
chénɡ shì jīnɡ jì xué
  • urban economics
  1. 城市经济学:发展现状及未来展望

    Urban economics : status of development & its prospects in future

  2. 对城市经济学的研究具有一定的参考意义。

    It 's of instructive significance to the study of urban economics .

  3. 我国城市经济学发展现状及未来趋势

    Future Development and Present Situation of Urban Economics

  4. 从城市经济学角度浅析交通拥挤收费问题

    Analysis of Urban Road Congestion Charges Related Prob - lems from Urban Economics Perspective

  5. 基于科学发展观与构建和谐社会的城市经济学变革&对饶会林先生《关于经济学变革的几个问题探讨》的探讨

    The Reform of Urban Economics based on the Scientific Development Approach and Construction of a Harmonious Society

  6. 关于经济学的几个理论问题&兼论城市经济学的地位和作用

    Theoretical Problems about Economics

  7. 城市经济学是一门新兴学科,其产生和发展的历史并不长,特别是在我国形成的时间较晚。

    Urban economics is an emerging subject , especially in China , as a subject it is relative late .

  8. 腹地概念自二十世纪初得到应用以来,对于腹地理论的探索一直蕴含于经济地理学与城市经济学的学说发展过程之中。

    Since 20 century , hinterland theory has involved in the developing process of Economy Geography and Urban Economics .

  9. 因此,我们主要采用的是微观经济学、房地产经济学和城市经济学的分析工具。

    Therefore , we mainly take the analysis by the tools like microeconomics , real estate economics and urban economics .

  10. 城市经济学认为,城市的性质和经济发展的趋势是由城市产业结构所决定的。

    Urban economists argue that the feature of urban and the trends of urban development is decided by urban industrial structure .

  11. 本文主要采用理论(增长极理论、产业经济学理论、经济地理、城市经济学等)指导实践的方式,由轻到重的笔法,横向和纵向比较的观点,使文章整体具有可读感、新鲜感。

    This paper is guided by theories of growth pole theory , industry economics theory , economic geography and city economics , etc.

  12. 而目前在国内还没有学者将城市经济学、产权经济学、马克思地租理论结合起来研究城市土地利用机制。

    No prior research has examined this issue from the viewpoint of urban economics , property economics , and Marxism land rent theory .

  13. 主要运用了城市经济学、产业经济学理论,同时也利用计量经济学、区域经济学、统计学等学科知识,力求研究结果与实际更为接近。

    The theory of urban economics , Industrial economics , econometrics , Regional economics , Statistics and other disciplines will be mainly used .

  14. 其次,介绍了国外可持续发展理论、城市经济学理论和循环经济理论发展情况;

    Secondly , this thesis introduces domestic and foreign the development course about the sustainable development theory , the city economy and recycling economy .

  15. 通过分析我国城市经济学的发展现状,提出了存在的一些实际问题和一些可行的建议与方法,展望了未来城市经济的发展趋势。

    This paper puts forward some practical problems and feasible solutions and looks forward to the development trend after analyzing China 's current development situation of urban economics .

  16. 在城市经济学领域中,聚集经济应是城市形成、生存和发展的重要动力。

    In urban economics , The agglomeration economics is always thought the promotion and dependence of creation , survival and development of cities , which is true for the urban Agglomeration .

  17. 第三,运用城市经济学的基本原理,对以武汉、郑州为中心的两大城市圈的强大效应进行了较充分的论述,以此推动湖北、河南两省金融快速发展。

    Thirdly , according to the basic principles of urban economics , this article fully discussed the powerful effects of the two circle city with Wuhan and Zhengzhou city as each center .

