
  • 网络City manager;Urban manager
  1. 城市管理者表示松垮裤子禁令是关乎一项简单的礼仪问题,我想这是我们都能支持的。

    The city manager says the saggy pants ban is a matter of simple decency , which I suppose is something we can all get behind .

  2. 城市管理者为了保持城市的竞争优势,借助各种手段获取有利于城市发展的资源,塑造城市品牌成为许多城市的首要选择。

    In order to keep the city competitive advantage , the city manager need to make good use of resource and build the city brand is a sustainable way has become the choice of many cities .

  3. 这些是城市管理者亟待解决的问题。

    This is the problems that the administrators of the city desiderate to solve .

  4. 如何适应瞬息万变的环境,城市管理者们正在积极探索城市可持续发展途径。

    How to adapt to the quickly changing environments ? City administrators are seeking the road to sustainable development .

  5. 当前,越来越多的城市管理者把城市建设和发展的目光聚焦在城市综合竞争力上。

    At present , more and more city administrators focus the urban construction and development on its comprehensive competence .

  6. 城市管理者也将使用成本数据,在作出决定时,例如当他找到一个新的消防局。

    City administrators would also use cost data in making decisions , such as where to locate a new fire station .

  7. 随着极端天气事件趋向增多,城市管理者应该立即对这些影响做出计划,而不是留待以后。

    With the trend toward more frequent and extreme weather events , city managers should plan for these impacts now rather than later .

  8. 这些才能理顺城市管理者与广告从业者,城市形象与广告传播之间的问题。

    These can straighten out the city managers and advertising practitioners , the image of the city and the problems between advertising and media .

  9. 为了保证这个系统的顺畅运行,城市管理者们还必须对那些侵占公交车专用道路的汽车予以严惩。

    For the system to work smoothly , leaders in cities must also work to strictly enforce penalties for cars that camp out in bus lanes .

  10. 随着时代的发展,城市管理者也发现涂鸦壁画对城市景观的价值,愈发变得宽容。

    As the development of times , the city administrater has also found the value of graffiti mural to the city landscape is getting wider and wider .

  11. 在这一宏观背景下,公共空间因为其公共性、广泛性的特点,被城市管理者作为城市更新的切入点和最佳对象。

    In this background , the public space , which has the public and extensive features , comes to be the entry point and the best object of urban renewal by the city managers .

  12. 这种评价模型具备科学性与可操作性,可以辅助旅游城市管理者有效评价旅游城市经营的运行状况,为旅游城市经营的管理科学决策提供了有力工具。

    This mode of evaluation is scientific and feasible , which can assist the tourism urban manager evaluate the circulation status of the management , thus provide powerful tools for the scientific management and decision-making .

  13. 因此,如何更好的发展知识产业,依靠知识产业实现产业升级换代,转变经济增长方式,成为城市管理者的重大课题。

    It becomes a major issue for managers of cities that how to develop the knowledge-based industries better , achieve industrial upgrading relying on knowledge-based industries so as to convert the mode of economic growth .

  14. 城市管理者不断用战略的眼光审视本地的资源、历史、文化、名人、景观、企业、特产、基础设施以及投资环境等,企图找到提升城市综合实力的方法、途径。

    The city managers constantly with strategic vision at the local resources , history , culture , celebrities , landscape , enterprise , specialty , infrastructure and investment environment , promote the urban comprehensive strength to find the methods and ways .

  15. 这有助于增强城市管理者对知识资本的认识和理解,强化城市知识资本的运营手段,建立城市知识资本市场,打造知识城市,从而赢得未来城市的核心竞争地位。

    This will deepen the understanding of knowledge capital , strengthen the management means of running knowledge capital , establish powerful knowledge capital market , and set up the knowledge city for keeping the core competitive position of city in the future .

