尼系数和洛伦茨不对称系数在植物生态研究中可用来描述植物大小或其它数量性状的不均匀性,以揭示不同环境条件下植物数量性状在群体中的分布特性和生态学意义。

    The Lorenz curve is widely used in economics to describe inequality in wealth . In recent years , the Lorenz asymmetry coefficient and Gini coefficient derived from Lorenz curve have been used to describe inequality in plant size and other characteristics in plant ecology instead of Skewness coefficient .