  18. 包括新古典经济理论、体验经济理论、城市经济学理论对城市休闲发展的理论支持;

    It includes the backing of the theory of urban leisure development from the theory of the new classicism economy , the theory of experientialism economy and the theory of urban economy ;

  19. 我国城市经济学要走出低谷,需在以下几个方面有所突破:在学科概念和特征方面,要突出城市特色和经济学的分析方法;

    This paper points out that Chinese urban economics should make breakthroughs to get great development by : emphasizing the analysis methods of city feature and urban economics in disciplinary conception and characteristics ;

  20. 论文的分析和提出的新观点,丰富了城市经济学理论,对于中国城市发展政策的制定具有较强的参考价值。

    The analysis and brand-new opinions which were proposed in this dissertation enrich the theory of urban economics . It is also of important reference value for the policy-making of China urban development .

  21. 文章从城市经济学的成本与收益角度,对市场经济下城市住区的景观绿地建设问题进行了简要的分析,并提出了对策。

    This paper presents a primary analysis on construction of landscape green space in urban residential districts in market economy from the cost and income of urban economics , and puts forward some countermeasures .

  22. 因此,有必要依据城市经济学、城市动力学、土地科学、地理信息科学以及系统地理学等理论,来深入研究城市土地利用时空演化的特点及规律。

    Therefore , we should study deeply the characteristics and regulation of urban landuse evolution in terms of urban economics , urban dynamics , systematic geography , land science , geography information science and so on .

  23. 该章以城市经济学的城市规模理论与公共管理学的管制理论为基础,从理论上探讨了一定时期城市用地合理规模的存在性,并系统总结了管制理论的发展,将其移植至城市

    The thesis construct on the base of city scale theory of city economics and regulation theory of public management , discussed the existing of city land scale during period of time , summarized the development of

  24. 文章运用城市经济学理论、制度分析方法和历史分析方法,阐述城市化与社会养老保险制度的联系;

    Focusing on the modification of the current system , this paper expounds the relationship of urbanization and social security pension system by applying the theory of urban economics , the method of analyzing institution and history .

  25. 西方国家城市经济学的快速发展吸引越来越多学者从理论和实践角度关注城市增长,但是我国这方面的研究却发展相对缓慢。

    Fast progress in urban economies in western countries has inspired more and more scholars to pursue in this area both in respects of theory and practice , while in China studies in urban growth are relatively slow .

  26. 借助于成熟的西方经济学、城市经济学、土地经济学、地理学等有关理论,探讨在市场经济体制下,城市土地价格调节城市土地资源配置的理论基础。

    The paper tries to summarize the effect of urban land price on the allocation of urban land resources under the condition of socialist market economy , applying theories of western economics , urban economics , land economics , and geography .

  27. 首先阐述了选题依据及研究目的,强调劳动空间分工作为一种中观层次的理论分析工具可有效衔接微观的城市经济学和宏观的政治经济学,能够更好地解析大都市区空间组织。

    The author emphasizes that SDL , as a tool for middle-scale theoretical analysis , can well connect urban economics and plutonomy , and better analyze spatial organization of metropolitan regions . Chapter 1 summarizes the urban spatial organization and relative theories .

  28. 作为城市经济学的一个分支学科,本文对其研究意义、对象、任务及近期研究内容进行了初步探讨,以弥补目前城市经济学对城市间系统的研究不足的缺憾。

    As a branch discipline of urban economics , the research significance , objective , mission and contents of interurban economics are preliminary approached in this paper , so that the deficiency in study on interurban systems in urban economics can be remedied .

  29. 本文运用消费经济学与城市经济学的最新理论成果,采用定性分析与定量分析、规范分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法,分析了我国城乡居民消费对城市化率的影响。

    This paper uses the latest fruits of consumer economics and urban economics ; uses the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , standardized analysis and the demonstration analysis to analyze the impact of urban and rural residents ' consumption on urbanization in China .

  30. 文章通过西方城市经济学、区域经济学的区位理论,对海峡西岸经济城市群进行了比较研究,分析了经济区域城市化发展的主要特征和发展基础,提出城市化发展的路径。

    All through the West Town economics , regional economics geographic theory , a group of western economic city comparative study , analysed the regional economic development of the main features of urbanization and development base , a western economic zone urbanization development path .