
chénɡ shì ɡuī huà fǎ
  • urban planning law
  1. 修改城市规划法的总体思路探讨

    General Thinking on the Revision of Urban Planning Law

  2. 城市规划法中的公共利益研究

    Study on the Public Interests in the Field of the Chinese Urban Planning Law

  3. 我谈《城市规划法》修改

    Views on the Revision of The City Planning Act Of PRC

  4. 新土地管理法对城市规划法的影响

    Urban Planning Law and Urban Planning Vs New Land Management Law

  5. 城市规划法修订中的几个问题

    Some Issues on the Revision of Urban Planning Legislation

  6. 论《城市规划法》的缺陷与完善

    On Objection and Perfection of City Planning Law

  7. 《城市规划法》条文修订之我见

    My Opinion on Revision of Urban Planning Law

  8. 第二部分,系统介绍了我国城市规划法的理论基础。

    Part II : it introduces systematically the theoretical basis of China 's urban planning legislation .

  9. 《中华人民共和国城市规划法》颁布实施至今已经8年了。

    Abstract It has been eight years since the City Planning Act of PRC come into effect .

  10. 城市规划法的法律价值是城市规划法律制度的根本性问题。关于城市规划法价值基础的研究选择什么样的途径和方法是本文的主要论题。

    The value of the D. The juristic value is the basic problem for urban planning regulation .

  11. 第二部分重点论述了我国现行《城市规划法》的缺陷与不足。

    The second part emphasis on the defects and weak points on our current < Urban Planning Act > .

  12. 论我国城市规划法的理论基础&从平衡论视角出发

    On the Theoretic Foundation of Our Country 's Law of Urban Layout & Starting from the visual of balance theory

  13. 论文还从有利构建完善的城乡规划编制体系角度出发,提出对《城市规划法》及相关法规及规范的修改,以及城乡规划行政体系改革的建议。

    The thesis also put forward the modification suggestion of City Planning Act , and the reform suggestion of administration system .

  14. 最后就目前规划管理制度改革和《城市规划法》的修订发表了自己的观点。

    This paper delivered its views on the reform of the planning administration and the revision of the urban planning act .

  15. 《城市规划法》实施17年以来,对规范城市规划的制定发挥了重要作用。

    Since City Planning Law has been implemented for 17 years , it has exerted important function in standardizing city planning .

  16. 指出我国《行政诉讼法》及其司法解释与《城市规划法》在某些方面不协调。

    The paper points out the inharmonious aspects between Administrative Procedural Law as well as its judicial explanation and City Planning Law .

  17. 贯彻城市规划法,广州市在战略规划完成后不久组织开展了城市总体规划的修编。2005年《广州城市总体规划(2001-2010)》获国务院批复。

    In 2005 , Guangzhou urban master planning ( 2001 - 2010 ) has been given a written replay to the subordinate by the State Council .

  18. 我国现行《城市规划法》已不能适应市场经济的要求,国家已将它列入下一批要修改的法律之列。

    Our country 's present city planning law can not fully meet the demand of market economy , and it has been put on the list of laws to be revised .

  19. 城市规划核心法的国际比较研究

    The International Comparative Study to the Priciple Acts of Urban Planning

  20. 城市规划核心法是一个国家城市规划活动的最高抽象。

    The core planning law is the most abstract description of urban planning in a country .

  21. 英国城市规划核心法的历史演进过程

    The Evolution of British Planning Law

  22. 其次,对我国城市规划和城市规划法的历史发展及现状进行了梳理。

    Secondly , the history and status of urban planning and urban planning law system are described .

  23. 持续发展城市绿地系统规划理法研究

    A Study on Theory and Method of Urban Green Space System Planning Based on the Sustainable Development

  24. 因此,为进一步提高我国城市规划的水平,《城市规划法》需要加以修改、完善。

    Therefore , City Planning Law needs modification and perfection in order to improve Chinese city planning level .

  25. 我国应将城市设计的相关内容纳入《城市规划法》中。

    China should include related content of urban design in the Urban Planning Law .

  26. 城市规划:公共利益、公众参与和权利救济&兼论修订《中华人民共和国城市规划法》

    Urban planning : public interests , public participation and protection of rights & currently on revision of Urban Planning Act of the P. R. C.

  27. 从城市规划立法的基本理念、环境权的意义和性格、切实有效的规划控制机制、《城市规划法》的法律地位等四个方面,分析了出现危机的症结所在。

    The author analyses the crux of the crises of the urban planning act in four respects namely : the basic urban planning legislative theory , the significance and characteristics of the environment right , the effective planning control mechanism and the legislative position of the urban planning act .

  28. 在生态城市理念与城市规划法律理念的整合基础上,提出了城市规划法律制度变革的理论框架和制度构想,进而对我国《城市规划法》的修改提出立法建议。

    Based on the integration of ecocity idea and city planning legal idea , the thesis puts forward the theoretical frame and the system speculation of the changes of city planning legal system , then it further advances the law-making suggestions of the current city planning law .