  16. 日益激增的冲突,一方面使行政执法工作陷入一个僵局,给城市管理者的管理工作增加了安全风险;另一方面也影响了城市中弱势群体的生存状态。

    Increasingly the conflict , on one hand makes the administrative enforcement of law into a stalemate , but also make management of the city increase security risks ; on the other hand also affects the survival status of vulnerable groups in city .

  17. 制约与创造城市建设管理者、业主、建筑师的对话

    Constraint and Creation : A Dialogue between a Government Official , a Client and an Architect

  18. 理顺价格,城市的管理者应该代表市民去和燃气的开采和运输公司谈判。

    Straighten out the price , city managers should represent citizens to and gas mining and transportation company negotiations .

  19. 我们看到:通过安装传感器,智能城市的管理者们可以更好地规划停车位。

    We already see cities growing " smarter " by installing sensors to automate the management of parking spaces .

  20. 尽管他几乎具有技术官员的风格,但布隆伯格给选民的印象是,他是一个曾经“无法无天”的城市的管理者。

    Despite his almost technocratic style , Mr Bloomberg has impressed the electorate as manager of the once " ungovernable " city .

  21. 城市交通管理者最需要解决的问题就是如何应对城市现代化所带来的交通拥堵问题。

    The urban traffic management the problem to be solved is how to deal with the city modernization brought about by the problem of traffic congestion .

  22. 快速准确地检测出道路上的交通事件,有利于道路管理者有效地疏导拥挤路段的交通,对城市道路管理者有着重要的意义。

    Rapid and accurate detection of road traffic incidents , can help road managers to ease the traffic congestion . It has important significance for urban road management .

  23. 重大社会文化设施建设投资巨大,影响深远,在可持续发展和建设资源节约型社会的时代背景下,如何体现资源节约的规划理念,成为城市规划管理者及设计者面临的新的课题。

    Construction of important social culture facili - ties needs huge investments and is of far reaching influence . Against the background of sustainable development and constructing resources-saving type society , how to embody resources saving in planning is a new topic for urban plan designer and administer .

  24. 城市管理的执法者与城市弱势群体的冲突成为城市化进程中众多矛盾的聚焦点。

    The conflict of law enforcement of city management and the city vulnerable groups becomes a focus point of numerous contradictory in the urbanization process .

  25. 不仅为城市安全管理决策者提供了制定安全投入目标、确定安全投入效用水平的量化工具,而且更加突出了提高安全经济效益的重要性。

    This model could not only provide a quantification tool to set the target and its efficiency of safety input for the decision maker of urban safety management , but also could greatly emphasize the importance to improve safety cost benefit .

  26. 城市管理制度是管理者为实现管理的目标而对城市管理的公共事物给予一定限制的规定。

    But the city control system is the superintendent gives certain limit for the realization management goal to the city management public thing the stipulation .

  27. 城市门户是城市管理者与被管理者的共同需要,是城市信息化发展到一定阶段的必然产物。

    City Portal is a common demand for both city governors and general civilian , which is an inevitable outcome of city information development when it comes into a certain state .

  28. 如何在这一浪潮中顺利生存下来,并化解历史包袱,增强自身实力,从而实现凤凰涅磐,是对城市商业银行经营管理者的巨大挑战。

    How to survive smoothly in this wave and get rid of the historical burden , increase strength of their own , so that to achieve legendary phoenix bird nirvana , is an enormous challenge for the manager of city commercial bank .

  29. 作为对数字城管系统的有益补充,智慧城管信息分析系统为广大城市管理参与者、决策者提供了关于数字城管数据的统计、分析、预警等功能。

    As a useful complement to the digital city management system , intelligent urban management information analysis system for the majority of participants in urban management , urban management and decision-makers about the digital data statistics , analysis , early warning and other functions .

  30. 希望这些研究及认识能够引起更多学者和城市规划师、建筑师以及城市管理者的关注并能在此基础上不断地予以推进。

    We hope that the research and understanding to cause more scholars and city planners , architects and city managers attention and on this basis can continue to be promoted .