
  1. 略论美国政府解决城市社会问题的效用有限性

    Limitation of U. S. Government Efficiency in Solving Urban Social Problems

  2. 中国矿业城市社会问题资源经济学分析

    Resource Economics Analysis of Mining City Social Problems in China

  3. 转型时期广州城市社会问题探析

    An analysis on urban social problem at the transition stage : take Guangzhou for example

  4. 实践证明,转型期凸现的大量城市社会问题,仅仅依靠政府是难以解决的,需要社会人员的积极参与。

    The practice has proved that it is difficult for the government to deal with all the social problems by itself .

  5. 18&19世纪中叶,英国开始尝试解决城市社会问题。

    From the 18th century till the middle of the 19th century , britain started to try to solve the social problems in cities .

  6. 本文在分析社会转型时期城市社会问题的基础上,提出了以社区发展为动力,通过积极的社区预防促进城市社会稳定的观点。

    Based on its analysis of the social problems arising in city in the transitional period of the society , the essay puts forward the view of taking community development as the impetus and promoting the social stability in the city through vigorous community prevention .

  7. 1980年代以来英美城市社会极化问题及其研究

    Urban Social Polarization and Its Studies on Anglo-American Societies Since 1980s

  8. 矿业城市社会学问题有其深刻的资源经济学根源。

    The mining city sociology problem has its the deep resources economics source .

  9. 西宁市流动人口的调查与城市社会融合问题研究

    On the Mobile Population in Xining City and the Integration of Urban Society

  10. 钢铁厂关闭后城市的社会问题加剧了。

    Social oroblems have been escalating in the town since the steel works closed .

  11. 1980年以来欧美国家应对城市社会分化问题的社会与空间政策述评

    Comparing Responses to Urban Social Division : European and American Socio-spatial Policies since 1980s

  12. 大城市社会服务问题区域间专题讨论会

    Interregional Symposium on Social Services in Major Cities

  13. 这一数量巨大的未成年群体的城市社会适应问题引起了政府、学界和社会的广泛关注。

    The problem of how the huge number of children among the transient population adapt to urban society attracted widespread attention of the government , academia and society .

  14. 以往,我国学术界对城市社会保障问题关注、研究得比较多,而对农村社会保障问题则重视不够,研究得很不深入。

    Our academic circles used to take more consideration of the urban areas than the rural areas so that the rural areas have received less and superficial research .

  15. 为解决紧迫的城市社会发展问题,国家推动社区建设,并试图通过社区建设实验,探索新型的城市管理体制。

    To solve the urgent problem of society development in the cities , the state promotes community construction , and attempts to probe into a new urban management system through the community construction experiment .

  16. 城市残疾人社会救助问题研究&以贵阳市为个案

    A Study of the Social Relief to the Disabled in Cities

  17. 城市的经济社会问题与城市化战略的调整

    The issues on the economy and the society and the adjustment to the urbanization strategy

  18. 犯罪是当代城市最大的社会问题,对犯罪实施有效的空间防控是解决城市犯罪问题的重要途径。

    A serious social problem in modern cities , urban crime problem , has a very strong spatial background .

  19. 再通过税收分享,解决中心城市的经济社会问题,从而改善整个大都市区的投资环境,促进区域经济的健康发展。

    On the other hand , metropolitan government could dispose of economic-social problems in central cities by using tax sharing tool , improve investment environment and promote regional economy .

  20. 城市社会弱势群体居住问题研究

    Study on Dwelling Problem of Social Vulnerable Groups in Urban

  21. 我国城市农民工社会保障缺失问题探析

    Analysis on Social Security Default to Our Country 's City-farmer-laborers

  22. 农民工在城市社会的融合度问题

    The Incorporation of Migrant Workers in the Urban Society

  23. 社会转型期城市弱势群体社会保障问题探索

    Approach on Social Security of lower-status Mass During the Period of the Society Transmission

  24. 中国西部地区城市贫困与社会稳定问题探析

    Urban Poverty and Social Stability in West China

  25. 我国城市流动穆斯林社会适应问题研究&以南京和西安为例

    Comparative Study on Social Adaptation of Migrant Muslim & Based on the Survey in Nanjing and Xi'an

  26. 随着社会的进步和社会主义和谐社会的建设,城市农民工人社会保障问题正得到越来越多人的关注。

    With the progressing of the society and the construction of socialist harmonious society , more and more people are concerned about the social security of urban migrant workers .

  27. 结合我国城市社会发展的现实问题和城市规划的特点,在对城市规划领域社会研究现状进行分析的基础上,提出了中国城市规划当前应关注的社会课题。

    Based on the analysis of China 's social study in urban planning circles and connected with the problems in China 's urban social development and the characteristics of urban planning , the paper proposes the social topics should be focused and researched in urban planning domain .

  28. 城市伦理研究城市社会的道德问题。

    Urban ethics studies moral problems about the urban society .

  29. 创新型城市概念的提出成为了解决各国城市社会问题的一种选择。

    The concept of the " innovative city " is an option to solve modern urban social problems .

  30. 本文针对我国城市化面临的农业和城市社会经济生态问题,根据城市和农业的特点,以理论推演和实证分析相结合的方式,分析论证了城市农业的需求和供给基础。

    According to the problems in agricultural and urban economy in the process of China 's urbanization , this paper analyzed the demand and supply of urban agriculture through the theoretical and positive study .