
qiào dù
  • kurtosis;peakedness;excess;leptokurtosis
峭度[qiào dù]
  1. 基于输入信号峭度的变步长LMS自适应谱线增强方法

    Input signal Kurtosis based variable step size LMS adaptive line enhancement

  2. 采用MATLAB软件中自带的神经网络工具箱,利用模块化的编程思想,编程实现了神经网络预测模型,并利用实验室数据的峭度指标进行了实验。

    Then with modularized programming thought the neural network predicting model is realized by using the neural network toolbox in MATLAB . The experiment is done by using the kurtosis index of data .

  3. 基于自相关函数和峭度的FECG提取算法研究

    Study on FECG Extraction Algorithm Based on Autocorrelation and Kurtosis

  4. 基于峭度极大的动态ICA算法产生的混合矩阵系数的时间波形能及时准确地反映u节律能量变化。

    The time waveform of the mixing matrix which was generated by dynamic ICA algorithm based on kurtosis maximization can promptly and accurately reflect the energy changes of μ rhythm .

  5. 因此,采用基于峭度的快速独立分量分析(ICA)算法,成功地分离出了信号的一些独立成分及对应的发声零部件。

    The fast ICA algorithm based on kurtosis is applied successfully to separate the signals , and some valuable sound sources and the corresponding machine parts are extracted .

  6. EEG在不同时期的某些特征波(例如:慢波睡眠期的δ波、清醒期和快动眼睡眠期的θ波等)使功率对数值分布具有较大的偏斜度值和峭度值。

    Moreover , Skewness and kurtosis of the logarithm power histograms of some characteristic waves in EEG , such as delta wave during SWS and theta wave during waking and REM , obtained high values .

  7. 该方法使用EMD分离高频调制信号,然后利用基于峭度的自适应形态滤波器进行解调,提取非平稳信号故障特征。

    The high frequency modulation signal was separated by using EMD , and it was demodulated by kurtosis-based morphological filtering . Finally , fault features of non-stationary signals were extracted .

  8. 提出了一种基于输入信号峭度的变步长LMS自适应谱线增强方法,该方法以输入信号的峭度为自变量,构造新的步长。

    Input signal Kurtosis based variable step size LMS adaptive line enhancement ( ISK-BLMSALE ) approach is proposed , in which input signal Kurtosis is used as the independent variable of step size function .

  9. 本文基于峭度的快速固定点算法(FastICA)的基础上,对带参考信号的ICA(rICA)进行了扩展,提出了一种多参考信号的ICA方法。

    Based on fast fixed-point algorithm of kurtosis ( FastICA ), this paper extends ICA with reference ( rICA ) and proposes an ICA algorithm with multi-references signals .

  10. 从误差信号峭度的性质和误差符号(SE)算法的特点出发,提出了基于符号-最小平均峭度穴Sign-LMK雪的自适应谱线增强算法。

    Based on the characteristic of error kurtosis and sign error , a novel algorithm of sign least mean kurtosis ( Sign-LMK ) based adaptive line enhancer is proposed .

  11. 通过理论推导,分析并得到了一种新的基于IFFT和时域随机化的非高斯随机过程模拟算法,能够方便快捷地模拟具有指定功率谱密度、偏斜度和峭度值的平稳非高斯信号。

    Through theoretical derivation , a new algorithm based on IFFT and time domain randomization for the simulation of non-gaussian random processes with specified PSD , skewness and kurtosis was proposed .

  12. 使用二阶矩能量特征,运算量小,算法简单易实现,而基于峭度极大的动态ICA算法应用于BCI系统具有创新性,为BCI系统的研究提供了新的思路。

    The second moment energy algorithm was simple and easy to realize . The application of the dynamic ICA algorithm based on kurtosis maximization was innovative and provided a new idea for the BCI based on the left and right motor imagery .

  13. 基于约束独立成分分析理论,以峭度的绝对值为对比函数推导出一种快速一单元ICA-R算法。

    Based on constrained independent component analysis , a fast algorithm for one-unit ICA-R is proposed when absolute value of kurtosis is considered as contrast function in this paper .

  14. 结果表明,基于BWD谱峭度方法能够有效提取扰动特征量,且具有良好的抗噪性能;利用SVM分类器在小样本和叠加有其他扰动时,有效识别两类扰动,识别率较高。

    The results show that the method based on BWD spectral kurtosis can effectively extract disturbance characteristics and has a good anti-noise capability ; SVM classifier can effectively identify two kinds of disturbance and has a higher recognition rate for small samples and other disturbances superposition .

  15. 基于信噪峭度比的水下目标动态谱增强算法研究

    A method of signal-to-noise kurtosis ratio-based underwater target-radiated dynamic spectrum enhancer

  16. 基于峭度的独立分量逐次提取梯度算法

    Gradient Algorithm for Sequential Extraction of Independent Component Based on Kurtosis

  17. 一种峭度宽松开关盲分离算法

    A New Kurtosis Loose Switching Algorithms for Blind Source Separation

  18. 一个依赖于挠度与峭度的三项式期权定价模型

    A Trinomial Option Pricing Model Dependent on Skewness and Kurtosis

  19. 指定功率谱密度、偏斜度和峭度值下的非高斯随机过程数字模拟

    Numerically Simulating Non-gaussian Random Processes with Specified PSD , Skewness and Kurtosis

  20. 基于峭度的盲抽取技术用于雷达信号分选

    Application of Blind Signal Extraction to Radar Signal Sorting Based on Kurtosis

  21. 基于符号峭度最大化的水声信道盲均衡算法

    Sign Kurtosis Maximization Algorithm Based Underwater Acoustics Channel Blind Equalizer

  22. 水声信道盲均衡的最小平方峭度恒模算法

    Least Square Kurtosis Constant Modulus Algorithm for Blind Equalizer in Underwater Sound Channel

  23. 联合峭度和时序结构的胎儿心电提取

    Fetal Electrocardiogram Extraction by Combing Kurtosis and Temporal Structure

  24. 基于符号-最小平均峭度的自适应谱线增强器

    Sign Least Mean Kurtosis Based Adaptive Line Enhancer

  25. 基于峭度的盲源分离方法研究

    Research on blind source separation based on kurtosis

  26. 将这三种谱峭度法应用于滚动轴承故障诊断中进行对比分析。

    The above three algorithms were used to diagnose the fault of a rolling bearing .

  27. 分析了偏度、峭度等统计参数,提出用新统计矩代替传统的峭度,监测轴承表面损伤类故障。

    A new statistical moment which can replace kurtosis is proposed to monitor surface damage fault .

  28. 第二部分针对低信噪比环境下的超分辨率重建问题,提出基于峭度的重建方案。

    Secondly , a kurtosis-based scheme is proposed to address SR image reconstruction in low SNR environments .

  29. 基于信号峭度理论,提出一种超定条件下的盲信号提取算法。

    Based on the signal kurtosis , a blind signal extraction algorithm was proposed in over-determined mixtures .

  30. 同时在计算峭度指标、裕度指标中,通过比较认为平滑法计算较精确,并选用了该方法计算统计量。

    By virtue of the accuracy of the smoothing algorithm , it is used in the calculation of statistics .
