
  • 网络Knockout;knock out;knock-out;GENE KNOCK-OUT
  1. 目的建立神经特异性表达的Cre重组酶鼠系,以便在特定的组织中,于某一特定的时间段,用条件性基因剔除技术在活体状态下研究基因功能。

    Objective To generate a neuron specific mouse line that expresses Cre recombinase and to study the gene functions in a specific tissue and temporal period in vivo using conditional gene knock out .

  2. 其中的一些是自然发生的,而另一些是基因剔除的动物,那么他们会缺乏与感光细胞功能密切相关的特殊基因。

    We have some that are spontaneously occurring and others that are knock out animals , so they lack a particular gene involved in photoreceptor function .

  3. 载脂蛋白E基因剔除小鼠冠状动脉外膜炎症的演变过程

    Process of inflammation at adventitia of coronary artery in apolipoprotein-E-knockout mice

  4. F基因剔除小鼠已近交培育到第12代,遗传性状稳定,并有自发出血倾向。

    F ⅸ knockout mice were developed 12th generation and there were spontaneous bleeding in the factor ⅸ knockout mice .

  5. 目的:建立可稳定遗传、临床症状显著的凝血因子(F)基因剔除小鼠近交系。

    Objective : To establish a inbred strain of the coagulation factor ⅸ knockout mice with stable heredity and obvious clinical symptoms .

  6. 在最近的研究中,基因剔除小鼠动物模型的建立,证明了Merlin/NF2基因蛋白在HCC的发生中具有关键的抑制作用。

    In a recent study , the gene knockout mouse animal model , demonstrated Merlin / NF2protein is the critical inhibition in HCC .

  7. 凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠的遗传及血液学指标检测

    Genetic Analysis and Blood Assay of Coagulation Factor - IX Knockout Mouse Strain

  8. Egr-1基因剔除减少炎性相关因子在实验性胰腺炎中的表达

    Reduction of inflammatory-related factor expression in experimental acute pancreatitis in Egr-1 knockout mice

  9. 目的:应用Cre/loxP系统建立诱导型糖皮质激素受体(GR)基因剔除小鼠模型,为在体内直接进行GR基因的研究提供条件。

    Objective : To establish an inducible model of glucocorticoid receptor ( GR ) gene knock-out mice using Cre / loxP system .

  10. 血管紧张素转换酶2在SARS-CoV感染中的功能(第1部分)&血管紧张素转换酶2基因剔除小鼠的建立

    The Role of Converting Enzyme 2 in SARS-CoV Infection ( Part ⅰ) & Establishment of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Knockout Mouse

  11. BPOZ基因剔除使ES细胞生长受抑,对ES细胞分化发育没有明显影响。

    BPOZ gene knockout leads to ES cell growth suppression and has no significant influence on ES cell differentiation .

  12. RNAi可作为一种简单有效的代替基因剔除的工具应用于功能基因组学和疾病的基因治疗研究。

    As a complement of gene knock-out , RNAi works as a simple , effective tool for promoting the study of functional genomics and gene therapy .

  13. Fah基因剔除小鼠在肝细胞移植中的应用及其病理学变化

    Application of Fah knockout mice in the hepatocyte transplantation and the pathological changes

  14. 组织特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠是进行组织特异性基因剔除研究的重要工具。

    The transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase in a tissue specific manner is a powerful tool in generating the conditional gene knockout mice .

  15. 结论:应用TXWES培养液改善小鼠ES细胞的培养条件可提高嵌合体的制备效率,该方法为基因剔除小鼠研究的顺利开展奠定了良好的基础。

    Conclusion : The results indicate that the chimeras production efficiency of mouse ES cells can be increased by improving ES cells ' culture condition with TX-WES medium .

  16. 基因剔除小鼠的建立是一项复杂的系统工程,本研究对基因剔除小鼠技术体系的关键技术环节进行了完善和规范:优化了ES细胞的基本培养条件;

    Foundation of gene knock-out mice is a complex systematic project , and this study perfected and normalized the key technique steps of the technology system of gene knock-out mice . To optimize the basic cultivation conditions of ES cells ;

  17. 本研究还进行了诱导型基因剔除小鼠配套的Cre转基因小鼠的制备及Cre重组酶体外活性的检测。

    At the same time , establishment of Mx-Cre transgene mice and in vitro detection of the activity of Cre recombinant enzyme were done , which was prepared for inducible gene knockout mice .

  18. γ-氨基丁酸转运蛋白亚型Ⅰ(GAT1)基因剔除小鼠系的建立与表型分析

    Generation of GABA Transporter Subtype I Gene-knockout Mice by Homologous Recombination and Analysis of Their Phenotypes

  19. 大肠杆菌tyrR基因剔除及其对苯丙氨酸生物合成的影响

    Knockout of tyrR Gene in Escherichia coli and Its Effects on the Phenylalanine Biosynthesis

  20. 基因剔除小鼠制作过程中相关技术的建立

    Study on Several key Techniques in Establishment of Gene Knockout Mouse Production

  21. 基因剔除小鼠研究的新进展

    The Advances in the Research of Gene Knockout Mice

  22. 基因剔除小鼠是活体内研究基因及蛋白质功能的理想动物模型。

    Gene knockout mice are desirable animal model for researching the function of gene and protein in vitro .

  23. 基于凝血因子Ⅸ基因剔除小鼠建立血友病乙转基因动物模型

    Establishment of a Hemophilia B Transgenic Mouse Model on the Basis of Coagulation Factor ⅸ Gene Knock-out Mouse

  24. 凝血因子Ⅸ基因剔除小鼠遗传稳定性及其临床表型研究

    Studies on the Phenotype and Genetic Stability of Coagulation Factor ⅸ - deficient Mouse Model for Human Hemophilia B

  25. 结论:脂联素基因剔除小鼠在基础状态下并无显著的糖代谢和骨代谢异常。

    Conclusion : The results shows that no significant alteration on glycometabolism or bone metabolism was found in APN gene knockout mice .

  26. 在建立遗传工程小鼠模型的众多方法中,显微注射法是目前国际上公认的制备转基因及基因剔除动物模型的首选。

    Among the several techniques for establishing genetically modified mice , micro injection approach is considered as the first choice to generate genetically modified mouse models .

  27. 目的:完善和规范基因剔除小鼠技术体系的关键技术环节,建立一套高效的嵌合体制备体系。

    Objective : To establish a highly efficient production system of chimeras by perfecting and normalizing the key steps of technology system of gene knockout mice .

  28. 基因剔除小鼠的技术体系是生命科学研究,尤其是人类基因组计划和医学实验动物模型等领域所急需的关健技术。

    The technology system of gene knockout mice is a most urgently needed technique in the life science research , especially in human genomic project and medical animal models research .

  29. 老鼠并不是人(虽然两者间的相似度比很多人想象的要高),基因剔除是不同于自然获得抗胰岛素性。

    Mice are not men ( though the similarity is closer than many would like to think ) , and a genetic knockout is not the same as naturally acquired insulin resistance .

  30. 如果在老鼠出生前,DNA中的抗利尿激素基因即被剔除,那只老鼠将会成为一个社会性失忆个体,它也不会对遇到的其他老鼠留下任何印象。

    If the gene for oxytocin is knocked out of a mouse before birth , that mouse will become a social amnesiac and have no memory of the other mice it meets .