
  • 网络CLIFFS
  1. 赤城山上有一座天然的、完全由岩石架成的梁,桥面只有一尺宽,上面长满了又软又滑的苔藓,两旁是峭壁悬崖,极其危险。

    There was a natural rock bridge in Mountain Chi Cheng . The bridge was only one foot in width , and was covered with smooth and slippery mosses1 . On both sides there were steep cliffs , and it was really dangerous .

  2. 科罗拉多河滚滚而过大峡谷国家公园的峭壁悬崖,这张加时曝光的照片模糊了摩卡色的泥浊河水。

    A time-lapse image blurs the silty , mocha-colored waters of the Colorado River as it flows through sheer cliffs in Grand Canyon National Park .
