
  1. 产业集聚、新产业区与城市经济空间整合

    Integration of Urban Economic Space : New Industrial District and Industrial Cluster

  2. 全球化和信息化进程中城市经济空间结构的演变特征与趋势

    The Characters and Trends of Urban Economic Spatial Structure during the Process of Globalization and Information

  3. 城市楼宇经济空间布局的研究与思考

    Study and Reflection on the Spatial Arrangement of Urban Housing Economy

  4. 环鄱阳湖城市群经济空间结构与优化研究

    Research of the Economic Spatial Structure of Poyang Urban Agglomeration and Optimization

  5. 开发区发展与西安城市经济社会空间极化分异

    Rise of New Special Development Zones and Polarization of Socio-economic Space in Xi'an

  6. 大珠江三角洲城市群经济空间拓展的战略抉择

    The Strategic Choice of Economic Spatial Expansion in Great Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration

  7. 第5章,成渝城市群经济空间形成机制。

    Chapter Five focuses on the formation mechanism of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration economic space .

  8. 城市商务经济空间区位格局及其机理研究&以杭州主城区为例

    Spatial pattern and mechanism of urban business economy : a case study of Hangzhou main city

  9. 中国三大城市群经济空间重心轨迹特征比较国际金融中心与大城市群的协同性&兼论上海国际金融中心的建设

    A Comparative Study of Shift Route of Eco-spatial Gravity Center of the Three Major Urban Agglomerations in China The Cooperation between IFC and Large City Agglomeration : Discussion on the Construction of Shanghai IFC

  10. 居民收入与城市经济水平的空间自回归模型

    Spatial Autoregression Model on the Income of Residents and City Economy

  11. 城市聚集经济和空间结构的实证分析&以顺德为例

    Analyzing of the Agglomeration Economies and the Space Structures of Urbanization

  12. 国外城市群经济联系空间研究进展

    Progress in Foreign Research on Economic Linkages of City Agglomeration

  13. 论京津冀城市经济区域的空间扩散运动

    The spatial spread of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban economic region

  14. 都市化战略下的城市转型与经济空间拓展&萧山城市化进程的现实评价

    City Transformation and Economic Spatial Expansion in the Progress of Metropolis Strategy : Case of Xiaoshan City

  15. 主客体视角的城市经济型酒店空间分布研究&以扬州市为例

    A Study on the Spatial Distribution of Urban Budget Hotels under the Perspective of the Subject and Object & A Case Study of Yangzhou

  16. 土地是城市经济发展与空间重构的载体,土地集约利用度是影响城市空间重构优化的决策因素。

    Land is the carrier of urban economic development and spatial reconstruction , land use intensity is the decision-making factor of urban spatial reconstruction .

  17. Voronoi图用于确定城市经济影响区域的空间组织

    The application of Voronoi diagram on spatial organizing of urban influence regions

  18. 武汉城市圈旅游经济的空间溢出分析

    Analysis of spatial Spillovers of tourism economy in Wuhan Metropolitan Area

  19. 中心城市:休闲经济的空间视点

    Central City : the Spatial Angle of View of Leisure Economy

  20. 我国城市住区社会经济空间结构的变化

    A study on social and economic spatial structure change of urban residential settlement in China

  21. 以期探求现代城市经济功能演替与空间结构之间的相互演变规律。

    Study the transformation regulation of the two progresses of economic function and urban space .

  22. 城市群经济发展水平空间布局与地理位置、资源状况、经济基础紧密相关。

    Spatial distribution of the economic development is related to the geography position , resources condition and economic foundation .

  23. 文章还提出了把城市化作为转型经济空间组织战略的政策建议。

    The article also poses a policy recommendation that we should take urbanization as a strategy of economic and spatial organization transition .

  24. 确定城市经济影响区域的空间组织是一项十分复杂的工作,在区域规划和城市规划中有着重要的理论和实际意义。

    The work to define spatial relationship among urban economic influence regions is a quite difficult issue , but an important job to urban geography and urban planning .

  25. 价值规律就是劳动时间节约规律,国民经济城市化规律就是经济空间节约规律。

    The law of value is just the law of economization on labouring time ; the law of national economy urbanism is just the law of economization on economic space .

  26. 研究认为:城市产业空间是城市经济在空间上的投影,其空间结构反映了城市经济的发展与演化,城市产业空间的演变受经济、交通、政策等动力机制的影响;

    The industrial space is the economical reflection to the space . The spatial construction reflects the development and the evolvement of the economy . The evolvement of the industrial space is influenced by the economy , the traffic , the policy and so on .

  27. 而在一个大区域内,城市化发展表现为以区域城市群经济空间结构体系发展和完善为特点总体演进趋势。

    In a large region , the performance of development of urbanization means the evolution trend of the spatial structure of regional agglomerations .

  28. 对城市化的一个本质特征&城市经济具有空间聚集状态和趋势,学术界和决策部门认识不足。这一特征与经济系统运动有没有内在联系?

    One of essential characteristics to the urbanization is urban economic spatial concentration or convergence , which academic circles and government departments can 't know enough .

  29. 城市交通发展战略规划是在城市社会经济和空间布局背景下对城市交通系统发展的总体部署,当前武汉市城市交通发展正面临着关键选择。

    The planning of urban transport development strategy is the general planning of urban transport development , which is based on the layout of city economic and space . By now , Wuhan urban transport is being confronted with the key selection .

  30. 利用SWOT分析法对安阳市城市发展条件进行研究,安阳市未来城市区域和城市的经济、空间发展战略与结构形态可见轮廓。

    The urban developing conditions must be researched with SWOT analysis . Thus the future urban area of Anyang City , urban economy , space developing strategy and structure form can be figured out .